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高二英语课件:必修五 5-1(外研版)

  • 卖家[上传人]:ha****o
  • 文档编号:88124647
  • 上传时间:2019-04-19
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    • 1、外研版 高二年级 (必修5) Module 5,Reading,8,6,Contents,Introduction,Pre-reading,Skimming,Scanning,4,1,2,3,While-reading,Post-reading,Language points,7,Look at the photos. Say who the people are and which sports they play.,1. Do you like sports? 2. Which sports do you like most? 3. Can you name some different kinds of sports?,Lead-in,athletics,badminton,basketball,baseball,boxing,golf,table tennis,gymnastics,football,rugby,Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your favourite sport. Use the words be

      2、low.,What? Where? How often? How good? Whowith?,Reading: A Life in Sport,Li Ning,1. Can you give the names of sports? 2. What kind of sports do you like best? 3. What brand of sportswear are you wearing? 4. Who is the best gymnast in the 1980s? 5. How much do you know about Li Ning?,Pre-reading,Skimming,Li Ning was a great _ and now is a successful businessman. However, his goal was not to make money but to help young people to achieve their _.,gymnast,sporting ambitions,Scanning,Para 1. Li Ning

      3、s sports life was very successful.,Para 2 Li Ning launched a new brand of sportswear after he retired.,Read the passage to find out the topic sentence or summarize the main idea of each paragraph,Para 3 Several elements guaranteed Li Nings success.,Para 4 Li Ning products are very successful now.,Para 5 Li Ning decided to continue his work for sport.,1. Li Ning won six medals at the Angeles Olympics. 2. He was not happy with his results at the Seoul Olympics.,While-reading,Read the passage and c

      4、heck the true statements.,3. He got a new job working for Nike sportswear. 4. He chose the name of his sportswear company carefully. 5. Six Li Ning products are sold every minute. 6. Li Ning clothes are worn by the national teams of France and Italy.,7. In1991 he opened a school with Pele and Muhammad Ali. 8. He wants to help children become good at sport.,Read the text again and fill in the blanks.,3 gold medals,106 gold medals,Seoul Olympics,Detailed understanding,began a new career,sporting a

      5、mbitions,1999,national market,1. Which of the following was NOT a reason why Li Nings sports clothes sold well in the beginning? A. More young people had money to spend. B. The designs were attractive. C. The prices were lower. D. The company grew internationally.,Choose the best answer according to the text.,2. We can learn from the text that Li Ning, Pele and Muhammad _. A. began a new career after their retirement B. have worked for the United Nations C. are warm-hearted and helpful D. are op

      6、timistic about their future,1. Why did Li Ning start a sportswear company? Because he didnt forget his sporting background and wanted to compete with global giants like Nike and Adidas.,Post-reading,2. Why has he been successful? Because his sports clothes came onto the market at just the right time, and Li Nings designs were attractive but comparatively cheaper.,Fill in the blanks.,When Li Ning began as a businessman, he didnt forget his 1. _, so he decided to launch a 2. _ of sportswear. He ch

      7、ose his own name as the 3. _, and the bright red logo is 4. _ L and N. As soon as his sports clothes 5. _ the market, they were popular among the young people, because these designs were 6. _,sporting background,new brand,brand mark,made up of,came onto,attractive,and they were 7. _ than other better-known rivals. Now, the company has grown internationally. The Spanish and French gymnastics teams wear Li Ning clothes, while Italian designers are employed to 8. _. During the 2008 Olympics, Chines

      8、e athletes will be wearing Li Ning tracksuits.,cheaper,create new styles,Discussion:,1. What kind of person do you think Li Ning is? 2. What can you learn from him?,The Use of the Words,1. advantage 优势, 长处 take advantage of sth. 利用 He often takes advantage of her kindness and borrows money from her.他经常利用她的善良向她借钱。 have the advantage of 胜过,占优势 You have the advantage of me there. 在那点上你比我强。,to the advantage of sb. = to sbs advantage 对某人有利 It is to our advantage to recognize his characteristic. give

      9、sb. an advantage over 使某人在某方面有优势 Tom received a good education, which gave him an advantage over other boys.,2. guarantee + n. + to do sth. + that clause guarantee n. 抵押品, 担保 They guarantee this clock for a year. 这块表保修一年。 I guarantee to pay off his debt. =I guarantee that Ill pay off his debt.,guarantee from loss 保证某人不受损失 The boss guaranteed the workers from loss. 老板保证工人们不受损失。 Goods are sold with money-back guarantee. 出售商品, 质量不符, 保证退款。,He offered his house as a guarantee. 他用房子做担保。 3. score v. 得分, 赢得 n. 得分,成绩,二十 The score is 2 to 1. 比分是2比1。 There were three score of visitors waiting outside. 有60个来访者在外等候。,He tried his best to make a good score in the exam. 他尽力想在考试中得个高分。 4. declare sb. to be that clause declare war on/upon

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