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重庆市涪陵区中峰初级中学八年级英语unit 7《food festival》第三课时教案(仁爱版)

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  • 文档编号:87885850
  • 上传时间:2019-04-14
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  • 文档大小:138.50KB
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    • 1、Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。 The main activities are 1 and 2a. 本课重点活动是1和2a。. Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn some new words: lady, gentleman, satisfy, guest, menu, wine, bill2. Learn how to order and offer food and drinks:Heres the menu.May I take your order?Wed like Beijing Roast Duck and vegetable soup.Which kind of drink would you like, beer, wine or a soft drink?Anything else?May I have the bill, please?3. Know about how to make an opening speech:Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to R

      2、enai International School!The first Renai International Food Festival is now open!Thanks for coming.Well try to satisfy all the guests.Lets wish them success!Enjoy yourselves!.Teaching aids 教具小黑板/录音机/挂图.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 7分钟)复习学过的饮食习惯,导入新课。1. (师生互动复习饮食习惯,尽可能多地运用宾语从句。)T: We know people around the world have different eating customs. Please discuss in pairs, using object clauses as much as possible.S1:Do you know if people in the south of China eat noodles?S2

      3、:Yes, I think so. Could you tell me if people use chopsticks to eat in America? S3:2. (师生谈论美食节,导入新课。) T: The kind-hearted children got ready for the food festival two weeks ago. I think they will try to satisfy all the guests and the food for sale must be delicious.(老师尽可能慢地说出这些句子。板书并教学生词,掌握:satisfy, guest;理解kind-hearted。)kind-hearted adj.好心的 satisfy v.满足,使满意 guest n.客人,宾客T:Now lets imagine what they will serve in the food festival.S4:I think that they will serve fried rice, S5:I think they will

      4、serve Indian curries.S6:T:Well, I cant wait to see the opening ceremony of the food festival. Lets go!(过渡到下一步。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 6分钟)呈现本课1。(展示1挂图。播放1录音,抓住中心意思。)T: Boys and girls! Look at the picture. Its about the opening ceremony of the food festival. Welcome to the food festival! Listen to 1 carefully and tell me what food you hear.(学生听1录音后回答问题。)S7: I heard many different kinds of delicious foods were for sale.S8: Such as fried rice, apple pies, Indian curries and so on.T:Look at

      5、the picture again. What can you see? How do people feel?S9:I can see many guests.S10:I think they are excited.T: Good! There is a boy and a girl in the center. Do you know what they say? Please listen again and try to follow it. Then find out the key sentences.(学生说,教师总结并出示小黑板。要求学生用主持人的语气齐读下面这些句子,教师解释疑难点。要求学生掌握lady和gentleman。)Ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to Renai International School!The first Renai International Food Festival is now open!Thanks for coming.Well try to satisfy all the guests.Lets

      6、wish them success!Enjoy yourselves!Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 8分钟)巩固练习1。1. (再听1录音,并跟读。)T: Listen to 1 again and follow it.2. (分角色朗读) T: Read 1 in roles. Boys as the boy in the centre. Girls as the girl in the center.3. (给两分钟时间准备,选几组学生上台表演。)T: Work in pairs. And Ill ask some pairs to act it out.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 15分钟)练习2a并完成2b。(美食节上来了许多客人。假如你是服务员,你会怎样给客人服务呢?)T: The first Renai International Food Festival is now open. Many guests are coming. Suppose you were one of the waiters or wai

      7、tresses. How will you serve the guests?(鼓励学生积极思考,搜集服务用语。)S1:Welcome to the food festival! May I take your order?S2:Let me see. Id like some dumplings.T:Id like Beijing Roast Duck and vegetable soup. Id like a bottle of Tsingtao beer, too.S1:OK.(待学生完成后,教师用图片教学生词。)(板书并教学生词,掌握:menu, wine, bill;理解beer和soft drink。)来源:学优中考网xYzkwmenu n.菜单 wine n.酒 bill n.帐单 beer n.啤酒 soft drink n.(不含酒精)的清凉饮料T:May I have the bill? (做掏钱动作。)S1:(提醒学生回答: Its¥ Thanks for coming!)(表演结束,将菜单及重点词句巩固一遍。)(出示小黑板,并解释句意。)Here is the

      8、menu.May I take your order?What would you like to eat/drink?Anything else?May I have the bill, please?Thanks for coming!T: We have got ready to serve the guests. Now, Mr. and Mrs. Yang come to the food festival. Do you know what you should serve them? Listen to 2a and tell us.(播放2a录音,学生回答问题。)S3:We should serve them Beijing Roast Duck and vegetable soup.S4:Mr. Yang would like a bottle of Tsingtao beer, and Mrs. Yang would like a cup of Chinese tea.(读2a,然后三人一组表演2a。)T:Great! Now lets read the dialo

      9、g and practice it.(再读2a,并独立完成2b。注意一般过去时的用法。核对答案。)T:Good! Lets learn more about Mr. and Mrs. Yang. Read 2a again, and fill in the blanks in 2b. Then Ill check the answers.T:S5, would you please read the passage in 2b for us?S5:Sure!(教师核对答案后,学生圈出一般过去式的动词。)T:Thanks! Now please circle the verbs with the past tense. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 9分钟)组织学生操练如何点菜。1. (小组活动。)(方案一)(将全班分成几组。每组抽一名学生扮侍者,带上菜单到其他组服务,将点菜结果记录下来。)S1: May I take your order? / What would you like to have?S2: Let me see. Id like S3: Id like (表格采用表1或表2,基础较差写不了菜名的学生可采用表2,打“”即可。)(表1)NameFoodDrink(表2)NameRiceChickenPizzaRoast DuckVegetable soupTeaCoffeeJuiceBeefBeerWine

      《重庆市涪陵区中峰初级中学八年级英语unit 7《food festival》第三课时教案(仁爱版)》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《重庆市涪陵区中峰初级中学八年级英语unit 7《food festival》第三课时教案(仁爱版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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