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    • 1、书面表达说明文专题,文体透析: 说明文是阐述事物的特征、本质、性能、结构、用途或科学原理的一种文体。高考英语说明文内容集中在反映社会现象、介绍方位地点和指导如何做事情等方面,要求能够按照一定的说明顺序进行介绍和说明,以达到实际应用和交际的目的。,【写作任务】说明文,1. 格式: 写说明文宜采用三段式:第一段主要介绍要说明的对象及说明的目的;第二段说明事物的主要特征或做事情的方法步骤;第三段进行总结、概括。时态通常用一般现在时。同时需注意以下几个方面: .仔细审题:明确说明对象,抓住要说明的事物或事理的主要特征。,【写作任务】说明文,. 选择合理的说明顺序:比如时间、空间或逻辑顺序,分层次进行说明,注意条理清晰。 . 选择恰当的说明方法:比如定义、举例、比较和细节描述法等,来增加文彩。 . 语言:既要准确无误,又要浅显易懂。适当使用复杂句式,如定语从句、名词性从句、倒装句、强调句及非谓语动词等,以增强表达效果。,【写作任务】说明文,【 常用语句】,. The new gymnasium is located in /lies in the east of the city.,. Tibe

      2、t lies at an average of 4,000 meters above sea level.,. The small town covers an area of 5 square kilometers.,. Xinjiang takes up about on-sixth of our territory.,【 常用语句】,. The garden is 30 meters long and 20 meters wide.,. This city has a population of more than 1,000,000.,. Egypt is an Arabian country with a long history.,. The old town dates back to the late seventeenth century.,. With the development of society,heavy traffic has aroused great concern.,【写作任务】介绍海南岛,海南岛是中国的一颗明珠(peal)。根据以下提示,写一篇

      3、文章介绍海南岛。 .地理:位于中国南部,面积35,00多km2,中国第二大岛;.气候:热带气候(typical tropical climate),气温23-39,物种繁多并终年常绿,森林覆盖率达51%;.旅游:景色优美,空气新鲜,系著名旅游胜地,年游客量二百多万,著名景点-天涯海角(Ends of the Earth)。 注意:词数100左右,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,具体操作时应注意以下方面: 一.是布好局、谋好篇。动笔前,一定要根据表格的提示内容,先确定表达文章所需的体裁,然后根据所给题材确定文章的整体结构。 二.是确定写作要点。根据表格内容确定写作要点,尤其是自由发挥或谈感想的要点。全文最好以要点或短语形式列一个写作提纲,以便不遗漏要点。,【 审题谋篇】,1.确定文体:,2.主体时态:,作为说明文,在行文中要将事物、景点等用形象、生动的语言描绘出来,让所描写对象在读者脑海中形成一幅清晰的画面。,原则上多用一般现在时,但相对于给定时间,可就具体时态做必要调整。,【 审题谋篇】,海南岛的地理概况,海南岛的气候及海南岛的旅游。语言要求简明易懂、用词准确、富有吸引力。,4.内容要

      4、点:,以第三人称为主。,3. 主体人称:,【 遣词造句】,1.词汇:,. 位于南部:,lie in the south of,.第二大岛:,the second largest island,.植物种类繁多:,various plants on the island,.被覆盖,be covered with/by,. 一般表达:,.高级表达:,海南岛是中国的一颗明珠,位于中国南部,面积35,00多km2,是中国第二大岛。,Hainan Island is a pearl; it lies in the south of China; it is the second largest island in China; it has an area of over 35,00 square kilometers.,Hainan Island, a pearl lying in the south of China, is the second largest island in China with an area of over 35,00 square kilometers.,海南岛的

      5、人们可以享受典型的、宜人的热带气候,那里植被种类繁多并终年常绿。,. 一般表达:,People on Hainan Island can enjoy typical tropical climate. The climate is quite pleasant and makes various plants on the island stay green all the year round.,.高级表达:,People on Hainan Island can enjoy typical tropical climate, which is quite pleasant and makes various plants on the island stay green all the year round.,【 连句成篇】,Hainan Island, a pearl lying in the south of China, is the second largest island in China with an area of over 35,00 square kilome

      6、ters. People on Hainan Island can enjoy typical tropical climate, which is quite pleasant and makes various plants on the island stay green all the year round.,【 连句成篇】,The average temperature ranges between 23 and 39 and 51% of the island is covered by forests. The climate is so nice and the weather is so clear that every year, more than two million tourists come here to enjoy the beautiful scenery, fresh air and famous places of interests, among which Ends of the Earth is the most popular.,一家宾馆

      7、新开业,为吸引外国宾客, 希望在互连 网上进行宣传, 请你用英语为其写一篇文字介绍。 主要内容应包括: 1. 地点: 距白山入口处500米; 2. 房间及价格: 单人间(共20间),100元/天;双人间(共15间),150元/天,热水淋浴; 3. 餐饮: 餐厅(中西餐), 咖啡厅(茶,咖啡)。 4. 游泳池:全天免费开放。 5. 欢迎预定。 注意: 1. 词数100左右, 开头已写好; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,【写作任务】说明文,说明文类书面表达,Learn to write,meter(s) away from single/double room, hot showers,yuan for one night, book(预定), Chinese/western food, free of charge(免费), make oneself at home(宾至如归),reasonable(价格合理),抓准特征、说明到位; b.层次分明、条理清楚、内容连贯; c. 解析清楚、语言恰当、表达简单。,写作要求:,参考词汇:,说明文类书面表达,抓准特征、说明到位-欲对某一事物予

      8、以说明,首先要弄清从哪些方面来说明才能准确地反映被说明的事物。原文用: “Baishan Mountain Hotel is now open for business.” 开篇就介绍名为白山的宾馆开业了,比较到位。,Learn to write,b.层次分明、条理清楚、内容连贯-说明事物要注意条理,按一定顺序来说明。,说明文类书面表达,Learn to write,从上到下,从前到后,由外到里,由主到次, 或者按时间顺序来写。常用的顺序有时间、空间、逻辑顺序等。文章接下来就用: “Our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance to Baishan Mountain. It has20 single rooms and 15 double rooms, all with hot showers. A single room is 100 yuan and a double room 150 yuan for one night.” 介绍其地理位置、房间设置等相关信息。,说明文类书面表达,Learn to write,c. 解析清楚

      9、、语言恰当、表达简单-引用的数据要准确可靠,文字要简明扼要,一目了然。文章则用: “The hotel serves three meals a day and there are Chinese food and western food for you to choose from. You can also enjoy yourself at the caf drinking tea or coffee in the evening. ” 说明宾馆所提供的各种服务。,Welcome to Baishan Mountain Hotel Baishan Mountain Hotel is now open for business. Our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance to Baishan Mountain. It has20 single rooms and 15 double rooms, all with hot showers. A single room is 100 yuan and a double room 150 yuan for one night.,参考范文,You are advised to book in advance. the hotel serves three meals a day and there are Chinese food and western food for you to choose from. You can also enjoy yourself at the caf drinking tea or coffee in the evening. We also have a swimming pool ,which is open all day and free of charge. All are welcome!,1. 所用时态:说明文中的主要时态通常为一般现在时,涉及到其它时态时,应依据内容、情景做出准确选择。,知识拓展,Extension,2.写作范围-常见的自我介绍,人物、场所介绍知识简介,


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