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    • 1、1 ModuleModule 5 5 ( (单词短语篇单词短语篇) ) .用适当的介词或副词填空 1When he retired_the age of 26,he had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world. 2They included six_seven gold medals at the 1982 World Championship,and three at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles (as well as two silver and a bronze) 3He decided to launch a new brand of sportswear,competing_global giants like Nike and Adidas. 4The bright red logo is made up_the first two pinyin letters of Li Nings name,L and N. 5Li Nings sports clot

      2、hes came_the market at just the right time. 答案 1at 2.out of 3.with 4.of 5.onto .用括号中单词的正确形式完成句子 1When I was at school I was always hopeless at_(athlete) 2Our_(train) had a strong influence on the team. 3One or two of the players_(performance) brilliantly then. 4Hes one of the worlds leading car_(design) 5The young_(gymnastics) have to train for up to five hours a day. 答案 1athletics 2.trainer 3.performed 4.designers 5gymnasts .用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空 compete with,up to,on the increase,succeed in,under gu

      3、arantee,be made up of,have an advantage,make a list of,put on a performance,make a choice 1Mary speaks good English,because she_that her mother is an English teacher. 2The demand for primary products is_in European market. 3Your computer is still_You can get it repaired free. 4Though they are good friends,they_each other in study. 5At last,his uncle_to settle in the countryside. 6He_passing the College Entrance Examination. 7Our class_50 students. 8Please_things you want to buy before you go to

      4、the supermarket. 9Zhu Zhiwen will_in Beijing. 10_now,Ive understood everything the teacher said. 答案 1has an advantage 2.on the increase 3under guarantee pete with 5.made a choice 6succeeded in 7.is made up of 8.make a list of 9put on a performance 10.Up to .完形填空 While driving around the corner of our townhouse, I always noticed an old man sitting by his front yard. He seemed cold and_1_. One morning, while I was driving past him with my daughter, I decided to_2_him. At the beginning, he looked_3

      5、_and looked aroundthere 2 was_4_there. Then, I saw his hand go up_5_and he waved back shyly. “Why did you wave at him? We dont_6_him, ” my daughter said. I told her that it was just an act of kindness that didnt_7_anything, and it gave both him and me a sense of_8_She told me she had thought waving to a stranger was_9_,but next time she would_10_it. It seemed not bad. Interestingly, we lived close to the old man, so we_11_him rather often. Whenever we drove by, both of us would wave at him and,

      6、pretty soon, the old man_12_waving at everyone who passed by his home. One day, my daughters friend came to visit and said that she just saw a(n)_13_old man who waved at her in a_14_way. She mentioned that she waved back at him_15_she didnt know him, and it was really_16_and even made her day. Upon hearing this, my daughter told her the_17_of how all the waving began. Her friend responded, “Tell your mom thats really_18_!” Her friends response taught my daughter that an act of kindness could be

      7、very_19_and effortless if you really wanted to do it. It showed us how giving happiness_20_both the giver and the receiver. 1A.lonely Bfunny Cbusy Dhappy 2A.smile at Bturn to Cwave at Dlook after 3A.surprised Bexcited Cworried Dfrightened 4A.somebody Bnobody Cgrass Dsnow 5A.bravely Bproudly Csecretly Dslowly 6A.like Bunderstand Cknow Dvisit 7A.cost Bget Clack Dmean 8A.importance Bhumor Cjoy Drelief 9A.interesting Bwonderful Cparticular Dembarrassing 10A.avoid Btry Cremember Dreceive 11A.praised

      8、Bcalled Chelped Dsaw 12A.started Bsuggested Cmissed Dforgot 13A.rich Bstrange Chonest Dclever 14A.special Bnormal Csilly Dfriendly 15A.in case Bnow that Ceven though Das if 3 16A.good Bsafe Cnecessary Dfair 17A.task Bplan Cjoke Dstory 18A.different Bcool Csimple Dcommon 19A.dangerous Buseful Cnatural Dhopeful 20A.comforted Bsaved Ccontrolled Dbenefited 答案与解析 本文为记叙文。作者的邻居曾是一位冷漠、孤独的老人,常常独自坐在前院里。有一天,作者决定跟他 挥手打招呼,开始的时候,老人不自然地挥手回应。后来,作者和她女儿跟老人挥手打招呼变得越来越自然, 老人甚至开始向每个经过他房子的人挥手。作者从中得出“赠人玫瑰,手留余香”的道理。 1A

      9、考查形容词辨析。lonely 孤独的;funny 滑稽的;busy 忙碌的;happy 快乐的。句意:他看上去 冷漠和孤独。故选 A。 2C 考查动词词组辨析。smile at 朝微笑;turn to 转向;wave at 向挥手;look after 照 顾。根据下文的“Why did you wave at him?”可知,此处应指“向他挥手” 。故选 C。 3A 考查形容词辨析。surprised 吃惊的;excited 兴奋的;worried 担心的;frightened 害怕的。句 意:开始的时候,他看起来很吃惊,环顾四周。故选 A。 4B 考查语境推测。somebody 某人;nobody 没有人;grass 草;snow 雪。句意:开始的时候,他看起 来很吃惊,环顾四周那里没有什么人。故选 B。 5D 考查副词辨析。bravely 勇敢地;proudly 骄傲地;secretly 秘密地;slowly 缓慢地。句意:然 后,我看见他缓慢地抬起手,羞涩地挥手回应。故选 D。 6C 考查动词辨析。like 喜欢;understand 理解;know 知道,认识;visit 拜访。句意:我们不认 识他。故选 C。 7A 考查动词辨析。cost 损失,花费;get 得到;lack 缺少;mean 打算。句意:我告诉她那只是一个 善意的举动,并不会损失


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