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    • 1、Job Analysis, 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.,42,The Nature of Job Analysis,Job analysis The procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it. Job description A list of a jobs duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships, working conditions, and supervisory responsibilitiesone product of a job analysis. Job specifications A list of a jobs “human requirements,” that is, the requisite education, skills, persona

      2、lity, and so onanother product of a job analysis., 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.,43,Types of Information Collected,Work activities Human behaviors Machines, tools, equipment, and work aids Performance standards Job context Human requirements, 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.,44,Uses of Job Analysis Information,Recruitment and Selection Compensation Performance Appraisal Training Discovering Unassigned Duties EEO Compliance, 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.,

      3、45,Uses of Job Analysis Information,Figure 41, 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.,46,Steps in Job Analysis,Step 1: Decide how youll use the information. Step 2: Review relevant background information. Step 3: Select representative positions. Step 4: Actually analyze the job. Step 5: Verify the job analysis information. Step 6: Develop a job description and job specification., 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.,47,Charting the Organization,Organization chart A chart that shows

      4、 the organizationwide distribution of work, with titles of each position and interconnecting lines that show who reports to and communicates to whom. Process chart A work flow chart that shows the flow of inputs to and outputs from a particular job., 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.,48,Process Chart for Analyzing a Jobs Workflow,Figure 42, 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.,49,Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information: The Interview,Information sources Individual emplo

      5、yees Groups of employees Supervisors with knowledge of the job Advantages Quick, direct way to find overlooked information. Disadvantages Distorted information,Interview formats Structured (Checklist) Unstructured, 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.,410,Interview Guidelines,The job analyst and supervisor should work together to identify the workers who know the job best. Quickly establish rapport with the interviewee. Follow a structured guide or checklist, one that lists open-ended qu

      6、estions and provides space for answers. Ask the worker to list his or her duties in order of importance and frequency of occurrence. After completing the interview, review and verify the data., 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.,411,Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information: Questionnaires,Information source Have employees fill out questionnaires to describe their job-related duties and responsibilities. Questionnaire formats Structured checklists Opened-ended questions,Advantages

      7、 Quick and efficient way to gather information from large numbers of employees Disadvantages Expense and time consumed in preparing and testing the questionnaire, 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.,412,Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information: Observation,Information source Observing and noting the physical activities of employees as they go about their jobs.,Advantages Provides first-hand information Reduces distortion of information Disadvantages Time consuming Difficulty in ca

      8、pturing entire job cycle Of little use if job involves a high level of mental activity., 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.,413,Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information: Participant Diary/Logs,Information source Workers keep a chronological diary/ log of what they do and the time spent in each activity.,Advantages Produces a more complete picture of the job Employee participation Disadvantages Distortion of information Depends upon employees to accurately recall their activities,

      9、 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.,414,Quantitative Job Analysis Techniques,The position analysis questionnaire (PAQ) A questionnaire used to collect quantifiable data concerning the duties and responsibilities of various jobs. The Department of Labor (DOL) procedure A standardized method by which different jobs can be quantitatively rated, classified, and compared. Functional job analysis Takes into account the extent to which instructions, reasoning, judgment, and mathematical and verbal ability are necessary for performing job tasks., 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.,415,Sample Report Based on Department of Labor Job Analysis Technique,Figure 46, 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.,416,Writing Job Descriptions,A job description A written statement of what the worker actually does, how he or she does it, and what the jobs working conditions are. Sections of a typical job description Job identification Job summary


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