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    • 1、EMAKINA Buzz Marketing & Viral Strategies and,Strategies Emakina Academy,Buzz Marketing,朝阳治疗宫颈糜烂最好的医院 北京京爱医院 http:/ Le Blvennec,President Emakina,About Emakina,Emakina is the leading independent Belgian web agency.,We offer the following integrated services,creative consultancy and graphic design web development and IT integration e-business and strategic consultancy marketing communication services,With an award-winning team of over +80 web experts, Emakina delivers state-of-the-art projects.,S

      2、ome Emakina Customers,Selected Cases,Viral Buzz,Volkswagen New Beetle Volkswagen Polo Fox Proximus Vodafone live! Ugly Duck Proximus 3G Sprite Light Goblin + Goblin Blog Jean Paul Gaultier,! ! ! ! !,! ! ! ! ! !,Todays topic,“Viral marketing is like,succeeding in Hollywood: every actor wants to do it, only a few succeed.”,Case Studies,Volkswagen Beetle Volkswagen Polo Fox,Buzz, A low, vibrating sound, A particularly intense kind of Word of mouth,Buzz Marketing,A term used in the marketing industr

      3、y to,describe activities that companies undertake to generate favorable word of mouth publicity about products and services,Initial Briefing,Make some animation on the vw.be website to relaunch New Beetle Cabrio mini-site before the summer,The Idea,Benefit from the notoriety of the “Yeti“ game which was one of the largest buzz on the Internet in 2004,The Concept,The goal is not directly hit the target,but rather to create a rumor that can reach to the target,The Storyline, The New Beetle Cabrio,

      4、assists the penguins martyrized by the Yeti, New Beetle Cabrio saves,them and makes them,rebounding on its capotte to the sea, Positive wink ;-),The Game, Basic arcade game,easy to understand, The more you make rebounds with penguins, the more you get points The more you save,penguins, the more you get big points,The Game, The game stops after,having let 4 penguins falling on the floor or if you send your car to water,Design Approach, Cartoon design Fresh interface,Excite the Players,At the end

      5、of each part, the player will have the possibility to send by email a certificate (HTML format) attesting that he saved a certain amount of penguins,Excite the Players,At the bottom of the certificate the address of the game with an invitation: “Defy your friends by sending them the address of the game!“.,Excite the Players,A permanent table of high scores is posted on the first screen of the game in order to stimulate the challenge,Demo,A Few Figures, 5.000 monthly single visits on the mini sit

      6、e,before the game was launched, 130.000 single visits on the mini site,the month the game was launched, 12.000 monthly single visits,on the new beetle cabrio mini site today., 75.000 players have already registered,their email address !,Campaign Appreciation, Low cost promotion !, Email sent to the 40.000 registered users,of the VW e-News (www.vw.be/enews/), Bannering on the www.vw.be home page Bannering on “Play the Game“ site Emailing via “Play the Game“ list, Word of mouth did the rest! What

      7、a buzz!,New Buzz Campaign in May 2005, Volkswagen launch new Polo Fox, 3 week prelaunch buzz & blog marketing campaign http:/www.tonysheraton.be, 2 month activation (interactive video) on Volkswagen website http:/www.vw.be,Tony Sheraton Chain mail,Message:,Hi Fred,You told me once that I could count on you if I needed,some help,Well, I think I getting where I want; Im at the top!,Im in super-form and my artistic feeling has never been,better!,Could you ask the people you know if they have a job

      8、for,me? That would be super!,I also have a website http:/www.tonysheraton.be where,The first presence on MSN was with a simple,text link on the,homepage,Then, on the Hotmail site,Then, within the,Messenger window,On Skynet, there were,three different places, all,on the homepage,2. Teasing phase Creative concept Campaign map, ,Creatives Viral effort Results,2. Teasing phase: viral effort,Broadcast to different e-mailings lists:,“Brice site of the day” Other Emakina opt-in lists,.,.,2. Teasing pha

      9、se: viral effort Research network: Find first echelon of target traffic sites: write the editorials & directly access the videos Forums: Studiant.be, Skynet forums, blogs Funny sites: pureesoiree.be, zattevrienden.be Find second echelon: sites that help people to find the promotional material & increase references,FR (80-sites) drole-,NL (70-sites) 1001moppen.be bigfun.be ,EN (50-sites) ,zone-,,unoriginal.co.uk workcanwait.co.uk, ,studiant.be supergame.be,,2. Teasing phase: viral effort Create site accounts and start posting:,http:/www.zattevrienden.be http:/www.pureesoiree.be http:/ http:/www


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