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高二英语课件:必修五 1-3(外研版)

  • 卖家[上传人]:ha****o
  • 文档编号:88124575
  • 上传时间:2019-04-19
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:700.50KB
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    • 1、外研版 高二年级 (必修5) Module 1,Speaking & Writing & Cultural corner,British English,American English,World English,Speaking and writing Read the notes in part 1 and work in groups to decide which is the best variety of English to learn.,The Great Debate-Which English?,British English (add more information) The “original” variety of the language The language of Shakespeare and other great writers The BBC and many international newspapers use it,American English Most native speakers of English use an Ame

      2、rican variety. The variety most used in international business Most English language films are American.,World English neither American nor British English doesnt belong to one group of people.,Accent is not important if people understand each other. We need to communicate with non- native speakers as well as native speakers.,Divide the class into 3 groups and debate.,Group A: British English is the best variety to learn. Group B: American English is the best variety to learn. Group C: World Eng

      3、lish is the best variety to learn.,The Origin of Chinese What is Chinese? Varieties of Chinese,Read the paragraph in Part 3. Decide which is the best title? And Why?,Collect information about the 3 topics and write more paragraphs.,1. The Writing System About 50,000 characters/ most people know about 20,000/ elements of meaning and information about pronunciation/,2. Varieties of Chinese 8 main varieties/ called dialects/ Wen yan and Baihua/ Putonghua-simplified Chinese 3. The Language Today Pin

      4、yin, a writing system since 1958/ help to use Putonghua,Noah Webster Born: October 16, 1758 Place: Hartford, Connecticut Died: May 28, 1848 Place: New Haven, Connecticut,Do you know this man?,Cultural corner,Noah Webster was a truly remarkable man, shrewd, passionate, learned and energetic. He was the author of the first American Dictionary.,Fast-reading,Read quickly and check the answers with deskmates.,1. What does the first paragraph talk about? 2. What does it say about the spelling of Engli

      5、sh?,British English is so complicated.,The spelling of words does not always represent the sound.,3. Whats the relation between the spelling and the sound in English? 4. Does English spelling always represent its sound?,The spelling of words does not always represent the sound.,No, it doesnt.,Read again and answer the following questions.,1. What reasons did Webster have for writing an American dictionary? He wanted to simplify the spelling of English and make it look different from British Engl

      6、ish.,2. What was his first work? The Elementary Spelling Book, which suggested simplifying the spelling of English words was extremely popular.,1. For Americans things are a little bit easier, thanks to the work of Noah Webster, 对美国人来说, 事情稍微好办些, 这多亏了一位叫诺亚 韦伯的人, ,Language points,thanks to 由于, 因为;幸亏,多亏 常位于句首, 表感谢或讽刺意味。 Thanks to your help, we finished the work head of time. 多亏你的帮助, 我们提前完成了任务。 Thanks to the bad weather, the match had been put off. 多亏这倒霉的天气, 比赛推迟了。,2. due to sth./sb. 某人某事物引起的; 由于某人某

      7、事物 The teams success was largely due to her efforts. 该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力。 They arrived late due to the storm. 他们由于风暴而来迟。,3. owing to: 由于;因为 Owing to the rain, the meeting has to be put off. 会议因雨而推迟了。 I couldnt attend the meeting owing to illness. 我因病不能出席会议。,because of 用在句首或句子后面,表示原因 Because of the heavy rain, the sports meet has been put off. I came late because of the heavy rain.,4. 短语比较:,comparewith把和进行比较 compareto 把比作 compared to/ with 与相比(固定搭配,常作状语),1. Life is often _ voyage. 2. _ the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. 3. He began to _ himself with the workers in his workshop.,compared to,Compared to / with,compare,5. 单词比较:adopt/adapt,adopt 采取; 采纳; 吸收 过继, 收养 (as) adapt 使适应, 使适合 (to) 改编, 改写 (for),1. After much deliberation, the president decided to _ her suggestion. 2. The author is going to _ his play for television. 3. Mr. Kern _ the orphan as his own son. 4. He tried hard to _ himself to the new conditions.,adopt,adapt,adopt,adapt,

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