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高中英语复习 Module1 Life in the Future课件 外研版必修4

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    • 1、Module 1 Life in the Future未来的生活,Module 1 Life in the Future未来的生活,1_(adj.)替换的;供选择的 2_(vt.)逮捕;拘留 3_(vt.)开火;启动 4_(n.)命令;指令,alternative,arrest,fire,command,5_(n.)费用;价钱 6_(n.调换 7_(adv.)最后;终于 8_(vt.)造成形状 9risky(adj.)_,charge,switch,eventually,shape,危险的;冒险的,10disability(n.)_ 11attach(vt.)_ 12optimistic(adj.)_ _ 13definitely(adv.)_ _,失去能力;伤残,系;贴;连接,乐观的; 乐观主义的,无疑地; 确定地,14She _that the improvement would continue,but many people doubted whether the_would come true as they didnt believe the improvement cou

      2、ld be_.(predict),predictable,predicted,prediction,15Nowadays we _ increasingly on computers for help so your software must be _.(rely),reliable,rely,1_ 肯定地 2_ (某物)用完;不多了;没有了 3_ 依靠 4_ 除掉;处理掉,for sure,run out,rely on,get rid of,5_ 订购 6_ 免费 7_ 用完 8_ 首先 9_ 即将被淘汰;即将过时,place an order/orders,free of charge,use up,for a start,on the way out,10_ 正在进行 11_ 实施;履行 12_ 小心;当心 13_ 抛弃;浪费,in progress,carry out,look out,throw away,1no matter 引导让步状语从句 Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will nev

      3、er change_(无论他们住在哪里),no matter where they live,2too.to. 太以至于 Im _(现在忙于享受我的生活,而无暇为未来担忧)!,too busy enjoying my life now to worry about the future,3不完全否定 _(不是所有的预言)come true.,Not all predictions,将来进行时 1(2010高考福建卷)Guess what,weve got our visas for a shortterm visit to the UK this summer. How nice!You _a different culture then.,Awill be experiencing Bhave experienced Chave been experiencing Dwill have experienced,解析:选A。句意:你猜怎么着,我们获得了今年夏季去英国进行短期访问的签证。太棒了!到时候,你将会体验到不同的文化。本题考查动词时态。由this summer可知此处应该用将来时

      4、,而then表示将来的某个时间点,故用将来进行时。,2(2010高考浙江卷)If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring,you _fresh watermelon in the fall. Aeat Bwould eat Chave eaten Dwill be eating 解析:选D。句意:如果在春天种下西瓜种子,秋天你就会吃到新鲜的西瓜。,本题考查动词时态。A项为一般现在时态;B项为过去将来时态;C项为现在完成时态;D项为将来进行时态,表示将来某时间正在进行或某阶段内一直在进行的动作,in the fall为表示将来的时间状语,故答案为D项。,3(2011高考江苏卷)I hear you _in a pub. Whats it like? Well,its very hard work and Im always tired,but I dont mind. Aare working Bwill work Cwere working Dwill be working,解析:选A。句意:我听说你在酒吧工作,这份工作怎么样?哦,很辛苦,我总

      5、是觉得累,但我不介意.本题考查动词时态。由Im always tired,but I dont mind 可知现在还在做这份工作,故排除B、C、D三项,选择A项。,4(2010高考江苏卷)Why,Jack,you look so tired! Well,I _the house and I must finish the work tomorrow. Awas painting Bwill be painting,Chave painted Dhave been painting 解析:选D。句意:哎呀,杰克,你看上去很疲倦!噢,我一直在粉刷房子,明天必须完工。由句意可知paint这一动作一直延续到 tomorrow,故用现在完成进行时。,5Did you write to Peter last month? No,but I_him this June. Awill be seen Bwill be seeing Cwill have been seeing,Dwill have seen 解析:选B。由句意可知,此处指将来某时计划要做的事情,故用将来进行时态。,1alternati

      6、ve adj.替换的;供选择的 n可供选择的事物 (教材P2)alternative energy 可替代能源,归纳拓展 have no alternative but to do sth. have no choice but to do sth. 除了之外别无选择,Try to arrange play dates for the children as an alternative to TV viewing. 设法给孩子们安排做游戏的时间,来代替看电视。,(牛津P56)Do you have an alternative solution? 你有没有别的解决办法? (朗文P57)I had no alternative but to report him to the police.除了向警察举报他,我别无选择。,2attach vt.系,贴,附上;连接,参加;使附属,使隶属 (教材P2)Senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world using high

      7、tech cameras attached to their head.,通过系在头上的高科技照相机,行动不便的老年人和身体有残疾的人都能周游世界。,归纳拓展 (1)attach sth.to sth. 把附在 上,把固定到上 attach oneself to sb./sth. 依附于某人/参加某事,(2)attached adj. (作表语)依恋的;附属于 be attached to sb./sth. 依恋,留恋,爱慕某人/某事物;隶属于,Attach a recent photograph to your application form. 申请表上请贴一张近照。 Do you attach any importance to what he said? 他认为他说的话重要吗?,This middle school is attached to a teachers college. 这所中学附属于一所师范院校。 A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldnt get rid of him. 聚会中有个

      8、小青年总缠着我,我甩也甩不掉他。,3 charge vt.收费,要价;控告;给充电 n费用;指责;控告;责任 (教材P2)All forms of recreation,such as cinemas,bowling,softball,concerts and others,will be provided free of charge by the city.,所有的娱乐形式,如电影院、保龄球、垒球、音乐会和其他的都由该市政府免费提供。,归纳拓展,Your order will be delivered free_of_charge within a tenmile limit. 在10英里范围之内,您的定货将免费送货上门。 (2011高考福建卷)Any driver found drinking beyond the limit will be charged.,发现饮酒超限的司机将被收费。 Three Apples changed the world.The first one seduced Eve.The second one awakened Newton.The third one was in the charge of Steve Jobs.,三个苹果改变了世界。第一个诱惑了夏娃。第二个砸醒了牛顿。第三个曾在史蒂夫乔布斯的掌握。 (2011高考上海卷)I wonder if there is a service charge for our meal.我想知道我们是否要收取饮食服务费。,4 command n命令;指令;掌握;司令部 vt.俯瞰 (教材P2)In the future all shopping will be done online,and catalogues will have

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