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高中英语新课标外研版必修1教案(Module 5 2nd period)

  • 卖家[上传人]:ha****o
  • 文档编号:88049865
  • 上传时间:2019-04-17
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:51KB
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    • 1、The Second Period The General Idea of This PeriodIn this period,were going to read a passage on the reaction of metals.Teaching Aims1.Improve the students ability of reading comprehension.2.Get the students to have a global understanding of the reading passage.3.Train the students to guess the meaning of a word according to the context.Teaching Important Points1.Train the students reading ability.2.Get the Ss to understand the reading text.Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve the students read

      2、ing ability.Teaching Methods1.Individual,pair work to make every student work in class.2.Fast reading and careful reading to understand the passage correctly.Teaching Aids1.a tape recorder 2.a projector3.a multimedia computer Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Greetings and leadinGreet the whole class as usual. T:We are going to do an experiment today.I need these things to do the experiment:test tubes,Bunsen burner,salt.When we do an experiment,we should first of all have an aim. We should use proper me

      3、thods. We should find the result and draw a conclusion.Have you ever done a scientific experiment? What is the correct order of a scientific experiment? (Show the words on the screen.)conclusionaimresultmethodT:Put the words into correct order.aimmethodresultconclusionStep 2 MotivationT:As we know quite well,metals are very useful. What are the different uses of metals? What should we know when using metals? Which reacts most with water,potassium or iron? You will have a better understanding of

      4、metals after reading Passage A. (Show the three questions on the screen.)(1)What are the different uses of metals? (2)What should we know when we use metals? (3)Which reacts most with water,potassium or iron?Step 3 Fast readingTeacher allows the Ss a few minutes to do fast reading.T:Who has got the answers?S:Different metals have different uses,for example,steel is used in cars and iron is used in electrical equipment.T:What should we know when we use metals?S:When we use metals,it is important

      5、to know how they react with different substances.T:So we must be careful when we use metals. Who should be good at using metals?S:Scientists.S:Engineers.S:Mechanics.T:Very good! And which reacts most with water,potassium or iron?Ss:Potassium.T:Do we have to keep in mind how metals react with different substances?S:Yes.S:Not necessarily.Its enough to have some common sense. Wed better leave them to the experts.S:I dont quite agree with you. Better leave them to the people who are interested in th

      6、is field of science.T:Do you agree with him/her?Ss:Yes. /No.Step 4 Detailed readingRead the passage again. Answer the questions in Part 3 in the SB,P44.This is a good time to enable the students to learn to read the table.Answers:(1)Potassium,calcium and sodium.(2)It burns to form an oxide.(3)Magnesium,aluminium and zinc. (4)It has a slow reaction.(5)No,it doesnt.Step 5 Further readingT:Now read Passage A carefully to choose the best title for it.S:The Reaction of Metals is the best title.Step 6

      7、 Language points1.It is hard to think of a world without metals.it是形式主语,真正的主语为to think of a world without metals,这是英语中一个很重要的句型。Ask the Ss to make some sentences,using the pattern.It is hard to think of a world without friendship.It is hard to think of a world without electricity.It is important to read the directions before you use the machine.It is possible to build a radio without using metals.T:Put the sentences into Chinese one by one.2.equipment 不可数名词,“设备,装备”。(1)firefighting equipment 消防设备t

      8、he cost of equipment 设备费用(2)常见的不可数名词有:news新闻,information信息,advice劝告,fun嬉戏,practice实践,furniture家具3.When we use metals,it is important to know how they react with different substances.使用金属时,要了解金属和不同的物质如何发生反应,这一点很重要。(1)react with. 对起(化学)反应Potassium reacts with oxygen easily. 钾和氧容易起反应。react to.对产生反应,回应The eye reacts to the light.眼睛对光会起反应。He didnt react to their words.他对于他们的话没作反应。(2)substance不可数名词, “物质”。a chemical substance一种化学物质What substance does it consist of?它是由什么物质组成的?4.The reaction of metals with these substances can be put in order.put.in order 把按顺序排列以order为中心的短语有:keep order 维持秩序obey orders 服从命令say numbers in order 照顺序数数in good order 井然有序out of order 顺序乱的;出故障的Step 7 PracticeLearn to say the names of the metals in the table. Show the real object or the picture of each metal. Step 8 Assignment1.Learn the new words by heart.2.Recite Passage A. 3.Preview Passage B. Step 9 The design of the writing on the BlackboardModule 5A Lesson in a LabThe Second Pe

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