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    • 1、1 五四题型专练五四题型专练 (一)根据首字母填空 阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 A A (20182018江苏连云港一模)In Ge Garden, the Autumn Hill lies in the northeast and is made of piled reddishbrown Huang stones. As the highest spot in the garden, the Autumn Hill is 1. for its towering cliffs(悬崖) and beautiful scenery. From the 2. of the hill people can enjoy the fullest grand sight of the whole garden. On its peak is Fuyun Pavilion(拂云亭), which means that by standing on the platform of the pavilion, people can stand next to the

      2、 clouds and almost 3. them. The stone caves are deep into the Autumn Hill. In 4. upper caves or lower ones, there are stone rooms. In the stone rooms, there are many different things made of stones, 5. stone desks, stone beds and stone benches. The Autumn Hill is covered with maple trees(枫树) that 6. colors in late autumn. When the setting 7. shines its light on the Huang stones and red maple leaves, people will experience the greatness of forests in autumn. In the southern part of the Autumn Hil

      3、l 8. the Study Building. The hill and the building are perfectly connected so that the building 9. the hill more beautiful. By 10. the stone steps which are away from the main tour route, people will find themselves upstairs in the Study Building, where its owner used to read and store books. B B (20182018天津南开二模)The universe is a big place. Its hard to believe that human would be the only intelligent(有智慧的) life. So scientists have been searching outer space for years, hoping to 1. signs of alien

      4、s(外星人) life. They use radio telescopes(射电望远镜) to search the 2. . It is called the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI. SETI has been working for over half a century, but so far they havent 3. any alien messages. Some scientists suggested aliens might not want to contact(接触) us but could reply to a message we send. So scientists sent radio signals 4. the universe, hoping one day they 2 would be picked up by alien technology. These scientists call themselves METI, or Messaging to Ext

      5、raterrestrial Intelligence. Both SETI and METI want to prove(证明) that we are not 5. in the universe.But what should we do if the “alien phone” 6. one day? Should we reply to it? Stephen Hawking, the famous British physicist, thought we should not 7. because aliens could be dangerous. Hawking said that the main 8. of aliens visiting our solar system could be searching our resources(资源) But other scientists think we have no need to worry. David Morrison, a NASA senior scientist, said, “If an alien

      6、 radio signal reaches us from a planet hundreds or thousands of lightyears away, then it almost surely has 9. all the problems we still have.” Since 1992 scientists have found 10. 1,900 exoplanets(外部行星) outside of our solar system. It seems that among these exoplanets there are habitable planets like Earth with smart forms of life on them. (二)选词填空 根据短文内容,选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文意思完整。每个选项仅使用一次。 A A (20182018吉林中考改编) Ahappily Bfelt sad Cput Dwhat Ebut Fpark Gnothing Hto Iwhy Jwalking There was a time when

      7、I had some difficulties in my life. I 1. all day long. Nobody could make me cheerful. One thing that happened made me change. One day, I went to the 2. for a rest. There was an empty bench and I sat down. Suddenly, a young boy came around. “Did you see 3. I found?” he asked in excitement.I looked down and saw a small withered(枯萎的) flower lying in his hands. Seeing this, I felt even more depressed(沮丧的), I wanted him to go away, so I smiled to him and then turned my back. However, instead of 4. aw

      8、ay, the boy sat next to me. “It smells good and its beautiful, too! Thats 5. I picked it up,” he said. “Here, its for you.” I knew I had to take it, or he might never leave. So I reached for the flower and said, “Thank you!” I waited, but the boy didnt 6. the flower in my hand. He just held the flower and didnt 3 move. It was not until then that I noticed the boy could see 7. . I took the flower with tears and said, “Thanks a lot! You have picked up the best one.” “My pleasure.” the boy replied

      9、8. , and then ran away. The boy couldnt see, 9. in his imagination(想象), the world was beautiful. I saw a withered flower, while he “saw” a beautiful flower. I held the flower up 10. my nose and took a deep breath. I smelt the fragrance(香味) of it. It was indeed (的确) the most beautiful flower. B B (20182018陕西中考改编) Ahimself Bhappier Cbabys Dsaved Earms Fvolunteer Gcleaning Hran up quickly Iworked Jturned purple Wang Ping is a cleaner, he has 1. in a park for 5 years. He is also a good father.Nothing can make him 2. than playing with his little daughter in his free time. Last Tuesday afternoon, while he was 3. the park, suddenly, he heard a woman crying for help. He 4. to see what happened. The womans 15monthold baby girl choked(窒息) on a small piece of pear and her face 5. . The baby was too young to save herself, and the mother was so nerv


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