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    • 1、2015-2016学年广东省肇庆市高一(上)期末英语试卷I阅读理解(共4小题;每小题6分,满分30分)1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A.B.C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1(6分)Buy Nothing DayMost people buy a lot of gifts just before ChristmasBut some people think we buy too muchThey have started a special day called Buy Nothing DayThey dont want anyone to go shopping that dayBuy Nothing Day is November 29Its 25days before ChristmasIts after Thanksgiving and often the first day of Christmas shoppingAt this time,we see ads in newspapers and on TV telling us tobuy,buy,buy

      2、!The idea for Buy Nothing Day started in Vancouver,British ColumbiaNow people all over the world celebrate Buy Nothing DayIn California,parents and children get together to read stories,sing songs,and paint picturesThe children talk about why they dont need a lot of toysThis year,in Manchester,England,people dressed up to tell people that we buy too muchIn Albuquerque,New Mexico,high school students wanted to tell other students about Buy Nothing DayThey organized a spaghetti dinner to give peop

      3、le information about Buy Nothing DayThey asked restaurants in the neighborhood to donate the foodThey made posters and talked to other students about itThe dinner was a big success,and many students agreed not to buy anything on November 29The students at high school liked the idea of this new traditionNext year,they want to have another dinner to tell more people about Buy Nothing Day!1Why do people all over the world celebrate Buy Nothing Day?APeople need more time to do other thingsBPeople bu

      4、y too many gifts for ChristmasCPeople can hardly afford to buy a lot of giftsDPeople waste too much time going shopping2How do people celebrate Buy Nothing Day?AIn California,parents and children get together to play gamesBIn Mexico,high school students dressed upCIn England,people celebrated by performing playsDThey bought nothing and made the others decide not to3What did the students do in New Mexico for the day?AThey talked to others about Buy Nothing DayBThey dressed up to tell people that

      5、we buy too muchCThey organized a spaghetti dinner to donate the foodDThey got together to read stories,sing songs,and paint pictures4(8分)I wasnt interested in becoming a model at firstI worked as a receptionist in a beauty shop during high schoolIt was in South DakotaA woman who had worked for Voguea famous fashion magazine said to me,Why dont you go to New York and be a model?So I went to New York at eighteenI went to the first model agency,they thought that I was too longwaistedIt was too bad

      6、since I came all the way from South DakotaI did an information check on the internet and found that Hunting Hartford had just bought the agencyI looked up in the telephone book and dialedThen I went thereAbout half an hour later,the man who had just taken over the agencyhe had been a male model beforecame inI was just staring at this unfamiliar man when he said,You!Come into my office!How do you feel as a fashion model?Quite OK,I should sayBut you stop thinking when you are workingIt takes a lot

      7、 of nervous energy as well because the camera goes one,two,three very fast and you have to move very fastI like my job because it gives me freedomI can have half a day off to do things I likeI cant do that if I do a normal jobI never like becoming a secretaryThey have to sit in the office for eight hours a day,facing the same peopleMost models,after one or two years,cant be still very interested in itBut I like being a modelMaybe I was a born one,as many people say4Who inspired the authors desir

      8、e to become a model?AA woman customer in the beauty shopBHunting HartfordCThe author herselfDThe authors father5Why didnt the author return to South Dakota when she was first refused?ABecause she had a strong desire to become a modelBBecause she liked to be a receptionist at a beauty shopCBecause Hunting Hartford asked her not to go backDBecause South Dakota is far away from New York6Why did the author like being a model?ABecause she liked the woman customerBBecause she liked the freedomCBecause

      9、 she liked to have a regular work scheduleDBecause she liked Hunting Hartford7What can we learn from the passage?APerseverance leads to your successBFinding a job you like to do is importantCBoth A and BDBecoming a model is quite easy8(8分)Brothers Ishmael and Isadore were complete oppositesPeople who knew them both could hardly believe they were from the same planet,let alone the same familyThe boys were not unkind toward one another,but their personalities(个性)were so different that it was difficult for them to reach a decision they both likedTheir mother frequently played the judge in their disagreementIshmael,the older brother,was athleticHe played baseball,football,and basketballIsadore,the younger brother,hated sportsHe was quieter and


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