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    • 1、,How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?,Gore Vidal Clarence Page Charles Krauthammer,Unit 6,How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?,Questions/Activities,Check-on Preview,Objectives,Unit 6,Warming up,How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?,Warming up,Discuss the following questions: What did you know about the drug problem before reading the essays? Why do you think people still take drugs in spite of the worldwide anti-drug campaigns? What do you know about the situation in China? Do you think the dr

      2、ug problem is serious? Side with one of the three authors and have a brief debate with your group members to see which author is more convincing.,Questions/Activities,cannabis cocaine stimulants opium heroin morphine crack dolantin “ice” “ecstasy”, XTC,大麻 可卡因 兴奋剂 鸦片 海洛因 吗啡 快克 度冷丁 冰毒 摇头丸,drug dependence drug of abuse drug addiction abstinence syndrome drug addict injecting drug user, IDU snorting physical dependence psychic dependence physiological dependence psychological dependence,药物依赖性 滥用药物 毒

      3、瘾 戒断综合症 吸毒者 注射毒品滥用者 鼻吸 身体依赖性 精神依赖性 生理依赖性 心理依赖性,drug-seeking behavior drug-taking behavior compulsive drug use polydrug abuse detoxification withdrawal rehabilitation reintegration,觅药行为 用药行为 强迫性用药 多药滥用 脱毒 脱瘾 康复 重返社会,International Narcotics Control Board, INCB United Nations International Drug Control Programme, UNDCP World Health Organization, WHO Community Epidemiology Work Group, CEWG Asian Multicity Epidemiology Work Group, AMEWG,联合国国际麻醉品管制局 联合国国际禁毒计划署 世界卫生组织 美国社区药物滥用流行病学工作组 亚洲多城市药物滥用流行病学工作组,1

      4、971年精神药物公约 1988年联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公约 中国药物依赖性研究所,Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971 United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psycho tropic Substances, 1988 National Institute on Drug Dependence,Check-on Preview,Define the underlined words: the simple beauty (para. 16) a social sanction (para. 26) Paraphrase the following sentence: No one in Washington today recalls what happenedthe United States. (para. 6),Warming up,Objectives,Learn about the different sol

      5、utions to the drug problem and understand the pros and cons of each of them. Compare the arguments and find out their logical premises and fallacies. Learn how to argue coherently and convincingly by studying the techniques employed by the writers.,Warming up,Background,History,Authors,Unit 6,How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?,1. Gore Vidal prolific American novelist, and essayist political activist: Democratic- Liberal,The war on drugs has nothing at all to do with drugs. It is part of an al

      6、l-out war on the American people by a government interested only in control. Gore Vidal,Background,Authors,“Probably no American writer since Franklin has derided, ridiculed, and mocked Americans more skillfully and more often than Vidal.” (Gordon S. Wood, The New York Times, December 14, 2003) Gore Vidal was often pointedly controversial: he published comments on democracy, homosexuality, religion, and drug legalization.,Background,Authors,2. Clarence Page columnist and member of the editorial

      7、board of the Chicago Tribune 1972 Pulitzer Prize for a Chicago Tribune Task Force series on voter fraud 1989 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary,Background,Background,Authors,3. Charles Krauthammer a syndicated columnist: The Washington Post Writers Group political commentator physician conservative (neoconservative in foreign policy),Background,Background,Authors,Compare the three authors backgrounds and see if you can explain why they disagree with each other.,Background,Background,Authors,Prohibiti

      8、on in the United States (the Noble Experiment) 1840s, spearheaded by some religious denominations(宗派,教派) 1881, Kansas as the first to outlaw alcoholic beverages 1917, alcohol banned as mandated(委托统治) in the 18th Amendment to the Constitution 1919-1933, nation-wide movement, plagued by smuggling and bootlegging (非法制造贩卖) 1933, the 18th Amendment repealed by the 21st Amendment,History,Background,Unit 6,How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?,What is the solution to the drug problem offered by Vidal?

      9、legalization rather than criminalization What then are his main arguments? The right to be informed correctly (paras. 1-2) The right to choose (paras. 3-4) Sane people wont be addicted to drugs. (para. 5) A lesson from Prohibition (paras. 6-7) The government and the mafia have a vested interest in the criminalization of drugs. (paras. 8-10),Text Analysis,Essay 1,Structure of Essay 1,The right to be informed sensibly How to inform people sensibly? Why will this require heroic honesty? Do you think this will work?,heroin,opium,ecstasy,speed,ice,Text Analysis,Essay 1,Argument 1: Discussion,Drugs Gore Vidal,understanding the language points,2. we shall end up a race of Zombies.,end up: to be in a particular place or state after doing sth. or because of doing it,If you dont mend your ways, youll end up a criminal / in jails.,We didnt like it at first, but we ended up cheering.,他最终成了公司的主管人。,He ended up (as) head of the firm.,我们原打算去


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