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    • 1、Project Management,Project Planning Jiwei Ma,Project Planning,Concept of project planning Project phases and project planning Planning of project objectives Planning of project implementation Project scheduling methods and tools,Project Planning,Project planning is the initial effort and on-going duty of project leaders to answer the following questions: Where to go and when to get there? The target How to get there? The roadmap Who should join? The project team What can help? The methods and to

      2、ols ,Project Phases and Project Planning,Design/Planning,Execution,Operation,Closeout,Decision Making,Project Planning,Project Control,100%,95%,75%,35%,10%,25%,1/4,3/4,1/2,Influence on Project Cost,Completion,Design Preparation,Preliminary Design,Design Development,Construction Document 1,Construction Document 2,Construction,Rest of Design Job,Design,Bidding/Tendering,Change Order,The Importance of Project Planning in Construction,Planning of Project Objectives,Function/Quality Functional analys

      3、is and quality specification Cost Cost estimating Time Scheduling,Planning of Project Objectives,Functional analysis and quality specification Functional analysis Overall quality requirement Project major component quality specification Project quality manual,Phase and Planning of Quality Objective,Design Preparation,Design,Construction,Startup,Warrantee,Decision Making,Project Proposal,Feasibility Study,Design Specification,Preliminary Design,Design Development,Construction Document,Constructio

      4、n,Acceptance,Functional Analysis,Overall Quality Requirement,Major Component/System Quality Specification,Quality Manual,Planning of Project Objectives,Cost Fee structure Hard cost Soft cost Overhead Project structure Project cost structure will be the mixture of fee structure and project structure,Cost Structure,+,Planning of Project Objectives,Cost Project Cost Plan (fund allocation) Preliminary cost estimating Based on the rule of thumb Detailed cost estimating Based on the cost (market price

      5、) of labor, material, equipment, etc. The later the cost estimate has been done, the more accurate it will be.,Project Phases and Project Planning,Design/Planning,Execution,Operation,Closeout,Decision Making,Project Cost Plan,Preliminary Cost Estimating,Detailed Cost Estimating,Accuracy of Construction Project Cost Estimating,Initial Investment Intention,Investment Plan,Preliminary cost estimate,Cost estimate,Bidding price,Contract price,Final cost,Accounting,Project cost plan,Design Preparation

      6、,Design,Construction,Startup,Warrantee,Decision Making,Planning of Project Objectives,Scheduling Start and finish dates Dates of project milestones Dates of project activities Scheduling method Project start and finish dates Usually predetermined Milestones Predetermined or based on calculation Activities Duration quoted, or calculated, or assessed Bar chart is the most popular format to present a project schedule,Planning of Project Objectives,Procedure of scheduling To prepare a list of activi

      7、ties with expected duration To sequence the activities To produce the schedule To achieve the earliest completion date To fit within the predetermined start and finish dates, and adjust the schedule if not meet the requirement,Planning of Project Implementation,Planning of project process Planning of project organization Planning of project contract,Planning of Project Process,Planning of project process Programming principles Focus on the logic sequence of project activities and its overall imp

      8、act on project output Consider the project participants and their functionalities Analyze the environmental restraints and resource availabilities Aimed on the efficiency and flexibility of project implementation process A network diagram is often used to illustrate the project process A multi-level network diagram may be needed for a complex project or multi- project program,Multi-level Network Diagram,Planning of Project Process,Procedure of Programming To collect project information regarding

      9、 objectives, structure, participants, procedure, etc. To collect project-related information, such as restraints, resource availabilities, etc. To analyze collected information and identify major factors and critical conditions To prepare the list of activities along with their duration and logic sequence information To draft the program which takes account of those factors and satisfies the critical conditions,Planning of Project Process,Procedure of Programming To optimize the program to level the resource input and minimize the negative impact To chose the form to present the program,Planning of Project Organization,Principles Based on the nature of the project Consider the project tasks and project participants functionalities Take account of the feature of project process and task sequences Be responsive to environmental situation A project organization chart is often used to illustrate


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