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学案1:高中英语外研版 必修1 ModuLe6 TheInternetandTelecommunications

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    • 1、Module 6TheInternetandTelecommunications因特网和电信核心词汇1Doctors are aiming to_(集中)more on prevention than cure.2Its impossible for me to give you a_(明确的)answer.3These exercises are _(设计)to strengthen muscles.4The thieves stole a purse_(包含)banknotes.5. _(接近)to the papers is restricted to senior management.6Always carry a phone with you in case you have a _(故障)on the motorway.7The main_(缺点)of the material is that it fades in strong sunlight.8Now that my sons are becoming more_ (独立),I have more time for

      2、 myself.9Thomas Edison was a great _.He_a lot of things in his life,and his_changed the way people lived.(invent)10. _is very important for a countrys progress. So we should educate the students to be able to _in the future though the_process is not easy.(create)1.Concentrate 2.definite 3.designed4.containing 5.Access 6.breakdown7.disadvantage8.independent9.inventor;invented;inventions10.Creation;create;creative 高频短语1_注册/注销2_ 由组成3_ 也4_ 作为而出名;被称 为;叫作5_ 下降6_ 提出7_ 从那时起8_ 聚精会神;集中思想9_ 与相比 10_ 一系列的1.l

      3、og on/off2.consist of3.as well4.become known as.5.go e up with7.from that moment on8. concentrate pared with10.a series of重点句式1_ then became possible for universities _ the system _.后来各大学也能使用这一系统。2The World Wide Web(the web) is a computer network _allows computer users _from millions of websites _the Internet .万维网是一种能够使电脑用户通过因特网从众多网站获取信息的电脑网络。3Berners Lee made _possible for everyone _.贝尔纳斯李使任何人,而不仅仅是大学和军队,使用因特网成为了可能。 4_the total population of China _the Internet,_ 45 percent in the USA and 15 pe

      4、rcent in Japan.与美国上网人数的45%及日本的15%相比,中国总人口的2%上网。5If you need any help,_to call us.如果你需要帮助,马上给我们打电话。6Text messages are _a mobile phone, and you can make it _ the words that you use.发短信比用手机打电话便宜得多,并且通过缩短你用的词可以使它更便宜。1.It;to use;as well2.that;to access information;via3.it;to use the Internet,not just universities and the army4.Two percent of;have access to;compared with5.dont hesitate 6.much cheaper than talking on;even cheaper by shortening知识详解 contain vt.包含;包括,里面装有;含有;忍住,抑制(回归课本P51)A CDROM is a sep

      5、arate disk that contains lots of information.CDROM是一个包含了很多信息的单独的磁盘。contain oneself自制be contained between包含于间,(夹)在间container n.容器,集装箱【归纳总结】Many spam emails contain computer viruses that can shut down the entire network of a company.很多垃圾邮件包含有计算机病毒,它能使一个公司的整个网络关闭。He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself. 他激动得不能自已。The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world,which contains a lot of fruit and vegetables.中国饮食被认为是世界上最健康的,里面含有大量的水果和蔬菜。【例句探源】contain,include(1)contain通常用来

      6、指某个容器中盛有某物、装有某物,还指某种物质中含有某成分或含有其他物质。指作为组成部分而被“包含”或“容纳”在内。(2)include通常表示把某事物作为其中的一部分包含在内。在句中常以sth.included或including sth.形式出现。【易混辨析】How much water does this bottle contain?Everyone here,including old people,took part in the fight against the flood.You are included among my friends.【即境活用】1He was worried,because he lost his bag_his passport,ID card and a lot of money.AincludedBincludingCcontained Dcontaining解析:选D。contain“装有”,与bag构成逻辑上的主谓关系,因此用containing.句意:他很担心,因为他丢了装有护照、身份证和一大笔钱的包。2.Little Johnny

      7、felt the bag,curious to know what it_.AcollectedBcontainedCloaded Dsaved解析:选B。句意:小Johnny摸了一下袋子,想知道里面装着什么东西。collect收集,搜集;contain含有,装有;load装载;save节省。 access n接近,通路;接近(或进入)的方法,到达(或进入、使用、走访)的权利(或机会)vt.存(数据);取(数据);存取;访问;接近,使用(回归课本P52).to access information from millions of websites via the Internet.通过因特网从数以百万的网站上获取信息。access to接近的机会,进入的权利have/get/gain/obtain access to 得以接近,得以会见,得以进入accessible adj. 可到达的,可进入的;可理解的be accessible to 易接近的;能进入的;可以理解的【注意】以上to为介词,后接名词、动名词。【归纳总结】Across the world,1.1 billion peo

      8、ple have no access to clean drinking water.全世界有11亿人无法获取干净的饮用水。The only access to that cottage is across the farmland.到达农舍的唯一通路是穿过农田。The Internet allows computer users to access information needed from the web.因特网使得计算机用户可以到网站上去获取所需信息。A manager should be accessible to his staff.经理应该让职员感到平易近人。【例句探源】3The system has been designed to give students quick and easy_to the digital resources of the library.Aaccess BpassageCway Dapproach 解析:选A。句意是:这个系统是用来让学生更快更容易地使用图书室的数据资源。此句要用access构成give sb.access to.短语,意为“使某人使用”。passage通过;通道;approach接近;通道。【即境活用】4.Frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sur

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