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    • 1、Development of Digestive System,The formation and differentiation of primitive gut,Origination:primitive gut,羊膜囊,绒毛,体蒂,上胚层,卵黄囊,下胚层,胚外中胚层,胚外体腔,绒毛膜,embryo end of 2nd week,embryo beginning of 3rd week,羊膜囊,体蒂,外胚层,卵黄囊,内胚层,中胚层,胚外中胚层,胚外体腔,原沟,原条,endoderm,amniotic cavity,amniotic cavity,ectoderm,yolk sac,yolk sac,endoderm,ectoderm,mesoderm,embryonic disc,embryonic disc,The formation and differentiation of primitive gut,primitive gut,roof of the yolk sac,digestive tract,head fold tail fold lateral fold,en

      2、doderm primitive gut primordium of digestive system & respiratory system,Differentiation of endoderm,一、 原始消化管的形成与分化,Origination :primitive gut foregut pharynx, esophagus, stomach, proximal duodenum liver, gall bladder, pancreas thyroid, parathyroid, thymus larynx, trachea, lung,midgut,The formation and differentiation of primitive gut,rest of duodenum,jejunum, ileum, cecum, appendix, ascending colon, proximal transverse colon,rest of transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum.,hin

      3、dgut,primitive gut,primitive gut endoderm epithelium and glands of digestive system & respiratory system mesoderm connective tissue , blood vessles, muscle , cartilage etc.,Development of esophagus Change in length rapid growth Change in lumen,Esophagus stenosis,Esophagus atresia,common congenital malformation,esophageal endodermal cells,simple columnar epithelium,stratified epithelium,lumen was blocked once,lumen reappear,the heart and lungs declined,the neck elongated,epithelial cells degenera

      4、ted and absorbed,epithelial cells proliferated rapidly,Development of stomach,Change in shape,primordium of stomach ( fusiform shape ),4th week,7th week,the esophagus elongated,the stomach declined,The dorsal part grow rapidly,The ventral part grow slowly,greater curvature greater omentum,lesser curvature lesser omentum,The upper part protrude,fundus,Development of stomach,Change in Orientation,primordium of stomach,4th week,7th week,stomach longitudinal axis rotate 90o clockwise,the liver grows

      5、 rapidly and fixed on the right side,greater curvature,dorsal,right,stomach longitudinal axis,left,ventral,lesser curvature,lower right,upper left,Development of intestine,Development of duodenum,duodenum,the first two-thirds,the last one third,midgut,foregut,convex to the ventral,volvulus of stomach,the right,common congenital malformation,duodenal stenosis,duodenal atresia,C-shaped loop,U-shaped midgut loop,Caecal bud,umbilical fistula,Development of intestine below duodenum,4th week,straight

      6、tube,5th week,cephalic limb,caudal limb,primordium of cecum,and appendix delimitation of small interstine and large interstine,common congenital malformation,Meckels diverticulum,Physiological umbilical hernia,6th week,10th week,rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise,midgut loop protrude to the umbilical cavity,midgut loop Returned to the abdominal cavity,rotate 180 degrees counterclockwise,cephalic limb jejunum, ileum,caudal limb,common congenital malformation,Congenital umbilical hernia visceral i

      7、nversion,transverse colon,descending colon,ascending colon,Caecal bud declined,sigmoid colon,descending colon moved to the center line,cloaca,Urogenital sinus urinary bladder,urethra,Urogenital membrane,anal membrane,cloacal membrane,Anorectal canal,Development of rectum and anal canal,Cloaca segmentation(4th-7th week),ventral,dorsal,rectum, anal canal,Urorectal septum (mesoderm),ventral,dorsal,common congenital malformation,imperforate anus rectal fistula,Cloaca segmentation,anal canal,endoderm

      8、 of hindgut,outside1/3,inside 2/3,ectoderm of proectoduem,dividing line is anal canal dentate line,Hepatic diverticulum,Development of liver and biliary system,4th week,cephalic limb:,caudal limb:,hepatic plate, intrahepatic biliary epithelium,big,small,gallbladder, cystic duct,congenital malformation,root: common bile duct,Extrahepatic biliary atresia,Hepatic diverticulum,cephalic limb:,hepatic plate,intrahepatic biliary epithelium,caudal limb:,gallbladder, cystic duct,Development of liver and

      9、biliary system,Dorsal pancreatic bud,Ventral pancreatic bud,Ventral pancreas,Dorsal pancreas,Development of pancreas,endoderm of foregut,upper half of the pancreatic head pancreatic body pancreatic tail,lower half of the pancreatic head,rotate to the dorsal of duodenum merge with dorsal pancreas,Development of pancreas,Dorsal pancreatic duct,Ventral pancreatic duct,Development of pancreas,pancreatic duct,main pancreatic duct,accessory pancreatic duct,the distal segment,the proximal segment,disappear,pancreas island,hormones,Development of pancreas island,endodermal cells of pancreas,Separated from the cell cords,ducts degenerated,5th month,Congenital malformations of digestive system,Digestive tract stenosis,Digestive tract atresia,Congenital umbilical hernia,Viteline fistula (umbilical fistula),Meckels diverticulum,imp


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