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    • 1、课时训练(十四)Unit6(八下)(限时:30分钟).单项选择1.is necessary for you to start training a few months before the walk.A.ThisB.ThatC.WhatD.It2.Its really him to drive after drinking so much wine.A.crazy ofB.gentle ofC.brave for D.wise for3.It is kind you to do some voluntary work for the Special Olympics World Games.I think it is meaningful me to be able to help others.A.of; forB.for; ofC.of; ofD.for; for4.When summer comes, a lot of people feel like to have fun.A.to swimB.swimC.swimmingD.have swum5.Youre not goo

      2、d at English, but you cant .A.give it up B.put it up C.take it upD.get it up6.Lin Tao took part in yesterdays swimming match and he won first . We were all happy to hear that.A.prizeB.proudC.praiseD.pride7.Simons idea is Sandys. They dont agree with each other.A.different fromB.similar toC.as good asD.the same as8.We clean water, food and education poor children.A.provide; toB.provides; forC.provide; for D.provide; with9.They have some trouble this problem. They need their teachers help.A.solveB

      3、.solvingC.to solveD.solves10.2018南京 Amazingly, Ive managed to finish the project by myself. I told you it was easy.A.With pleasure.B.Guess what?C.There you are!D.It doesnt matter.2018南充完形填空Bags of LoveLast year, I worked in a middle school near my mothers house, and I stayed with her for a month. During that time, I helped her do some housework and buy some11.After the first week, I noticed that the food was12 very quickly. Then I began keeping an eye on my mum. To my 13, I found that she would

      4、put some of the food into a paper14 and go out with it at about nine every morning. And finally, I decided to15 her. I saw her taking the food to the street16. She would also17 a lot of time talking and playing with them.One day, I talked to a neighbour and found out that my mum was18 in the area. The children were very friendly with her and even thought of her as their own 19. Then it hit mewhy wouldnt she want to tell me about it? Was she worried that I would stop buying food20 I found out?Whe

      5、n my mum got home, I gave her a big hug. I told her she didnt need to keep it a21 from me. And she told me something about the children. Some of them lived with an old lady in a small house. Others22 on the street. For years, she was helping the poor street children by giving them food. After she told me everything, I was so 23 by how selfless(无私的) she was. She helped others in need. As her son, I was so 24 of my mum.I25 to buy food for my mum after that. But I always added one more bag for her

      6、other children.11.A.drinksB.clothesC.foodD.fruit12.A.cleared outB.sold outC.thrown awayD.eaten up13.A.surpriseB.joyC.disappointmentD.sadness14.A.bagB.boxC.easeD.basket15.A.seeB.callC.followD.catch16.A.pupilsB.childrenC.dogsD.villagers17.A.takeB.payC.costD.spend18.A.boredB.well-knownC.interestedD.relaxed19.A.motherB.teacherC.sisterD.friend20.A.althoughB.unlessC.ifD.before 21.A.secretB.challengeC.jokeD.present22.A.playedB.ranC.criedD.slept23.A.angryB.movedC.disappointedD.worried 24.A.surprisedB.ti

      7、redC.afraidD.proud 25.A.stoppedB.refusedC.continuedD.hated.阅读理解In 1638,John Harvard donated some money and about four hundred books to a new university.This was the beginning of the library at Harvard University. The gift was so important that the university was named for John Harvard.Thomas Bray began the first free lending library in the late 1600s. He set up more than 30 libraries in the American colonies.However, the idea for this kind of free lending library ended when Bray died in 1730. In

      8、 1731,Benjamin Franklin and some friends started the first subscription library in the United States. In a subscription library people pay a little money to become members, but they may borrow the books without paying again.In the United States, every child had a free education.This idea soon led to free libraries. One of the first libraries that used tax money to buy books was a library in Peterborough, New Hampshire.This library was set up in 1833.26.The main idea of Paragraph 2 is .A.Franklin

      9、 started the first subscription libraryB.in a subscription library people pay money to become membersC.Bray and Franklin were important in the history of public librariesD.Bray died in 1730 and Franklin died in 183327.The underlined word “borrow” in Paragraph 2 means .A.read and write with no help from another personB.use for a short time and then returnC.like very muchD.lend28.The passage does not say it, but we can guess that .A.there were free schools in the United States before there were free librariesB.free schools and free libraries in the United States began at about the same timeC.the library in New Hampshire als


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