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  • 上传时间:2019-04-14
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    • 1、2015-2016学年海南省临高县多文中学七年级(上)期末英语试卷一、单词辨音,找出划线部分读音与其他两个不同的选项(5分,每小题1分)1(1分)找出划线部分读音与其他两个不同的选项()AtableBhaveCname2(1分)找出划线部分读音与其他两个不同的选项()AletBweCshe3(1分)找出划线部分读音与其他两个不同的选项()ApartyBclassCmath4(1分)找出划线部分读音与其他两个不同的选项()AFridayBhistoryCbehind5(1分)找出划线部分读音与其他两个不同的选项()Awhere Bhere Cthere二、词汇A)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出正确的单词(10分,每小题1分)6(1分)W is the fourth day of the week7(1分)S is the ninth month of the year8(1分)December is the(第十二) month of the year9(1分)Eating v is good for our heath10(1分)M is my favorite subject11(1

      2、分)These are two(手表)12(1分)Lets(去) to school13(1分)His birthday is(十二月) ninth14(1分)They are (在下面) the bed15(1分)I(不是) 13years old用所给词的恰当形式填空(5分,每小题1分)16(1分)The keys(be) Toms17(1分)Is that(you) book?18(1分)Please(call) me at 657831919(1分)(that) are his parents20(1分)His(brother) are good students三、句型转换(10分)21(2分)Her phone number is 2345167(提问) phone number?22(2分)This is an ID card(提问) in English?23(2分)Shes my aunts daughter(变复数句) my aunts24(2分)He has a computer game(变否定句) He a computer game25(2分)My brot

      3、her plays sports(变一般疑问句)your brothersports?四、单项选择(20分)26(1分)This is my sister_ name is Grace.()ASheBHeCHerDHis27(1分)I like bananas,_ my friends dont like bananas()AandBsoCbutDor28(1分)When is your fathers birthday?Its October 23rd,2004()AOctober twentythirdBtwentythird OctoberCOctober twentieththirdDOctober the twentythree29(1分)_ is that chicken?Its three dollars a kilo()AHow manyBHow muchCHowDHow old30(1分)Which is your _ color?I think I like _ best()Amonth,mayBfavorite,blueCfavorite,springDbest,

      4、blue31(1分)What kind of _ _ he like?He likes math()Amovies,doBfood,doesCsubjects,doesDmovies,does32(1分)Can you play the drum very well?_And Im in the music club()AYes,I canBNo,I cantCYes,I doDNo,I dont33(1分)_ do you often go to work?At around 8:00am()AHow oldBWhat timeCWhatDWhere34(1分)Please have a look _ the interesting picture()AinBonCatDof35(1分)She wants _ play baseball with her sister()Ato playBplayCplayingDplays36(1分)My brother Jack can play _guitar but he cant play _ volleyball()Athe,theBth

      5、e,/C/,theDa,a37(1分)This is _ grandfather()AheBsheCIDhis38(1分)December is _ month of a year()Athe twelveBthe twelvethCthe twelfthDthe twelvth39(1分)What do you usually do _ Saturday evening?()AinBonCatDto40(1分)He _ sportsHe only _ them on TV()Adont play,watchBdoesnt play,watchCnot play,watchesDdoesnt play,watches41(1分)Its ten oclock in the eveningLets _()Ago to schoolBhave lunchCgo to bedDget up42(1分)I like comedy,_ I dont like thriller()AorBandCbutDfor43(1分)_ do you want to join our club?I want t

      6、o learn swimming()AWhyBHowCWhatDHow much44(1分)The boy doesnt like documentaries,because its _()AfunBinterestingCrelaxingDboring45(1分)thank you_()AThank youBYoure welcomeCYes,pleaseI want a penDIm sorry五、情景交际(5分)46(5分)46Do you like playing chess?AIts red47When is your birthday?BNo,I dontIts hard for me48Whats his phone number?CZhou Runfa49What color is your box?DIts 243087650Whos your favorite film star?EDecember 4th六、完型填空(10分)51(10分)Joan is(51)American girl(52)family is in New YorkShe is 13She(5

      7、3)salad a lotNow Joan is (54)ChinaShe likes Chinese food,too(55)lunch she likes eating chicken and carrotsShe studies at No.2 Middle SchoolShe reads Chinese every morningShe likes(56)Chinese (57)classShe usually (58)Chinese after class,tooShe(59)TV on Sunday eveningIts relaxing at homeShe likes(60)tennis51Aa Bthe Can52AHer BHis CShe53Alikes Blike Cliking54Aon Bat Cin55AOn BFor CIn56Aspeaking Bspeaks Cspeak57Aon Bof Cin58Areading Breads Cto read59Awatching Bwatchs Cwatches60Aplaying Bplays Cdoing七、阅读理解(30分)61(10分)Dear Jenny,Im sorry youre sick and cant come to school this week.Let me tell you what you have on Monday next weekWe have math at 8:00How boring!Then we have EnglishThats interestingI know you love EnglishNext is PE.The fourth lesson is artThats my favorite subject!In the afternoon,we have history with Mr ChenHe is fun but history isntThen


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