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    • 1、中石油职称英语考试模拟试题(五)I. Vocabulary1. He is a man you can rely on. He never goes back on his _.A. word B. words C. permission D. saying2. After second thought, she _a better solution.A. came up with B. added up to C. put up with D. made up for3. The club has_ a new rule allowing women to join.A. brought forth B. associated with C. turned over D. laid down4. The performance will begin _ at eight thirty.A. precisely B. consequently C. accordingly D. exceedingly5. Its very discourteous to _ during some o

      2、nes conversation.A. inspect B. interrupt C. interfere D. instruct6. His joke went too far. It was more than 1 could _.A. get rid of B. put up with C. keep up with D. do away with7. Will all those _the proposal raise their hands?A. in relation to B. in excess of C. in contrast to D. in favor of8. At the gathering, he talked _ about the matter, dampening everyones spirits.A. in detail B. with ease C. on end D. in a confusing way9. We cannot always _the wind, so new windmills should be so designed

      3、that they can also bedriven by water.A. hang on B. count on C. hold on D. come on10. I dont want to_ you in if you are what you say.A. run B. catch C. make D. take11. Mr. Brown is a _old man and all his neighbors are _ to him.A. respectful.respectable B. respectable.respectiveC. respectable.respectful D. respective.respectable12. I wish my son would stop _ and do something realistic.A. hanging about B. hanging on C. hanging up D. hanging off13. There are some _flowers on the desk.A. artificial B

      4、. false C. unreal D. untrue14. We all cant _ why she married a man like this.A. reason out B. figure out C. make believe D. take in15. John wants to dispose _his old car and buy a new one.A. on B. in C. of D. to16. He slept in the _ of the trees on such a hot day.A. shade B. shelter C. shadow D. shield17. Ted agreed to _ the strike if the company would satisfy the demand of the workers.A. call out B. call to C. call off D. call on18.We are not _to veto(否定) our own proposals.A. likely B. possible

      5、 C. probable D. potential19. He agreed with the plan in _, but thought that in practice it would not work.A. attitude B. approach C. viewpoint D. principle20. The conversation was so interesting that we were _ of the lateness of the hour.A. negligible B. inattentive C. irrelevant D. obliviousII. Grammatical StructureDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are fourchoices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence andma

      6、rk your answer on the Answer Sheet.21. _nothing more to discuss, the secretary-general got to his feet, said goodbye and left the room.A. There was B. Being C. There being D. As there being22. It was urgent that he _ her immediately.A. calls B. called C. call D. would call23. _the size and nature of a business, its main goal is to earn a profit. (10年)A. Whatever B. Whichever C. Whereas D. Because24. Whats the matter? I smell something _.(09年)A. bum B. bums C. being burned D. burning25. Mathemati

      7、cs as well as other subjects _ a science.A. was B. is C. are D. belong to26. _he was a regular customer, the boss allowed 10% discount off the prices of the goods. (10年)A. Giving B. Given that C. Giving that D. To give that27. It was during the 1920s _ the friendship between Hemingway and Fitzgerald reached its highest point.A. when B. that C. before D. after28. _dwell on her past.A. Little need she B. Little did she needC. Little she needed D. Little she did need29. _a fine day, I decided to go

      8、 for an outing.A. Being B. Having been C. It being D. How30. The car _seventy miles per hour until it reaches the riverside at about ten oclock tonight.A. goes B. will go C. went D. will be going31. Many a time _ not to play with fire but he turns a deaf ear to the warnings.A. the child being told B. the child has been toldC. has been told the child D. has the child been told32. I would rather _out to look for a job instead of moping around here everyday.A. to go B. going C. went D. go33. _is st

      9、ill a controversial issue.A. If he is the right person for the jobB. That he is the right person for the jobC. Whether he is the right person for the jobD. He is the right person for the job34. Tom _ my letter; otherwise he would have replied before now.A. ought not have received B. shouldnt have receivedC. has been received D. couldnt have received35. Youll soon get used to _ a large breakfast in England.A. eat B. it that you eat C. eating D. you eat36. I left very early last night, but I wish I _ so early.A. didnt leave B. hadnt left C. havent left D. couldnt leave37. T


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