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    • 1、Writing- CET4/CET6,从改卷员的角度,误解:高分=读起来是好文章 正解:高分=看起来像好文章 如何改卷: 5篇范文对照(2、5、8、11、14分) 扫两点(错点&亮点),关键三步,1.减少失误(拼写、语法、字迹) 2.语言升级 一、词汇:准确多变-高级词汇 二、句子:变化多样-句型、语序、语态 3.多用关联词,change your words, change your world.,词句升级的可操作性,开头句大众脸:,With the development of science and technology, our life is more and more convenient. 开头句明星脸: our life is of increasing convenience. 开头句巨星脸: The convenience of our daily life is on the rise.,改,沧海变桑田! Words, my swords!,词汇升级16组,1.名词化,举例,The bicyle is important for us. The bicyle is

      2、 of importance for us. The bicyle plays an important role in our life. The bicycle, environmental friendliness vehicle, plays an important role in our life.,举例,As far as I am concerned. As far as I am firmly concerned. As far as the private cars are concerned, I firmly believe that,举例,I am offering thanks to my parents. I am, from my bottom heart, offering my gratitude to my loving parents.,遣词-N个“恶心”词汇,名词: people advantage disadvantage view government goal development,表达“人们”,万恶的“people” Some peo

      3、ple believe that education is important. Other people do not agree. because no people can grow without it. 1.1 直接去掉 people Some believe that education is important. Others do not agree. because none can grow without it.,1. 表达“人们”,1.2 “人们”作主语的时候 翻译:一些人认为电子书对孩子是有好处的。 Some people believe that E-book is beneficial for kids. Individuals/ folks,1. 表达“人们”,1.3 表达“在人们中” 这个问题引起了人们热烈的讨论。 This has aroused hot discussion among people. the society the general public.,1. 表达“人们”,1.4 当“人们”与“自然”相对的时侯 翻译:人与自然的和谐共处

      4、 Harmonious coexistence between people and nature human beings mankind,1. 表达“人们”,1.5 表达“年轻人”时 young people The young people should shoulder the burden of developing our country. adolescents youths,1. 表达“人们”,Summary people 1.1 直接去掉 1.2 the society/ the general public 1.3 individuals/ folks 1.4 human being,二、 表达“优点”,advantage merits / virtue/ benefit/ strong points take advantage of sth? make full use of sths merits /virtue,二. 表达“优点”,merit /virtue 翻译:我认为两种意见都有好处而且可以共存。 I believe that both views ha

      5、ve their own _ and can coexist. merits/ virtues,二. 表达“缺点”,disadvantage demerit/ drawback/ flaw/ shortcoming 拖后腿?坏处?代价?短板?瑕疵?,二. 表达“缺点”,demerit/ drawback/ flaw/ shortcoming 翻译:我认为我们应该利用互联网的好处而避免它的坏处。 From my point of view, it is wise to take advantage of internet while minimizing its drawbacks.,三. 表达“观点” view,view,opinion There are two opinions about this topic. perspective, standpoint , outlook,表达 “government”,government The government should take effective measures to stop it. authority/ author

      6、ities Its time for the universities to The university authorities,表达“goal”,goal Our main goal in universities is to develop our academic performance. objective; ambition; target; destination; intention; aim; purpose;,表达“development”,development With the rapid development of society modernization, globalization, industrialization,遣词-N个“恶心”词汇,动词: think try/ want to do sth努力、打算 like, be interested in喜欢 will/ would,我想,认为,觉得,思考,。:think harbor the idea that take the attitude that hold the view that it

      7、 is widely shared that it is universally acknowledged that,低分: I believe (think)+宾从 高分: (2)句子,as I am firmly convinced. (3) It can be assumed/concluded that+从句 例句: I think we shouldnt judge others by their looks We shouldnt judge others by their looks, as I am firmly convinced. It can be concluded that we should ,表达“认为”,表达:“努力,想要做某事”,want/ try to do I want/ try to pass the CET-4 this semester. endeavor to do sth. do ones utmost to do sth. spare no effort in doing sth. be motivated to do sth. be

      8、inspired to do sth. be willing (determined ) to do sth. be encouraged to do sth.,表达:“喜欢”,like, be interested in I like/ am interested in reading books in the spare time. be obsessed/preoccupied with, be fascinated by, be addicted to; exerts a tremendous fascination on sb sth. appeals to sb., sth. ,表达“将会”,will/ would? 翻译:石油资源会在未来几十年被耗尽。 Petrol resource will be used up in a few decades. is likely to tends to,Exercise 1,翻译:大多数人认为,英语会变得更重要。 Most people think that English will become more important.

      9、According to most individuals, the significance of English tends to increase.,遣词-N个“恶心”词汇,形容词: important good Bad Many helpful,表达“重要”,1 表达“重大,显著” 翻译:iPod是苹果公司最重大的发明之一 One of the most _ inventions of Apple company is iPod. significant remarkable predominant,表达“重要”,2 表达“关键的” 翻译:勤奋是成功的关键 Hard work is _ to success. essential critical,表达“重要”,3 表达“不可或缺” 翻译:数码产品已经成为日常生活不可或缺的一部分。 Digital products have become _ in daily life. indispensible,表达“重要”,4 一个黄金词组 翻译:互联网对开阔我们的眼界至关重要。 The Internet plays a _ role in widening our eyes. vital、decisive widen ones eyes? broaden/widen ones horizons,表达“重要”,5 一个钻石句型 A is to B what perfume is to a flower. 众所周知,兴趣对于学习至关重要。 As is known to us, interests are to study what perfume is to a flower.,表达“重要”,Summary important 1 significant/ remarkable/fundamental 2 essential/critical 3 indispensable 4 play critical/ crucial/ vital role 5 A is to B what perfume is to a flower.,表达“好” good,1 表达“对有好处” 翻译:上艺术班对孩子


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