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    • 1、Unit1 Tales of the unexplained,Module2,This is a very popular TV play. The man in the play comes from _(外太空), who can move _ _(以惊人的速度).,outer space,with amazing speed,This is a famous movie. The main character is a(n) _(外星人). Some people believe that there is a possibility that life _(存在) on other planets.,alien,exists,Have you ever visited the Great Wall? No one knows how the _(祖先) transported the stones without any modern technology. It is still a(n) _(无法 解释的) tale.,ancestors,unexplained,enthu

      2、siastic _ appropriate _ incident _ journalist _ injury _ mystery _ humor _ detective _ strength _ existence _ award _ disappear _ assume _ occur _ dismiss _ witness _ convince _ organize _ length _ support _,lets do a quiz!,幽默 n.,伤害 v./n.,发生的事 n.,奖品,奖励 n.,长度 n.,不予考虑,解雇 v.,假定,认为 v.,力量 n.,使相信 v.,热情的 adj.,适当的 adj.,记者 n.,神秘 n.,侦探 n.,存在 n.,消失 v.,发生 v.,目击者,见证 v/n.,组织 v.,支持 v/n.,enthusiastic _ appropriate _ incident _ journalist _ injury _ mystery _ humor _ detective _ strength _ existence _ award _ di

      3、sappear _ assume _ occur _ dismiss _ witness _ convince _ organize _ length _ support _,lets do a quiz!,幽默 n.,伤害 v./n.,发生的事 n.,奖品,奖励 n.,长度 n.,不予考虑,解雇 v.,假定,认为 v.,力量 n.,使相信 v.,热情的 adj.,适当的 adj.,记者 n.,神秘 n.,侦探 n.,存在 n.,消失 v.,发生 v.,目击者,见证 v/n.,组织 v.,支持 v/n.,enthusiastic incident injury humor strength award assume dismiss convince length,appropriate journalist mystery detective existence disappear occur witness organize support,1.加快,加紧 2.前往,到去 3. 出现,现身 4. 调查 5. 撞上,偶遇 6. 由于,因为 7.负责,掌管 8.许多,很多 9.放弃,st

      4、ep up,make ones way to,show up,look into,run into / come across,due to/ owing to /thanks to,take charge of/ be in charge of,dozens of / plenty of,give up,10. 追赶 11. 捡起 12. 梦想 13. 进入,踏上 14. 对进行研究 15. 以惊人的速度 16.与有联系 17.属于 18.与其说 倒不如说,run after,pick up,dream of,set foot on,do research on,with amazing speed,be connected with/ be linked to,belong to,more than,1. case n. 事例,案件,情形,例如: It is reported that the police will soon look into this case of the two missing children. 据报道,警察将很快开始调查这两个孩子 失踪的案件。,必记搭

      5、配: in this /that case 既然是这样/那样 in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 in no case 决不 in case(以防)万一,以免(接从句) in case of 假如,万一(接名词或短语),重点单词讲解,运用提升:,3.I guess weve already talked about this before but Ill ask you again just_ A . by nature B. in return C .in case D .by chance,_are you to leave your post. 在任何情况下你都不能离开你的岗位。,2. Be quiet _you should wake the baby. 安静些,免得把婴儿吵醒。,In no case,in no case位于句首时,句子需使用部分倒装。,in case,第二题的in case与第三题的in case有区别吗?,2. search (searches / searched / searched / searching) v . 搜查,搜寻 n . 找寻,

      6、搜寻,必记搭配: search sb. /sth. 直接在某人/某物上面找 in search of 寻找 search for sb. / sth. 寻找某人/某物 search sp. / sb. for sth. 在某人身上/某地寻找某物,例如:We used to search the hill for the spy. 我们过去常常在山上找特务。,运用提升: The police have _the thief for several days, and now they are _ the station. A .searched for; searching B .searched; searched C .searched for; searched for D.searched; searched for,Pay attention to the differences between “search sth” and “search for sth”.,3.convince vt. 使信服,使确信 convincing adj. 令人信服的 convinced ad

      7、j. 确信的,信服的,必记搭配: convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信 be convinced of / that 确信 convince sb. that-clause使某人相信 convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事,First of all, you must convince them that your idea is brilliant.,翻译:首先,你必须让他们知道你的主意很好。,你能想到其它表达“说服某人做某事”的结构吗?,拓展:,说服:persuade 的用法,persuade sb. (not) to do sth.,persuade sb. into/out of doing sth.,try to persuade/ advise sb. to do sth.,劝而服之,persuade sb. for doing sth.,My father_ my brother for driving but he wanted to pick _the knowledge of computer during his spare

      8、 time. A .advised ;up B . persuaded ; out C . intended ; up D . managed ; out,intend sb for doing sth. 打算让某人做某事,运用提升: 1.Stonehenge has attracted a lot of attention but nobody has come up with a _explanation as to who build it. A . puzzled B . convincing C . convinced D . puzzling 2._that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis, people are optimistic about the future of the country. A . Convincing B . Convinced C . To convince D . Having convinced,4. support vt. 支持;保护;养活;支援;赞助 n. 支持;支援;支撑物,必记搭配: support oneself 自力更生 support ones family 养家糊口 in support of 支持;赞同;维护 support with 扶着;用支撑,翻译:这些措施得到环保组织的大力支持。,The measures are strongly supported by environmental group.,运用提升: 1.When I was twenty, I had to drop


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