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    • 1、Module One知识清单,Words(知道汉语意思并会写列出的单词) 掌握下面单词的用法: face, range, situated, opposite, sign Phrases: in terms of, on the other hand, Sentences: 1. A is/ lies to/on/in +方位名词+ of+B A is situated/located to/on/in +方位名词+ of+B 3. 完全倒装: Between France and Spain is another mountain rangethe Pyrenees. Grammar: 现在时和过去式的被动语态; 主谓一致,Words,across face range situated symbol located project ancient opposite sign agreement feature produce boot continental landmark gallery architect sculpture birthplace civilisation w

      2、hereabouts govern head representative parliament region geographical,Words,across face range situated symbol located project ancient opposite sign agreement feature produce 横过;穿过 面对 山脉;范围 位于(某处)的 象征;符号 位于 计划;项目 古代的 在对面 签署 协议 特点 农产品,. 短语双语互译 1. 有史以来 _ 2. 自从一直 _ 3. 据; 依照 _ 4. 另一方面; 反过来说 _ 5. 一点点地; 逐渐地 _,of all time,ever since,in terms of,on the other hand,little by little,6. be situated/located in/on _ 7. because of _ 8. be known as _ 9. compared with _ 10. have control over _,位于, 坐落于,因为; 由于,作为而出名

      3、/闻名,与相比,控制,语境取词选用上面的单词或短语填空 The Great Wall, which _the “10, 000-li Great Wall”, runs _ North China like a huge dragon. It is a _ of the wisdom of the _ Chinese. Today it is being destroyed _, _ a dangerous _ . Luckily, the _ of our country has taken measures to protect it.,is known as,across,symbol,ancient,little by little,facing,situation,government,The gallery, _just _ the theatre, is the landmark of this city. _other constructions, it has some unique _ , and just _ this, it has been visited b

      4、y people _ it was completed 5 years ago.,situated/located/lying,opposite,Compared with,features,because of,ever since,. 句型超级仿写 1. 介词短语置于句首的倒装句 _ (在法国和西班牙之间是另一座山脉)the Pyrenees. 【仿写】广场中央耸立着一块纪念碑。 _,Between France and Spain is another mountain range,In the middle of the square stands a monument.,2. 过去分词作后置定语 Paris is the capital and largest city of France, _ (坐落在塞纳河畔). 【仿写】坐落在市中心的那座教堂建于1840年。 The temple, _, dates back to 1840.,situated on the River Seine,situated in the middle of the city,3. ever s

      5、ince作时间状语 Their work _(自从那 时起一直影响着其他作家). 【仿写】他三年前来到伦敦,此后就一直住在这里。 He came to London 3 years ago and _.,has influenced other writers ever since,has lived here ever since,5. 倍数+as. . . as. . . The expanded European Union has a population of more than half a billion people, _ _(是美国人口的两倍). 【仿写】这条新公路是旧公路的三倍宽。 This new highway is _the old one.,twice as big as the population of the United States,three times as wide as,【重点单词】 1. across prep. 横过;穿过;交叉;在另一边 adv. 横过;在另一边;宽 【填一填激活思维】句型转换。 The river is half a

      6、 mile wide. The river is half a mile _. 这条河有半英里宽。 Their house is just opposite ours. Their house is just _ _ ours.,across,across,from,【辨一辨明晰异同】,【看一看巧学助记】 形象记忆across/through/over The Great Wall winds its way from west to east, across the deserts, over the mountains, through the valleys, till at last it reaches the sea. 长城从西向东,跨过沙漠,越过高山,穿过深谷,蜿蜒而行,最后直达海边。,2. face vt. 面向;面对 n. 面孔 【填一填激活思维】 _ _ this situation they felt both joyful and fearful. = _ this situation they felt both joyful and fearful. 面对这

      7、样的形势, 他们感到既高兴又害怕。 The policeman showed great bravery _ _ _ _ danger. 那名警察面临危险时表现出大无畏精神。,Faced with,Facing,in the face of,【记一记构建知识】 face up to 敢于面对 be faced with 面对,面临 face the music 接受批评(或惩罚) face to face 面对面 in the face of 面对,3. range n. 山脉;范围;幅度 vt. 排列;变化;包括之间的各类事物 【填一填激活思维】 The company sells new cars with _ _ _ _prices. 该公司销售价格差异很大的各种新汽车。 The students in our class _ _ 16 _ 21 in age. 我们班学生的年龄从16岁到21岁不等。,a,wide,range,of,range,from/between,to/and,【记一记构建知识】 (1)a wide range of 大范围的;各种各样的 within r

      8、ange of. . . 在范围内;在射程之内 (2),在和之间变化,range from. . . to. . . range between. . . and. . .,【看一看巧学助记】,5. sign vt. 签署;签名;做手势;做记号 n. 记号,符号;招牌;迹象 【填一填激活思维】 He _ _ _ _ lower her voice. = He _ _ _ _ _ _ lower her voice. 他打手势要她把声音放低点。 Great wealth is not _ _ _ great intelligence. 巨大的财富并不是高度聪明的标志。,signed to her to,made/gave a sign to her to,a sign of,【记一记构建知识】 sign to sb. to do sth. 打手势让某人做某事 sign in/out 签到/签退 sign up 报名参加 a sign of. . . 的标志/迹象 make/give a sign to. . . 对做手势,*(2013北京高考)Her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three. 她妈妈在她三岁时让她报名参加了体操训练。 *For safety reasons, please sign in when you arrive at the building, and sign out when you leave. 基于安全考虑,请在抵达大楼时签到,离开时签退。,【看一看巧学助记】,【拓展延伸】 sign/symbol/signal/mark的区别,【核心短语】 6. in terms of据;依照;就而言;在方面;用的话


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