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重庆市涪陵第十九中学校:unit 1 opic 1 section d 学案(仁爱版八年级英语上册)

  • 卖家[上传人]:小**
  • 文档编号:87885874
  • 上传时间:2019-04-14
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:61KB
  • / 6 举报 版权申诉 马上下载
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    • 1、课型:口语课 课时:1课时 主备人: 审阅:八年级英语组 时间:2014-8-21一、学习目标: 1复习总结一般将来时态。2继续谈论自己所喜欢的体育运动。3复习特殊问句。二、学习重点:一般将来时态三、学习难点: 现在进行时态表示将来四、学习资源:1.David Beckham, a famous soccer star, arrived in Beijing with his teammates yesterday. 译:_ arrive 到达(不及物动词) arrive at +小地方 arrive in +大地方链接:get 做“到达” 讲时也是不及物动词,get to + 地点 注意:arrive, get若接地点副词home, here, there等,介词at, in, to一律省略My father arrived home very late last night. 我每天很早到校。_2.They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow. 译:_注: leave是短暂动词,进行时表示将要发生的动作 leave for动身去

      2、某地 区别:leave离开某地 (可不要小看了介词for哦) (1)They are leaving London next week. (2)They are leaving for London next week.译: (1)_ (2)_三. 划线提问 ( 一提 二改 三抄 四问号 )1.David Beckham arrived in Beijing with his teammates yesterday. 2.The team is going to play against Chinas national team tomorrow. 3.They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow. (一)、自习(1)词汇过关。(2)阅读教材一. 在文中划出下列短语并翻译1.a famous soccer star_ 2. arrive in Beijing_ 3.leave for Japan_ 4stay for long_ 5.the day after tomorrow_ 6.climb a mountain_ 7.row

      3、a boat_ 8.for two more days_ 9.play against 10.this weekend 二. 重点句型:1这个队明天将同中国国家队比赛。 2他们后天动身前往日本。 (二)、自疑如:“到达这里”可以译作arrive in here吗? 你也试一试吧!_ 家长签字_预习等级_组长签字_(三)、自探活动一:Work alone Listen to the tape and do the exercise 活动二:Written work 活动三:基础知识梳理和巩固(四)、自测(1)、根据中英文提示完成下列句子。1你还想去其它什么地方? do you want to go?2他们不认识我,这真是太好了。 very good they dont know me3当我们到达北京的时候,他们队正在和中国国家队打比赛。 When we Beijing, their team was Chinas National Team4他们将离开重庆到北京去。They are Chongqing Beijing5这场雨持续了很长时间。The rain lasted (2)、单项填空

      4、( )1He spent much time football Aplaying Bplay with Cto play Dplaying with( )2Dont come late next time, Mike AIs that so? BDont worry CI dont know DSorry, I wont( )3 is good for our health that we have a walk for thirty minutes after mealsAIt BThat CWhat DWhich( )4It is Monday todayAnd it is going to be Wednesday Ayesterday B the day before yesterday Ctomorrow Dthe day after tomorrow( )5I didnt see my favorite movie star !AThat is great BHow exciting CWhat a shame DGood luck( )6It was getting da

      5、rk outsideThey all their homesAleave Bleft Cleave for Dleft for( )7I took many of Aphoto, potato Bphotos, potatos Cphotoes, potatoes Dphotos, potatoes( )8John is very , because he saw the movie just nowAexcited, excited Bexcited, exciting Cexciting, excited Dexciting, exciting( )9Lily her keys at home, so she couldnt open her deskAleaves Bleft Cforgets Dforgot(五)、自结我想说:_ (六).课后作业一必背单词1term 2team 3bit 4quite a bit/ a lot 5club 6volleyball 7tennis 8table tennis 9player 10Houston Rockets 11NBA 12dream 13dancer 14job 15future 16runner 17record 18gold 19medal 20shame 21athlete 22mountain 23hour 24exercise 25baseball 26weekend 27heart 28lung 29teammate

      《重庆市涪陵第十九中学校:unit 1 opic 1 section d 学案(仁爱版八年级英语上册)》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《重庆市涪陵第十九中学校:unit 1 opic 1 section d 学案(仁爱版八年级英语上册)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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