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学案2:Module5 整单元 (外研版必修2)

  • 卖家[上传人]:ha****o
  • 文档编号:88049852
  • 上传时间:2019-04-17
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    • 1、 Module 5 Newspapers and MagazinesPeriod I Introduction &Reading By: Dec I. IntroductionTranslate the following words and phrases:1. 封面 2. 头版 3. ( 新闻报道等的)标题 4. 照片 摄影师 5. 文章 6. 名人n. vt.庆祝 庆祝n. 7.经济n. adj. n.经济学 8.n.政治 adj. n.政治家 9. 从事于 II. Text Reading.1. Whats the purpose of this reading?A. To introduce Yang LiweiB. To welcome to spaceC. To express congratulations from other countriesD. To tell the fact that China succeeded in sending a man into space. 2.Who was the first man to offer congratula

      2、tions to the Beijing Space Control Center?A. Hu Jin tao.B. Wen Jia bao.C. Yang Li weis wife.D. Yang Li weis wife. 3. What didnt Yang Li wei do in space?A. Take photographs.B. Enjoy the beauty of the earth.C. Talk with other astronauts.D. Receive messages of congratulations. 4. Whose parents were born in China?A. Edward Lus.B. Sean Okeefes.C. Yuri Malenchenkos.D. Kofi Annmans. 5. We can infer that before last year. A. astronauts from only two countries have traveled in space.B. astronauts from mo

      3、re than 30 countries have travelled in spaceC. only three countries were able to send a man into spaceD. more than 30 countries were able to send a man into space 6. It took Yang Liwei to make an orbit of the earth.A. twenty-one hours and halfB. about one and a half hoursC. less than one hourD. more than two hours 7. According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Yang Liwei was in space for 21 hours.B. Yang Liwei took off from Jiuquan.C. China became the fourth country to se

      4、nd a man into space.D.Yang Liwei was the 348th person to travel in space. 8. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Chinas flight was a step forward for the whole world.B. Many countries around the world sent messages of congratulations.C. Many countries around the world sent messages of congratulations.D. The NASA helped to send Yang into space.III. Fill in the blanks.Yangs flightYong Liwei from Jiuquan yesterday and safelyThis morning , who 14 the earth. He was the 438th person to tr

      5、avel astronauts from 32 countries. These astronauts have spent more than 26,000 days in space. China became the third nation a man space. Yang said it was a great moment China. Premier Wen telephoned the control center to .In spaceWhen Yang was traveling in space, he Planet earth . He also spoke to two astronauts the International Space Station, which is the earth.CongratulationsMany countries sent of . They said Yangs space flight was an important ,and a step forward for the whole world. And th

      6、ey wish China With its space flight program.Period II . 1. front cover2. front page 3. headline4. photo graph photo graphe5. article6. celebrity celebrate celebration7. economy economic economics8. political politician 9.work onII. 1.D2. B3. D4. A5. B6. B7. B8. CIII. Yangs flightYong Liwei took off from Jiuquan yesterday and landed safelyThis morning , who made 14 orbits of the earth. He was the 438th person to travel in space including astronauts from 32 countries. In total These astronauts hav

      7、e spent more than 26,000 days in space. China became the third nation to send a man space. Yang said it was a great moment in the history of China. Premier Wen telephoned the control center to offer his congratulations .In spaceWhen Yang was traveling in space, he took photos of Planet earth . He also spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station, which is abiting the earth.CongratulationsMany countries sent messages of congratulations . They said Yangs space flight was an important historical achievement ,and a step forward for the whole world. And they wish China continuing success With its space flight program. BOOKIIModule 5 Newspapers and MagazinesPeriod Language PointsBy: Dec . Introduction 1. article n. 文章 冠词 物件,三件衣服 2. photograph n. = photographer 拍的照片 3. business n. 生意,事务,商业 go into business go out of business go to sp. on business g

      《学案2:Module5 整单元 (外研版必修2)》由会员ha****o分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《学案2:Module5 整单元 (外研版必修2)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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