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    • 1、,Unit 5 Knowing Yourself,Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions.,Do you know what your strengths and weaknesses are? Think of concrete examples or situations in which your strengths and weaknesses are demonstrated. (Open.),Get Started-discussion,Get started D,2. Can you describe your best friends personality? Do you think he / she would agree with you? (Open.),Get Started-discussion,Get started D,3. “Babies are born with a blank slate (白板). It is the environment tha

      2、t shapes their personality.” What do you think of this statement? (Open.),4. What personality traits (性格) do you dislike most? Why? (Open.),5. Is there any aspect of your personality that you would like to develop or change? (Open.),Quotes 1,Study the following quotes about personality. Do you agree with each of them? Give reasons to support your view.,Get Started-quotes 1,Quotes 1,Like father, like son. Chinese Proverb,Interpretation: “Like father, like son.” (有其父必有其子) is a common quote that is

      3、 used not only by Chinese but also by many other races and cultures in the world. It could be used either as a compliment or as a criticism of the son (and the father implicitly). The underlying assumption of this quote is that whatever traits demonstrated by the son are inherited from the father. Therefore, those who believe in this are proponents that nature has an overpowering influence on ones character.,Get Started-quotes 1,Quotes 2,When we see men of worth, we should think of equaling them

      4、; when we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves. Confucius,Interpretation: This quote from Confucius is a reminder to us that we should first look into ourselves before we criticize others. The original in Chinese is “见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内省也。”(论语第17章),Click Picture,Quotes 3,Interpretation: Lincolns quote is an indication of how power, wealth and status could affect our behavior and actions. It addresses the belief that power tends to corrupt (腐败), implying that only

      5、 a man of strong character can resist this tendency.,Get Started-quotes 3,Nearly all men can stand adversity (困境), but if you want to test a mans character, give him power. Abraham Lincoln,Click Picture,video,Watch the following video clip “The Big Five of Personality” and then complete the tasks that follow:,click here,In fact,video,Fill in the missing words according to what you hear from the video clip.,So one issue with other personality tests that are out there is that they really want to p

      6、ut you into . You are either this or you are that. But thats not really helping a lot. You shouldnt have to be “either or”. , most people want to be “either or”. Our main personality survey the big five personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and . The big five model is a great place to start when it comes to personality research. But in addition to that, each of those factors is actually the different traits.,video,a given category,_,_,is based on,_,emotiona

      7、l stability,_,made up of,_,click here,video,2. Discuss the topic with your group members: What is their way to assess ones personality according to the video clip? Do you know yourself well? Would you please share your personality traits with us?,According to the video clip, they based the personality survey on the big five personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, emotional stability. They display ones traits in the world in an organized way and can be repres

      8、entative in a way that makes sense. They provide people with unique feedback thats personalized to them.,click here,click here,L&R 1,psychologist n. a person who is trained in psychology 心理学家 category n. a division or class in a system for dividing objects into groups according to their nature of type 类型,类别,种类,范畴 introvert n. a person who is quiet, shy and does not make friends easily 性格内向的人;不爱交际的人,L&R Word Bank 1,L&R Word Bank 2,extrovert n. a person who enjoys being with other people 性格外向的人 be

      9、have vi. act in a particular way 举动;表现,Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage.,L&R 2 Task 1-instru,L&R Task 1-Q1,The first main point the speaker talks about is _.,A) what personality means B) when a persons personality starts to develops C) how to express ones personality D) how to solve personality problems,L&R Task 1-Q2,2. According to the speaker, psychologists _.,A) often emphasize the importance of friendship B) often like to find similarities among people C) usually find it hard to explain personality D) usually interpret personality differently,L&R Task 1-Q3,3. People can be roughly put into _.,A) 5 categories B) 4 categories C) 3 categories D) 2 categories,L&R Task 1-Q4,4. To put people into different categories and compare them, psychologists often _


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