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重庆市九年级英语上unit2 saving the earth topic 1 pollution causes too many problems教案(仁爱版)

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  • 文档编号:87885798
  • 上传时间:2019-04-14
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:126.50KB
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    • 1、【基础知识过关】I.短语1.计划一次野餐_ 2.空气新鲜_3.蜜蜂和蝴蝶_ 4.天哪,啊呀_5.花和草不见了_ 6.化学工厂_7.对有害_ 8.废水_9.空气/土壤/水/灯光/噪音污染_II. 根据汉语提示,写出所缺单词,使句意完整1. The fish smells terrible. It has_ (变得)bad.2. We call a small narrow river_(小溪)。3. We have a lot of work to do every day. We are as busy as a _(蜜蜂)。4.Please_(呼吸) deeply if you feel nervous.5The river isnt clean now because the factory has _(倾倒)much _(废弃的) water into it.6.Playing computer games too much can _(影响) your study.III.读1a完成下列短文 Kangkang, Jane, Maria and Michael are_ _ _,

      2、They plan to go to the West Hill, because its a place _ lots of flowers and grass. The air is _ and the water is _.and they can see _ and _ _.But two days later, they come to the West Hill, the flowers and grass_ _.The water is so _ and it _ terrible. Because there are several _ _ _ _ water _ the _.Everything has changed.IV.单项选择( ) 1.Reading in bed is harmful_ our eyes.A.at B.to C.in D. on( )2. Kangkang said he _bees dancing here in the future.A. will see B. see C. sees D. would see( )3. We _it

      3、with our noses. A. smell B. look C. sound D. taste( )4._ pollution can cause trouble.A.uch too B. Too much C. Few D. Too many( )5.Time is knowledge, and time is money, dont _ it, please. A. influence B. influences C. wasted D. waste【综合能力提升】I.单项选择( )1.Look, there are several boys _ on the road.A .play B .to play C .playing D .plays( )2.What are you looking for, Mike? My brothers MP3,it_ here just now, but now it _.A .was, has lost B .is , has lose C .has been, lost D .was, lost( )3.Everything has

      4、 changed,_?A .has it B .hasnt it C .have they D .havent they( )4.Tom, can you tell me _? Sorry, I dont know.A .how many people have been there B .when is the meeting C .why did they decide to do it D .where will it start( )5.Marking a loud noise in public does great _ to peoples hearing.A .harm B .harmful C .harmless D .harmfully( )6.Oh,_! Youve made so many mistakes.A .bad luck B. my goodness C .I hope so D .I hope not( )7.Were too tired. Lets go out and _ the fresh air.A .breathe B .breath C .

      5、to breathe D .to breath( )8.Dont throw rubbish into the river. You may _ them.A .pollute B .pollution C .polluting D .polluted( )9.So many factories has_ waste water _river, so the river is so dirty.A .pour, in B .pour , into C .poured, on I D .poured ,into( )10.The government has done_ to stop the pollution, so the air become fresh again.A .useful something B .noting C .something useful D. anything usefulII.用所给词的正确形式填空1. Its a pity that such a beautiful lake_(go).2. The doctor asked me if I _(f

      6、eel) better now.3. Not all people work in _(noise) conditions.4 There are some women _(dance) on the ground.5.Air _(pollute) has caused so many diseases.6. Drinking too much beer does _(harm) to our bodies.III. 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。work, germ, health, bad, rest, make, comfortable Everyone likes to live in a clean and _environment. If the environment is _, it will not make us feel well. Sometimes we maybe terrible ill.AT that time we dont want to _.We have to stay in bed and _ at home. So the environme

      7、nt is very important to us. Its _that make us ill. There germs everywhere. They are very small and we cant see them with our own eyes. To keep us _. We should try our best _the environment become cleaner. his needs us to act together.【中考考点链接】1.(2012重庆30题1分)Look, There is a person_ at the door. A. knocks B. knocking C. knocked D. to knock2.(2011重庆27题1分) _ may have a chance to be successful if he tries his best.A. Somebody B. Everybody C. Nobody D.None3.(2011江津30题1分)-Sweet food can _childrens teeth.A. be harmful to B. feel sorry for C. be worried about D. be good atSection B【基础知识过关】I.短语1. 看起来虚弱_ 2.另外_3.心情不好_ 4.忍受(做)某事_5.不管怎样_ 6.给某人写信_7.感觉更糟糕_ 8. 去看医生 _9. 你像这样有多久了?_II.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. The factory p_ many

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