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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、Chapter 3 Analyzing the Marketing Environment 营销环境分析,Analyzing the Marketing Environment,The Companys Microenvironment The Companys Macroenvironemnt The Demographic Marketing Environment The Economic Environment The Natural Environment The Technological Environment The Political and Social Environment The Cultural Environment Responding to the Marketing Environment,Topic Outline,The Marketing Environment,Marketing Environment(市场营销环境) includes the actors and forces outside marketing that affect m

      2、arketing managements ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers. 市场营销环境由影响市场营销管理者与其目标顾客建立和维持稳固关系的能力的所有外部行为者和力量构成,Marketing Environment (营销环境),Microenvironment (微观环境),Macroenvironment (宏观环境),The Marketing Environment,Microenvironment(微观环境) consists of the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers, the company(公司), suppliers(供应商), marketing intermediaries(营销中介), customer markets (消费者), competitors(竞争者), and publics (公众),The Company

      3、s Microenvironment,Actors in the Microenvironment 微观环境的影响因素,The Companys Microenvironment,Top management Finance R&D Purchasing Operations Accounting,The Company 公司,The Companys Microenvironment,Provide the resources to produce goods and services Treat as partners to provide customer value,Suppliers 供应商,The Companys Microenvironment,Help the company to promote, sell and distribute its products to final buyers,Marketing Intermediaries 营销中介,The Companys Microenvironment,Types of Marketing Intermed

      4、iaries 营销中介类型,The Companys Microenvironment,Firms must gain strategic advantage by positioning their offerings against competitors offerings,Competitors 竞争对手,Budget competitors(预算竞争者) It is not only important to focus on your direct competitors, but also all marketers that target your customers and therefore compete with you for their income. Substitute competitors(替代品竞争者) Brand competitors(品牌竞争者) Direct competition(直接竞争者), category competition(品类竞争者),Competitors,The Companys Microenvironment,Pu

      5、blics 公众,Any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an organizations ability to achieve its objectives Financial publics(金融公众): which affect the companys ability to obtain funds, such as banks, investment companies and stockholders. Media publics(媒体公众): which carry news, features and editorial opinion for or against the company Government publics(政府公众) Citizen-action publics(民间团体公众): interest groups Local publics(社区公众) General publics(一般公众) (perceived image) Internal publ

      6、ics(内部公众): the companys employees and managers,The Companys Microenvironment,As we emphasized all time, customers are the most important actors in the companys microenvironment. Consumer markets Business markets Government markets International markets,Customers 消费者,Porters 5 Competitive Forces,New entrants,Suppliers,Substitutes,Buyers,Industry Competitors,Bargaining Power of Suppliers,Bargaining Power of Buyers,Threat of Substitutes,Threat of New Entrants,五力模型图,讨价还价能力,The Marketing Environment,

      7、Macroenvironment(宏观环境) consists of the forces that affect its ability in a larger environment, demography(人口统计), economic(经济), natural(自然), technological(技术), political(政治), and cultural (文化),The Companys Macroenvironment,The Companys Macroenvironment,Demography(人口统计): the study of human populations- size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupation, and other statistics Demographic environment(人口统计环境): involves people, and people make up markets Demographic trends(人口统计趋势): shifts in age, f

      8、amily structure, geographic population, educational characteristics, and population diversity,Demographic Environment,The Companys Macroenvironment,Changing age structure of the population Baby boomers(生育高峰一代) include people born between 1946 and 1964 Most affluent Americans,Demographic Environment,The Companys Macroenvironment,Generation X(X一代) includes people born between 1965 and 1976 High parental divorce rates Cautious economic outlook Less materialistic Family comes first,Demographic Envir

      9、onment,The Companys Macroenvironment,Millennials(千禧一代) (gen Y or echo boomers) include those born between 1977 and 2000 Comfortable with technology Tweens (ages 812) Teens (1319) Young adults (20s),Demographic Environment,The Companys Macroenvironment,Generational marketing(代营销) is important in segmenting people by lifestyle of life state instead of age,Demographic Environment,The Companys Macroenvironment,More people are: Divorcing or separating Choosing not to marry Choosing to marry later Marrying without intending to have children Increasing number of working women Increasing number of stay-at-home dads,Demographic Environment,The Companys Macroenvironment,Growth in U.S. West and South and decline in Midwest and Northeast Move from rural to metropolitan areas Change in where people work Telecommuting Home office,Demographic Environment,The Companys Macroenvironment,Changes in the Workforce More educated More white collar,Demographic Environm


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