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    • 1、第九章 会展行业管理,一、国际会展业管理的主要模式,1、政府主导型 eg:德国、新加坡 2、市场主导型 eg:英国、法国 3、政府市场结合型 eg:香港、美国,二、政府的主要职能,1、制定会展业的相关法律、法规 2、支配使用政府的会展预算 3、组织国家展览,代表政府出席国际会展界的各种活动 4、规划、投资和管理会展基础设施,三、我国会展业的政府管理模式,1、会展审批制 展览审批制度效率低,使展览组织者缺乏灵活的应变机制 展览审批渠道多,造成重复办展 妨碍公平竞争,阻碍会展市场的培育 导致寻租现象的产生,三、我国会展业的政府管理模式,2、政府办展 阻碍会展市场的培育 非专业性 垄断性 地方主义性 成本高,效益差 不利于参展企业的发展,四、行业协会,1、性质 非营利性 民间性 自治性 自立 自主 自愿,四、行业协会,2、运作模式 横向运作模式企业推动型 纵向运作模式政府推动型 综合运作模式市场推动型,四、行业协会,3、职能 制定规则 行业监督 行业代表 行业统计 信息咨询 资质评估,四、行业协会,多方协调 提供培训,四、行业协会,4、国际知名的会展行业协会 1)国际会议协会ICCA Int

      2、ernational Congress & Convention Association 创建于1963年,总部荷兰阿姆斯特丹 成员包括PCO、旅行社、会议酒店、会展中心、航空公司、会议设施供应商等9类成员 使命:创建一个全球化的会议产业共同体,四、行业协会,About ICCA ICCA is the global community for the meetings industry, enabling its members to generate and maintain significant competitive advantage.,四、行业协会,ICCA was founded in 1963 by a group of travel agents. Their first and foremost aim was to evaluate practical ways to get the travel industry involved in the rapidly expanding market of international meetings and to

      3、exchange actual information related to their operations in this market. This initiative soon proved to have been taken at the right moment: the meeting industry expanded even more rapidly than foreseen. As a result of which candidates from all over the world applied for ICCA membership. Not only congress travel agents but representatives from all the various sectors of the meetings industry.,四、行业协会,ICCA now is one of the most prominent organizations in the world of international meetings. It is

      4、the only association that comprises a membership representing the main specialists in handling, transporting and accommodating international events.,四、行业协会,Why ICCA membership? Cost-effective way to win international association meetings business. Link up and do business on a truly senior and global networking platform representing all sectors of the meetings industry. Attend a strong, custom-designed education programme for senior industry practitioners.,四、行业协会,Promote your organization to the

      5、international meetings industry. Get access to valuable resources. Belong to a trade association that delivers creative solutions for each members unique meetings-related objectives. http:/ Union of International Associations 创建于1907年,总部比利时布鲁塞尔,是一个非政府、非营利性组织 使命:收集、研究和传播国际组织的会议信息 http:/www.uia.be/,四、行业协会,About UIA The Union of International Associations (UIA) is a research institute and documentation centre, based in Brussels. It was founded one hundred years ago, in 1907. Non-profit, apolitical,

      6、 independent, and non-governmental in nature, the UIA has been a pioneer in the research, monitoring and provision of information on international organizations, international associations and their global challenges since 1907.,四、行业协会,3)国际专业会议组织者协会IAPCO The International Association of Professional Congress Organizers 创建于1968年,总部英国伦敦,四、行业协会,What is IAPCO An IAPCO is a Professional Congress Organizer or Meeting Planner who administers and brings to fruition the organization of a congress, meetin

      7、g, event or convention in a professional manner. Such a professional manner will include timeliness, efficiency, financial responsibility and good management.,四、行业协会,IAPCOs Aims: IAPCO is committed to raising standards of service among its members and other sectors of the meetings industry by means of continuing education and interaction with other professionals.,四、行业协会,To further the recognition of the profession of the congress organizer. To further and maintain a high professional standard in

      8、 the organization and administration of congresses, conferences and other international and national meetings or special events. To undertake and promote the study of theoretical and practical aspects of international congresses.,四、行业协会,To undertake research work concerning all problems confronting professional organizers of international meetings and to seek and promote relevant solutions. To establish and maintain effective relations with other organizations concerned in any way with internati

      9、onal meetings. To develop a programme of educational courses through IAPCOs Training Academy. To offer a forum for PCOs.,四、行业协会,To encourage meetings convenors to seek the assistance of reputable PCOs. To provide members with opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences. http:/www.iapco.org/,四、行业协会,4)会议专业工作者国际联盟MPI Meeting Professional International 创建于1972年,总部美国达拉斯,四、行业协会,About MPI MPI, the meeting and event industrys largest and most vibrant global community, helps our members thrive by providing human connections to knowledge and ideas, relationships and marketplaces. MPI membership is comprised of more than 23,000 members worldwide.,四、行业协会,MPIs Mission To build a rich global meeting industry community. To make our members successful by building human connections through: - Knowledge/Ideas - Relationships - Marketplaces http:/www.mpiweb.org/,四、行业协会,5)全球展览业协会UFI The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry


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