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四川省2018-2019学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题 word版含答案

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    • 1、2019年春四川省棠湖中学高二第一学月考试英语试题第I卷 选择题(100分)第一部分 听力第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. Why does the man come here? A. To relax. B. To study. C. To borrow books.2. What happens to the speakers? A. They are lost. B. Their car is broken. C. They are running out of gas.3. What sport did the woman watch? A. Football. B. Tennis. C. Swimming.4. When will the woman leave for the airport tomorrow? A. At 5:30. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:30.5. What does the professor suggest the woman do? A. Hand in the final p

      2、aper. B. Write another paper. C. Revise her paper.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. How does the man probably feel now? A. Impatient. B. Regretful. C. Confused.7. What is the man doing? A. Complaining. B. Comforting. C. Encouraging.请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. When does the conversation take place? A. In the morning. B. At noon. C. In the evening.9. What did the man attend? A. A party. B. A discussion. C. The opening ceremony.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Where does the conversation t

      3、ake place? A. In an office. B. In a restaurant. C. In a hotel.11. What kind of steak will the man have? A. Rare. B. Well-done. C. Medium.12. What does the man start his meal with?A. A cream and onion soup. B. Some baked potatoes. C. An iced tea with a lemon.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What does the man want to do? A. To reserve a car. B. To reserve a room. C. To rent a car. 14. What size of the car does the man intend to hire? A. Large. B. Middle. C. Small.15. How much need the man pay for the rented c

      4、ar for the weekend? A. $80. B. $89. C. $120. 16. Where can the man find his rented car? A. In the Hotel. B. On Peter Street. C. In the parking lot.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What happened to the Cuyahoga River in 1969?A. It was cleaned up.B. It was seriously polluted. C. It became the most outstanding river.18. How long did it take for the river to become clean? A. A few months. B. Several years. C. A few days.19. What can make the river clean according to the speaker? A. Hard work. B. Something imag

      5、inable. C. The control of using your credit card. 20. What shall we do when facing an impossible situation?A. Wait for something to change. B. Imagine something outstanding. C. Just be patient and do something. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIn recent years,Myanmar has opened its doors to western tourismThis once-closed state in Southeast Asia is a gold mine for those who enjoy the ancient Buddhist culture of the regionCompared to its n

      6、eighbors,the landscape of Myanmar has been left largely undamagedThere are so many reasons why Myanmar is amazing and has been rated one of the top Asian tourist destinations for 2019Here are some of its scenic spots:Shwedagon Pagoda in YangonAs far as pagodas are concerned,this is one of the most respected in MyanmarThis massive325-foot Buddhist pagoda is surrounded by smaller shiny-gold pagodasIt is believed that some of the hairs of Gautama Buddha are well-preserved in hereThe Shwedagon Pagod

      7、a is a must-see destination on your traveling scheduleLong Neck Tribe of the Hill CountryThese womenwho are identified by their long necks that are stretched by brass neck coils(项圈)from an early agehave become world-famousYoull find this tribe in the mountainous north of the country,especially in Chin stateThis custom dates back to ancient times when tribesmenwho were always at war with neighboring tribesput neck coils on their women to prevent them from being taken as prisoners of warThese days

      8、,the long-necked women are used to seeing foreigners,who make the long journey to this isolated region of Myanmar for the purpose of seeing themMandalay CityThis dusty,hot center of trading and commerce for Myanmar is both fascinating and excitingYou11 never find a shortage of things to do hereTemplesMedieval-era castlesBuildings from the countrys colonial British pastThere are over 600 monasteries and nunneries in the Holy Hills of Sagaing,which overlook MandalayThe city also has an exciting nightlife which will be an attraction for many21What does the writer intend to tell in the passage?ALife styles people in Myanmar haveBActivities tourists can attend in MyanmarCReasons why Myanmar is suddenly popularDInformation about some attractions in Myanmar22For what purpose were the neck coils initially used?ATo protect womens necksBTo frighten the enemies awayCTo make women more attractiveDTo stop women being victims of war23What will impress travelers to Mandalay City most?APromising co

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