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    • 1、,崔恒武 cuihengwu,MEDICAL ENGLISH,Congenital malformation 先天发育畸形 corpus callosum 胼胝体 Dysplasia 发育不良 congenital hydrocephalus【积水】 Arachnoid cyst 蛛网膜 囊肿 heterotopic grey matter 灰质异位 Tuberous sclerosis 结节硬化 Craniostenosissmall skull Hypoplasia of septum pellucidum 透明隔发育不全,foramen magnum 枕骨大孔 cervical spinal canal. 颈部椎管 Displacement of the brain stem 脑干移位 cerebellar tonsils 小脑扁桃体 herniation(疝) Intracranial hematoma 脑内血肿 Epidural hematoma 硬膜外 Subdural hematoma 硬膜下,Biconvex 双凸 lentiform 豆状 Crescentic 新月形

      2、 encephalocele 脑彭出 myelomeningoceles 脊髓脊膜脱出 【 maineuminingoucie】 Aneurysm 动脉瘤 Contusion of brain(挫伤) Laceration of brain(裂伤) Diffuse injury of brain(弥漫伤),Sequela 后遗症 Encephalomalacia 脑软化 Brain atrophy 脑萎缩 Hydrocephalus 脑积水 Subdural fluid accumulation 硬膜下积液,CONGENITAL MALFORMATION,Including: Dysplasia of corpus callosum Small skull-狭颅症 craniostenosis congenital hydrocephalus【积水】 Arachnoid cyst 珠网膜囊肿 cerebral heterotopic gray matter【异位】 Tuberous sclerosis 结节硬化 Hypoplasia of septum pellucidum Chiar

      3、i malformation So on,Chiari I malformation caudal displacement of cerebellar tonsils, sometimes the inferior vermis(引部) through the foramen magnum into cervical spinal canal.,Chiari II Displacement of the brain stem and lower cerebellum into the cervical spinal canal. The forth ventricle is usually caudally displaced and extends below the foramen magnum. Associated with lumbar myelomeningoceles 脊髓脊膜脱出 maineuminingoucie,Chiari III Downward displacement of medulla with herniation(疝) of cerebellum

      4、through foramen magnum. 枕骨大孔 Resulting in a cervical encephalocele 脑彭出,Chiari IV severe cerebellar hypoplasia without displacement of brain through the foramen.,Trauma of brain and skull,Intracranial hematoma,Epidural hematoma Subdural hematoma,1. Epidural Haematoma,A: location: Extra cerebral blood collection, located between the dura and the inner table of the skull B. reason: post-traumatic and associated with a skull fracture and tearing of the meningeal vessels; may result from a tear of th

      5、e dural sinus and then be venous in origin, more common in the posterior fossa(窝,凹) and results from a tear of the transverse of sigmoid sinus. C. Shape: biconvex or lentiform and not crescentic, may cross the midline. D. Margin is very clear.,2. Subdural Haematoma,A: location: blood collection in the subdural space. B. reason: post-traumatic and venous in origin; may rupture of an aneurysm C. Shape: crescentic, not lentiform; not clear margin; usually do not cross the midline. D. Mass effect wi

      6、th displacement of the midline structure,Contusion and laceration of brain Contusion of brain(挫伤) Laceration of brain(裂伤) Diffuse injury of brain(弥漫伤),Sequela of trauma,Encephalomalacia Brain atrophy Cyst formation Hydrocephalus Subdural fluid accumulation,Congenital malformation 先天发育畸形 corpus callosum 胼胝体 Dysplasia 发育不良 congenital hydrocephalus【积水】 Arachnoid cyst 蛛网膜 囊肿 heterotopic grey matter 灰质异位 Tuberous sclerosis 结节硬化 Craniostenosissmall skull Hypoplasia of septum pellucidum 透明隔发育不全,foramen

      7、 magnum 枕骨大孔 cervical spinal canal. 颈部椎管 Displacement of the brain stem 脑干移位 cerebellar tonsils 小脑扁桃体 herniation(疝) Intracranial hematoma 脑内血肿 Epidural hematoma 硬膜外 Subdural hematoma 硬膜下,Biconvex 双凸 lentiform 豆状 Crescentic 新月形 encephalocele 脑彭出 myelomeningoceles 脊髓脊膜脱出 【 maineuminingoucie】 Aneurysm 动脉瘤 Contusion of brain(挫伤) Laceration of brain(裂伤) Diffuse injury of brain(弥漫伤),Sequela 后遗症 Encephalomalacia 脑软化 Brain atrophy 脑萎缩 Hydrocephalus 脑积水 Subdural fluid accumulation 硬膜下积液,cerebral infarcti

      8、on 梗塞 ischemic area 缺血区 focal necrosis 局灶坏死 Atherosis 动脉粥样化 Atherosclerotic occlusion( 栓塞) Embolism 栓子 embolic occlusion vasculitis and arterial spasm 血管炎,动脉痉挛 unilateral hemiplegia(偏瘫)【hemipligia】 Coma 昏迷 【coume】 Lacunar infarction 腔隙梗塞 basal ganglia area 基底节区,adjacent structures. 临近结构 Obscuration 模糊 aphasias(失语) hemianopia(偏盲) cerebellar ataxia(共济失调) diplopia(复视) sylvian fissure 侧裂池 subarachnoid haemorrhage oculomotor nerves 动眼神经 Carotid 颈动脉 cavernous aneurysm 海绵状动脉瘤 trigeminal neuralgia (pain

      9、).【neuregia】 三叉神经痛,foramen magnum cervical spinal canal. Displacement of the brain stem cerebellar tonsils herniation Intracranial hematoma Epidural hematoma Subdural hematoma,Congenital malformation corpus callosum Dysplasia congenital hydrocephalus Arachnoid cyst heterotopic grey matter Tuberous sclerosis Craniostenosissmall skull Hypoplasia of septum pellucidum,Sequela Encephalomalacia Brain atrophy Hydrocephalus Subdural fluid accumulation,Biconvex lentiform Crescentic encephalocele myelomeningoceles 【 maineuminingoucie】 Aneurysm Contusion of brain Laceration of brain Diffuse injury of brain,cerebral infarction ischemic area focal necrosis Atherosis Atherosclerotic occlusion Embolism embolic occlusion vasculitis and arterial spasm unilateral hemiplegia Coma Lacunar infarction basal ganglia area,adjacent structures. Obscuration aphasias hemianopia cerebellar ataxia diplopia sylvian fissure subarachnoid haemorrhage oculomotor nerves Carotid cavernou


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