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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、 Module 1(句型篇)4.完成句子1我突然发现自己正向学校方向走着。I suddenly_ _ _in the direction of the school.2我们不可能在三个小时内完成这项工作。_ _ _ _ _to finish the work within three hours.3互联网使交朋友和查找信息更加容易。The Internet_ _ _ _people to make friends and find information.4对中国人来说,无论他们在哪里,农历春节是最重要的节日。For Chinese people,_ _ _,the Lunar New Year is the most important festival.5尽管他们是好朋友,但他们几乎没有共同之处。Although they are good friends,they_ _ _ _答案1found myself walking2It is impossible for us3makes it easier for4wherever they are5have little in co

      2、mmon.翻译句子1格林先生喜欢摇滚音乐,而他的妻子喜欢流行音乐。_2昨天,你们在找他的家时遇到困难了没有?_3我们会使你更容易地解出这道数学难题。_4英式英语和美式英语在很多方面存在差异。_5这些符号如此难懂,以至于我常把它们搞错。_答案1Mr. Green is fond of rock music,while his wife is interested in pop music.2Did you have any difficulty (in) finding his house yesterday?3Well make it easier for you to work out the difficult maths problem.4British English is different from American English in many ways.5These signs are so confusing that I often get confused about them.阅读理解AIOS 6 includes more than 200 new feat

      3、ures for your iPad, iPhone,or iPod touch. Here is a quick look at a few of our favorites.Notification Center(通知中心): All your alerts. All in one place. You get all kinds of notifications on your iOS device: new email, texts, friend requests, and more. New notifications appear the best way to stay on top of your lifes breaking news without interrupting what youre doing.IMessage: iPad and iPod touch join the conversation. IMessage is built into the Messages app, so you can send text, photos, videos

      4、, locations and contacts. You can send unlimited text messages via WiFi or 3G from your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch to anyone. Reminders. A better way to do todos. Reminders let you organize your life in todo lists. Reminders also work with iCal, Outlook, and iCloud. so changes you make update automatically on all your devices and calendars.Twitter: Integrated right into iOS 6 makes it even easier to tweet from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Sign in once in Settings, and you can tweet directl

      5、y from Safari, Photos, Camera, YouTube, or Maps. Get short bursts of timely information or writing your comments through Twitter.Camera: Capture the moment at a moments notice. You can grid lines, pinchtozoom gestures, and single tap focus and exposure locks to compose(创作) a picture.Photos: Enhanced photo enhancements. Turn your snapshots into frameworthy photos in just a few taps. Crop, rotate, enhance, and remove redeye without leaving the Photos app. Even organize your photos in albums(影集) Ma

      6、il: Your inbox is about to receive some great new features. Drag to rearrange names in address fields. Even add and delete mail box folders on_the_fly in your daily life.1. Which of the following is different from others?A. iPad. B. iOS 6.C. iPhone. D. iPod touch.2. Whats the possible meaning of the underlined phrase “on the fly” in the last paragraph?A. In the air. B. In a plane.C. On the bug of fly D. As busy as a bee.3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about iOS 6?A. Tweeting from Safa

      7、ri, Photos, Camera, YouTube, or Maps without Settings.B. Getting all kinds of new email, texts, friend requests.C. Sending text, photos, videos, locations and contacts.D. Using lines, gestures, focus and locks to compose pictures.答案与解析1B推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段可知A、C、D都属于电子终端设备,而iOS 6则是电子设备中的软件。2D词义猜测题。从最后一段的描述中尤其是Even add and delete mail,in your daily life等词可推测出其意为“繁忙的,匆忙的”。3A细节理解题。从第五段Sign in once in Settings, and you can tweet directly from Safari, Photos,Camera,YouTube,or Maps.可知,如果没签名,这些功能是不可用的。BA

      8、study by a Simon Fraser University in Burnaby BC., is trying to find whether all those texts are really “ruining” our language. French professor Christian Guilbault has collected more than 7,500 text messages as part of his Text4 Science study. “One of the problems about text messages is if you dont know the code you cant read or understand them,” Guilbault said.“Were finding out thats not true.” Guilbault says his study started last December and will run till the end of June.“Texting changes.just like language,” he said.“You dont speak the same way to the officials as you do with your friends around.” He added that people texted “you are” as often as“u r”, but “please” and “thank you” about three times as often as “pls” and “thx”. They used“see you” four times as often as “c u”He said this


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