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    • 1、课时训练(二十三)Unit7(九上)(限时:30分钟).单项选择1.2018本溪 Kevin became a volunteer to save endangered animals he had no such experience.A.becauseB.ifC.thoughD.until2.More and more Americans begin to learn Chinese they can learn about China better.A.in order toB.so thatC.because ofD.such that3.The driver hurt the girl badly she had to see a doctor.A.so; thatB.enough; toC.too; toD.such; that4.It is that I would like to go to the beach.A.such nice weatherB.so nice a weather C.such a nice weather D.so nice weather5.

      2、Mike, have you ever been to the Water Park with your sister? of us has. But we plan to go there together this weekend.A.NeitherB.NoneC.AllD.Both6.Jackie Chan by many people a film superstar.A.considers; as B.considered; forC.is considered; asD.was considered; of7.What do you think protect our environment?A.should we doB.we should doC.should we do toD.we should do to8.Do you know when the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation?A.will be set upB.set upC.was set upD.sets up9.Linda was very sad because h

      3、er grandmother in hospital last night. A.gave away B.went awayC.passed awayD.took away10.I will take an important test tomorrow. Oh, really? A.Good luck!B.Congratulations!C.Well done!D.What a pity!.2018黔南阅读理解Stephen Hawking died at the age of 76 on March 14,2018.Hawking is known as the most famous physicist(物理学家) after Einstein.Hawking was born in Oxford, England, on January 8,1942.During his life, he married twice, and had three children. When he was a kid, Hawking went to school in St. Albansa

      4、 small city near London. Although he did well, he was never top of his class. After leaving high school, Hawking went first to Oxford University to study physics, and then he went to Cambridge University to study the universe(宇宙).At the age of twenty, Hawking started noticing that something was wrong with him. Later, he went to the hospital and doctors said that he would die before he was 23.But Hawking didnt give up. In 1988, Hawking completed his book ABriefHistoryofTime. In the book, he talke

      5、d about many things, like the universe, the big bang(宇宙大爆炸) and the black hole.11.At which university did Hawking study physics?A.Oxford University.B.St. Albans University.C.Cambridge University. D.London University.12.Hawking first felt there was something wrong with his body when he was .A.25B.23C.21D.2013.Hawkings book ABriefHistoryofTime talks about the following EXCEPT .A.the universeB.the big bangC.the black holeD.the history of science14.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Hawking was a

      6、very famous physicist.B.Hawking married but didnt have children.C.Hawking was born in Oxford, England in 1942.D.Doctors said Hawking would die before he was 23.15.The passage is mainly about.A.Hawkings lifeB.Hawkings studyC.why Hawking got illD.how Hawking became famous.任务型阅读阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空限填一词。Aamir Khan is an Indian film actor, director, and producer. Through his career in Hindi films, Khan has made himself as one of the most popular and influential actors of Indian cinema. He has won a g

      7、reat number of awards, including four National Film Awards and eight Filmfare Awards. He was honoured(授奖) twice by the Government of India, in 2003 and 2010.Khan first appeared on screen as a child actor in his uncles film. His first film role came with an experimental film in 1984, and he began a full-time acting career with a leading role in a tragic romance film in 1988. He acted so well in the film Raakh(灰飞烟灭) in 1989 that it earned(赢得) him a Special Mention at the National Film Award ceremo

      8、ny. He became one of the leading actors of Hindi cinema in the 1990s by appearing in several great films.In 2001, a production company was set up by Khan. The first film of the company, Lagaan(印度往事), was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film and earned him a National Film Award for Best Popular Film and two more Filmfare Awards. After a four-year absence from the screen, Khan continued to act leading roles. In 2007, the film TaareZameenPar(地球上的星星) directed by him is a success that earned him

      9、the Filmfare Awards for Best Film and Best Director. In addition to acting, Khan is a humanitarian and has taken part in and spoken out for all kinds of social causes. He has also hosted a television talk show, in which he pays attention to important social events in India. Aamir KhanKhans16. Khan is one of the most popular actors of Indian cinema. The awards he won 17. four National Film Awards and eight Filmfare Awards. The Indian Government honoured him twice.Being an actorKhan began to act in the film when he was a 18. Khan didnt work as a full-time actor 19. 1988. In the film Raakh, he won a Special Mention because of his excellent performance. In the 1990s, Khan


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