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  • 文档编号:87893602
  • 上传时间:2019-04-14
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    • 1、2015-2016学年河北省秦皇岛市卢龙县高二(下)期末英语试卷一、单项填空(共30分,每题1分)1(1分)The position,however,_ you are applying,is not quite a wellpaid one()AthatBwhichCfor whichDto which2(1分)_ I can see,there is only one way to solve this problem()AAs far asBEven ifCAs long asDAs soon as3(1分)Youd better _ the washing machine repaired five times a new one()Asubstitute,asBsubstitute,forCchanged,intoDchange,with4(1分)Your little dog will need time to her new environment()AcontributeBapply toCdevote toDadjust to5(1分)The doctors take

      2、 turns at the discussion()Aattending toBparticipating inCjoiningDtaking part6(1分)If this information is not relevant the question,the examiner will not consider it()AfromBwithCforDto7(1分)Unless _,he kept silent all the time()AspokenBbeing spoken toCspoken toDspeaking to8(1分)London was a new world to me and I was find out more about it()Aleading toBdying toCconnected withDcurious about9(1分)The plan you came up with doesnt sound very practicalIt will become the of the attack()AtargetBblameCevidenc

      3、eDambition10(1分)Do you remember _ well during your last visit?Certainly I do()Ato be treatedBhaving treatedCbeing treatedDto have treated11(1分)She doesnt like her present job,and is in urgent need of finding one that is _to her()AsuitableBnecessaryCpossibleDcomfortable12(1分)Zhongguancun,set up as a special economic zone in the late 1990s,has a positive effect on business _ science()Aas long asBas much asCas far asDas well as13(1分)To their great surprise,they found _in the meeting()Athey were not

      4、 understandingBthemselves not understoodCthey had not understoodDthemselves not understanding14(1分)I just _ to tell you that I wont be back for lunch()Afill upBbring upCring upDset up15(1分)Why are you laughing at me?You look in that hat()AannoyedBabsurdCtalentDbeneficial16(1分)He made a promise he would help me()AthatBwhichCwhetherDwhy17(1分)I really appreciate that your help is of great ()AusefulBvalueCimportantDworth18(1分)People have views on the policy published recentlyNot everybody is in favo

      5、r of it()AsurprisedBexcitedCfrightenedDmixed19(1分)You fool!How can you let such a chance through your fingers()AskiBspreadCslipDglide20(1分)He was never _ how much money he earned every day()ArealizedBaware forCawareDaware of21(1分)The new classroom will be constructed this year,and a firm from Korea has been chosen to _ the work()AassignBprovideCundertakeDsettle22(1分)You are lucky that she is very thoughtful and devoted to youIn fact,I dont want to her with my problems all the time()AhonourBhelpC

      6、affectDbother23(1分)Youve made such great efforts that you are _to pass the exam()AeasilyBboundCpossibleDunlikely24(1分)He was left out when they choosing a new manager,which came as a complete surprise to him()Aset aboutBset outCset upDset off25(1分)I cannot _ the smell of burnt sausage()AbearBtake onCput up withDsit26(1分)The Violence in Xinjiang Province has been _by the entire international community()AcondemnedBscoldedCcriticizedDblamed27(1分)Dont sit there _ nothingCome and help me with the tab

      7、le()AdoBto doCdoingDand doing28(1分)She thought herself to her friends because her family was rich()AhigherBbetterCricherDsuperior29(1分)After being for days,the water supply returns to normal today()Acut offBcut downCcut outDcut up30(1分)It wont be easy,but _ well get across the river()AsomewhatBsomewhereCsomehowDsometimes二、完形填空(共20分)31(20分)A woman in her sixties lived alone in her little cottage with a pear tree at her doorShe spent all her time taking care of the treeBut the children nearby drov

      8、e her crazy by (31)herThey would climb her tree and then run away with pears,(32)Aunty Miseryat herOne evening,a passerby asked to(33) for the nightSeeing that he had an (34) face,she let him in and gave him a nice (35)The next morning the stranger,actually a sorcerer (巫师),thanked her by granting (允准) her(36) that anyone who climbed up her tree should not be able to come back down until she(37)itWhen the children came back to steal her(38),she had them stuck on the treeThey had to beg her long (39) she gave the tree permission to let (40)goAunty Misery was free from the (41) at lastOne day another man (42) her doorThis one did not look trustworthy to her,(43) she asked who he wasI am Death,Ive come to take you (44) mesaid heThinking fast Aunty Misery said,Fine,but Id like to (45) some pears from my dea


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