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  • 卖家[上传人]:繁星
  • 文档编号:88145353
  • 上传时间:2019-04-19
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    • 1、西部地区社区乡镇图书馆与区域内地方院校图书馆合作路向研究,甘肃天水师范学院图书馆 张文超 2010.6,Cooperation between Rural Libraries and Academic Libraries in Rural Western China,Tianshui Normal College Libray Wenchao Zhang June 2010,当前,西部地区的许多社区乡镇图书馆,正在寻求社会各界的帮助和支持,以期走出资金、人员、技术等方面的困境;而许多地方院校图书馆也欲冲破行政归属的藩篱,向社区群众开放,为社区居民服务。,At present, many rural libraries in rural western China are seeking assistance and support from all social circles, in order to get out of difficulties about funds, personnel, technology and other aspects; while many loc

      2、al academic libraries are also trying to open to community people and serve community residents.,对此,社区乡镇图书馆与地方院校图书馆需要找到一个融合点,以达到服务基层、互惠互利、双方共赢的合作目的,使当前正在建设或已经建成的社区乡镇图书馆很好的解决可持续性发展中存在的困难。,In this case, the rural libraries and the local academic libraries need to find a fusion point in order to achieve the goal of serving grass-roots, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation of the two sides, so that the rural libraries under construction or already built can solve difficulties in sustainable develo

      3、pment.,本研究正想通过探讨西部社区乡镇图书馆与地方院校图书馆合作的主要领域及途径,以解决现实工作中存在的问题。,The research is to solve problems in reality through discussing major areas and the ways of cooperation between western rural libraries and the local academic libraries.,内容概要,西部基层图书馆建设的背景和现状 西部基层图书馆发展中存在的问题 解决西部基层图书馆发展中问题的思路,content outline,Background and current situation of construction of the grass-root libraries in the western region Existing problems in the development of grass-root libraries in the western region a train of thought

      4、 solution the problems,一、西部基层图书馆建设和发展的背景及现状,1. Background and current situation of construction of the grass-root libraries in the western region,党中央、国务院制定了一系列构建社会主义公共文化服务体系的政策。 有关部委和各省(直辖市、自治区)也出台了具体的发展规划、实施方案和督察措施等建设方面的相关制度。,The State Council drawed up a series of policies to formulate socialist public cultural service system. Relevant ministries and the provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) also issued detailed systems about constructing development plan, implementation plan and s

      5、upervisory measures.,西部基层图书馆建设和发展的背景及现状,基层图书馆基层文化服务体系的建设和发展已引起业界前所未有的高度关注,县以下各种类型图书馆的建设和发展迎来了难得的发展机遇。 构建“普遍均等”、“惠及全民”的社会主义文化服务体系、促进区域性的文献资源共建共享,更好地服务区域内的各类读者。,cultural service system construction and development of grass-root libraries have caused great concern in the industry than ever, all types of libraries below the county level have welcomed a rare development opportunity . Constructing the socialist cultural service system of “universal equality ” and “benefit all” , promoting regional res

      6、ources sharing, better serving all kinds of readers in the region .,二、西部基层图书馆发展中存在的问题,2.Existing problems in the development of the primary-level library in the western region,西部基层图书馆发展中存在的问题,西部地区的县级以下基层组织由于缺乏政策引导,缺少经费支持,地方政府官员缺乏创新意识,居民(村民)缺乏信息需求,社区、乡镇的图书馆建设处于低速发展状态 。,western rural libraries constructing below the county level develop at a low speed : lack of policy guidance , fund support ,creation and information requirement,有些社区虽然建起了文化站、图书室、新型“农家书屋”,但是,依然存在建设主体不明确、整体发展不均衡、管理模式不统一,读者服务水平不高、可持续

      7、发展能力欠缺等问题,导致县以下基层图书馆的发展前景不容乐观 。,Although some communities have built cultural centers, libraries, new “Farm House“ ,the development prospects of the grass-root libraries below county level is not optimistic: the principal parts of construction is not clear; the overall development is not balanced; management pattern is not uniform; the readers service level is not high; lack of capacity for sustainable development issues,三、解决西部基层图书馆发展中问题的思路 (一)西部基层图书馆应积极加入本地图书馆合作组织 (二)组织馆员到地方院校图书馆进行业务培训或进修深造 (三)

      8、与院校图书馆合作做好区域内读者的信息素质教育和终身学习习惯的培养 (四)社区、乡镇图书馆与院校图书馆进行项目合作,3.a train of thought Solution the problems (a) the grass-root libraries in the western region should actively join the local libraries cooperation organization. (b) organize library librarians to local libraries for business training or advanced studies (c) work special hard on the readers information quality education and lifelong learning habits with the help of local academic libraries (d) project cooperation among rural libraries and a

      9、cademic libraries,(一)西部基层图书馆应积极加入本地图书馆合作组织,加入当地图书馆学会或协会 加入区域性的图书馆联盟 进行网络信息服务合作,1.the grass-root libraries in the western region should actively join the local libraries cooperation organization,Join the local library or associations Join the regional library consortia Cooperation on the network information service,(二)组织馆员到地方院校图书馆进行业务培训或进修深造,选择本地较好的高校图书馆进行业务考察和短期交流 选择有实力的高校图书馆作为社区乡镇图书馆馆员继续教育的合作机构 通过高校图书馆在该校毕业生中培养或选择馆员,2.organizing library librarians to local libraries for business training or advanced studies,choose the better local academic libraries for business trips and short-term exchange choose academic libraries with strength as cooperation institutions for rural librarians advanced education train school graduates or select librarians from the academic libraries,(三)与院校图书馆合作做好区域内读者的信息素质教育和终身学习习惯的培养,呼吁高校图书馆加强培养在校学生的信息素质 联合院校图书馆为校友终身学习提供服务 学习院校图书馆经验,重视对读者的引导、教育和宣传工作,3. work special hard on the readers information quality education and lifelong learning habits with t


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