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    • 1、Objectives,know definitions of communication identify the characteristics of communication identify ten components of communication master the general knowledge about the connection of culture and communication learn about the intercultural communication studies learn intercultural communication competences to understand the definition of cultural shock, its symptoms, causes and five stages to understand the definitions of cultural stereotype, its causes, effects, types and solutions to understa

      2、nd the four levels of intercultural awareness,1.1 Communication Defined,Communication means “sending, giving, or exchanging information, ideas, and etc.“ We “send, give, and exchange information“ every single day whether we are aware of it or not. Sometimes we communicate non-verbally, whereas other times we communicate verbally. (the Websters Dictionary),1.1 Communication Defined,Any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that persons needs, desires,

      3、perceptions, knowledge, or affective states. Communication may be intentional or unintentional, may involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or nonlinguistic forms, and may occur through spoken or other modes.,1.1 Communication Defined,交际是符号活动,它是一个动态多变的编译码过程,当交际者把意义赋予言语或非言语符号是,就产生了交际。交际受制于文化、心理等多种因素。交际不一定以主观意识为转移,可能是无意识的和无意向的活动。(贾玉新,1997:13),1.2 Characteristics of Communication,1.2.1 Communication is symbolic. Symbols are the main means for human communication. Verbal

      4、and nonverbal symbols.,1.2 Characteristics of Communication,1.2.2 Communication is dynamic. Communication is an ongoing activity.,1.2 Characteristics of Communication,1.2.3 Communication is irreversible “ Once the arrow has been shot it cannot be recalled”. (an Asian proverb) The words are spoken, and they cannot be unspoken.,1.2 Characteristics of Communication,1.2.4 Communication is systemic. Communication does not occur in isolation or in a vacuum, but rather is part of a larger system.,1.2 C

      5、haracteristics of Communication,1.2.4 Communication is systemic. Setting Dress, language, topic selection, and the like are all adapted to context. The rules for each context are culturally based.,1.2 Characteristics of Communication,1.2.4 Communication is systemic. Time Time influences communication and the use of it is culture-bound.,1.2 Characteristics of Communication,1.2.4 Communication is systemic. Number of people The number of people with whom affects the flow of communication.,1.2 Chara

      6、cteristics of Communication,1.2.5 Communication is self-reflective Just as we use symbols to reflect on what goes on outside of us, we also use them to reflect on ourselves.,1.2 Characteristics of Communication,1.2.6 Communication is transactional. A transactional view holds that communicators are simultaneously sending and receiving messages at every instant that they are involved in conversations.,1.2 Characteristics of Communication,1.2.7 Communication involves making inferences. Because ther

      7、e is no direct mind-to-mind contact between people, you cannot access the thoughts and feelings of other human beings but can only infer what they are experiencing.,1.3 Components of Communication,The source is the person with an idea he or she desires to communicate.,Encoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol.,The term message identifies the encoded thought.,The term channel is used technically to refer to the means by which the encoded message is transmitted.,Decoding is the oppo

      8、site process of encoding and just as much an active process.,The receiver is the person who attends to the message.,The term noise technically refers to anything that distorts the message the source encodes.,Feedback refers to that portion of the receiver response of which the source has knowledge and to which the source attends and assigns meaning.,Receiver response refers to anything the receiver does after having attended to and decoded the message.,2.1 Culture and Communication,Communication

      9、 is an element of culture, it has often been said that communication and culture are inseparable.,2.2 A Review of Intercultural Communication Study,2.2.1 Some Terms Interpersonal Communication Intracultural Communication Cross-cultural Communication Intercultural Communication Interregional Communication International Communication Interethnic Communication Interracial Communication,2.2 A Review of Intercultural Communication Study,2.2.2 International Communication as a Field of Study Background of Its Emergence Process of Its Development Model of Intercultural Communication (Please refer to the details on page 8-11 of the course book),2.3 Intercultural Communicative Competence,A modular framework of communicative competence for second and foreign language acquisition: grammatical competence sociolinguistic competence discourse competence strategic competence (Based on Canale Swain,


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