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黑龙江省五常市第三中学 :unit 4 topic 3 section b《famous places of interest》 学案(仁爱版八年级上册)

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  • 文档编号:87886055
  • 上传时间:2019-04-14
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    • 1、I. Learning Aims 学习目标1. 同学们继续学习反意疑问句。2. 同学们学会长度、高度和重量的表达。3. 同学们学会讨论和描述中外的名胜。II. The Important Points 重点1. 请同学们重点掌握下列词和短语的用法: emperor n. 皇帝,wonder n. 奇迹、惊讶v.对疑惑,想知道,live adj. 活的,实况的, treasure n. 财富,金银财宝,underground adj. 地下的n. 地铁,palace n. 宫殿,west adj. 西的,向西的,从西来的adv.在西方,向西方 n. 西部,西方,weigh v.重,称的重量, ton n.吨,queen n. 皇后,女王,exhibition n. 展览会,展览,Paris n. 巴黎,Emperor Qins Terracotta Warriors 秦始皇陵兵马俑,the Summer Palace 颐和园,Forbidden City故宫, Grand Buddha in Leshan 乐山大佛 2. 同学们需掌握下列句型:(1) Jim ,you visited E

      2、mperor Qins Terracotta Warriors last week, didnt you? 吉姆,你上周游览了兵马俑,不是吗? (2) They are one of the greatest wonders of the world. 他们是世界上最伟大的奇迹之一。(3) Qinshihuang, the first emperor of China, ordered his men to make them. 秦始皇中国第一位皇帝命令他的臣民制作了它们。(4) The workers used live models, didnt they? 工人们用了真人模特,不是吗? (5) There are many treasures in Emperor Qins Underground Palace, arent there? 秦始皇的地下宫殿里有很多财宝,不是吗?(6) Its 97 meters high and weighs 13.5 tons. 它97米高,重13.5吨。 III. Preview自主预习1. 请同学们认读生词表中P95-96的词汇五遍,直至读

      3、熟。若有词读不准,请标出来。2. 请同学们从SectionB中划出含有下列单词的短语并理解 (1)one of (2)order (3) oldest (4) symbol (5) ago (6) built (7) gift3. 请同学们从Section B 1a中找出附加疑问句并翻译。_IV. 知识链接 Hot Links1. order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 医生叫她卧床休息。The doctor _ her _ _ in bed.order n. 菜单,顺序您可以点菜了吗?_ I _ _ _?按正确的顺序: in right order2. live 活的;实况,现场(直播)的 (1) live adj. 活的; 实况,现场直播的 如: 我们看见了一条活蛇。We saw a real _ snake. 这个俱乐部大多数晚上都有现场演奏的音乐。 The club has _ music most nights. (2) live v. 居住,生活 live in 在居住 live on 靠为生我爷爷住在乡下。My grandfather _ _ the c

      4、ountryside.小鸟主要靠食昆虫为生。Small birds _ mainly _ insects. 3. 主语+be + 数词+表示数量的名词+ 表示性质的形容词 表示某物有多长/多宽/多高/多深 这块黑板长4米,宽2米。The blackboard is_ _ _ and _ _ _. 这座山高2000米。The mountain is _ _ _. 姚明2.26米高。Yao Ming is 2.26 _ _.V. Having a Quit当堂检测 (I) 根据汉意或句意和首字母提示补全单词或用所给词的适当形式填空.1. They found many t_ in the old house and became rich.2. Its a w_ that he passed the exam. He didnt work hard at all.3. The emperor built their U_ Palaces.4. The weight of a whale is about 3 t_.5. We call a kings wife a _ (皇后).(II)

      5、单项选择。( ) 1. Most of those builders lived in the countryside before they came into our city,_ they? Yes, they did.A.dontB. wont C. arent D. didnt( ) 2. -_, did you visit the Summer Palace yesterday? - Yes, I did.A.By the way B. On the way C. In the way D. Across the way( ) 3. When Jim and Bob were fighting, a police came and ordered them_ at once.A. to stop fight B. to stop fightingC. stop to fight D. stop fighting( ) 4. Do you know how long is the Forbidden city? Yes. Its about _. Its one of the

      6、 most famous sights in Beijing.A. 960 meters wide B. 960-meter-long C. 960 meters long D. 960-meter-wide( ) 5. He seldom plays basketball, _?A. isnt heB. is he C. doesnt he D. does he( ) 6. Its a great pity _ the old city walls.A. to pull down B. pull downC. pulling down D. pulled down( ) 7. They must work hard, _?A. mustnt they B. dont they C. neednt theyD. need they( ) 8. Lets do our homework now, _?A. dont we B. will you C. dont we D. shall we( ) 9. They didnt go swimming yesterday, didnt the

      7、y? -_. I saw them skating.A. No, they didntB. No, they did C. Yes, they did D. Yes, they didnt( ) 10. You arent interested in math, are you? -_, though its hard to learn.A. Yes, I am B. No, Im not C. Yes, I do D. No, I dont( ) 11. Tom was unhappy this morning, _?A. isnt heB. is heC. wasnt heD. was hs( ) 12. Its hard _ so much work in one day. A. of him to do B. for him to do C. of him doing D. for him doing(III) 按要求完成下列句子。1. Terracotta Warriors are in Xian. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Terracotta Warriors?2. The workers didnt use live models, did they? (根据汉语提示回答) _, they _. (不,他们是使用活生生的模型)3. The Great Wall stands for the Chinese nation. (同义句转换)The Great Wall _ _ _ _ the Chinese nation.4. The classroom is about 7 meters long, 5 meters wide and 6 meters tall. (对画线部分提问) _ _ is the classroom? VI. Homework课外作业 1. 认真读、背今天的“学习重点” 和“知识链接”,并默写。2. 熟读1a 背诵,默写一遍。3. 按照Section C中自主预习中的要求预习 Section C。4. 阅读理解I

      《黑龙江省五常市第三中学 :unit 4 topic 3 section b《famous places of interest》 学案(仁爱版八年级上册)》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《黑龙江省五常市第三中学 :unit 4 topic 3 section b《famous places of interest》 学案(仁爱版八年级上册)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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