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  • 文档编号:87964206
  • 上传时间:2019-04-15
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    • 1、济宁市邹城第二学期七年级期末检测英语试卷注意:1本题满分120分,答题时间120分钟。2本题分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)3请同学们将答案写在第三页答题卷上!第卷(选择题共75分)一听力部分(20分)听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(每题一分,共5分)( )1 Ainteresting Bexciting Cboring( )2 Arelaxing Brelax Cscary( )3 AMartin Bcousin Cson( )4 Asport Bscore Csports( )5 Afriends Bparents Cgrandfather听录音,为每个句子选择恰当的图片(有一幅图片是多余的)。(每小题1分,共5分)6_7_8_9_10_听句子,选择正确的应答语。(每题一分,共5分) ( )11AYes,that is BNo,she isnt CNo,he isnt( )12AThey are in the drawer BIts on the deskCIts over thereunder the bed( )13AYes,P-E-N BP-EN,pen CIts his

      2、pen( )14AYes,he does BYes,I do CNo,she doesnt( )15AYesthey doBThey have hamburgers for breakfastCNo,be dontIV听句子,补全所缺的信息。(每题分共5分)16Nice to_ you,Im TonyMy phone is 268-554717Tom_ baseball every day18Please_ my hat to me 19My brother likes_,but he doesnt like oranges20Lets watch TVThat sounds _。二、选择最佳答案。(每题1分,共15分) ( )21_ your name?AWhat BWhatre CWhats DWhere( )22This is my friend_ name is TonyAHis BYour CHer DMy( )23-Is this your pen? -Yes_Athis is Bit is Che is DI am ( )24-_do you spell pen? -P-

      3、E-NAHow BWhat CWhere DHow is( )25-Whats that in English?-_ a backpackAIts BIt Cits DIts ( )26-Are those your friends? -No_They are his friendsAHe isnt Bthey are CThey arent Dthey arent( )27-Sally,_ you bring my math book to school?-OK,TomAcan Bare Cdo DCan( )28-Peterwhere is your pen? -Its the dresserAon Bin Cof Dunder ( )29_ Jim_ a computer?-Yes,he doesADo,have BAre,have CDoes,has DDoes,have( )30-Lets play_ soccer; -That sounds greatAa Ban C Dthe( )31He watches soccer games _ TV Aon Bof Cfor Da

      4、t( )32Mary has many _Aa watch Bwatches Cwatchs Dthe watch( )33My sister _ sports every day Aplay Bplays Cplayes Dplaying( )34She _ have a tennis Adont Bdoesnt Cisnt Darent( )35-Do you have a tennis racket?-_But I have a baseball batAYesI do BNo,I don t CYes,you do DNo,they dont三完型填空。(每题一分,共10分)Ed Smith is36 student(学生)He 37 a great sports collectionHe has eight tennis rackets,nine basketballs, 38 seven baseballsHe has three 39 balls and five volleyballs40 he 41 play sports-he only 42 them 43 TV!

      5、 44 sister Sonia is different(不同的)from himShe plays sports 45 day!( )36A Ban Cthe Da( )37Ahave Bhaves Chas Dis( )38Aand Bbut Cso Dthese( )39Asoccers Bsoccer Csocceres Dsocer( )40AAnd BBut CSo DLike( )41Adoesnt Bdont Cisnt Ddoes( )42Alook Bwatch Cwatchs Dwatches( )43Aon Bof Cat Din ( )44Ahis BHes CHis DHer( )45Aa Bevery Cone Dtwo四阅读理解。(每题两分,共20分) A阅读下列短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正(T)误(F)My uncle likes sports very muchHe loves soccer ball,basketball,baseball,tennis and moreHe plays baseball and basketball very

      6、wellHe likes to watch the sports games on TVHe plays sports every dayHe has a small(小的)sports collectionHe has 3 tennis rackets,2 baseballs,3 basketballs and a soccer bail( )46My uncle doesnt like sports,but he has a sports collection( )47He plays baseballand basketball very well ( )48He likes to watch the sports games on TV( )49He watches TV and plays sports every day ( )50His collection is small:3 tennis rackets,2 baseballs,3 basketballs and a soccer ball B根据下列短文内容选择最佳答案Look at thisHeres a pen

      7、cil case,its orange,its my pencil case,its on the desk.Look! This is a pen,its blackAnd this is an eraser,its blue and whiteTheyre both(都)in the pencil caseThis is a ruler,its red,its on the pencil caseThat is a ruler,tooIts yellowIts in the drawerWheres my math book ?Ah,it s there,under the sofa( )51This is_ pencil case Amy Bher Chis( )52The yellow ruler_Ain the backpack Bin the drawer Con the pencil case( )53_ in the pencil AA pen is BAn eraser CA and B are( )54The_ is orange Apen Bpencil Cpencil case( )55Where is my English book? AUnder the sofa BOn the desk CSorry,I dont know五句子搭配(每题一分,共10分) ( )56Good afternoon AYes,R-U-L-E-R( )57How are you? BYes,he is( )58Whats this in English? CNo,it isnt ( )59Can you spell ruler?DRed( )6


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