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【世纪金榜】2018年高考英语(外研版)一轮复习课件:基础自查学案 必修3 module 3

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    • 1、Module 3 The Violence of Nature (限时20分钟),. 重点词汇识记与拓展 1. _n. 灾难 2. _n. 海流; 潮流 3. _adj. 热带的 4. _adj. 以前的 5. _vt. 引起; 导致,disaster,current,tropical,previous,cause,6. _vi. 发生 7. _vt. 经验 _adj. 有经验的,occur,strike,ruin,damage,experience,experienced,11. _n. 家具 _vt. 装备; 配备 12. _vt. 埋葬 _n. 埋葬; 葬礼 13. _adj. 猛烈的; 激烈的; 强烈的 _n. 暴力,furniture,furnish,bury,burial,violent,violence,14. _n. 可能; 可能性 _adj. 可能的 15. _adj. 吓人的; 可怕的 _adj. 受惊吓的; 恐惧的 _vt. 使恐惧; 使害怕,possibility,possible,terrifying,terrified,terrify,16. _adv. 幸

      2、运地; 幸亏 _adj. 幸运的 _n. 运气; 财富 17. _n. 警告 _v. 警告,fortunately,fortunate,fortune,warning,warn,18. _adv. 幸运地; 幸亏 _n. 运气; 幸运 _adj. 幸运的 19. _v. & n. 希望 _adj. 有希望的 _adv. 满怀希望地,luckily,luck,lucky,hope,hopeful,hopefully,. 重点短语识记 1. _ 指的是; 谈到; 提到; 涉及 2. _ 卷起; 拾起; 搭载; (偶然)学会 3. _ 记下; 放下; 镇压 4. _ 去掉; 脱掉; 起飞; 兴旺 5. _ 平均起来 6. _ 结果为; 以结束,refer to,pick up,put down,take off,on average,end up,7. _ 放火(焚烧) 8. _ 着火 9. _ 扑灭(火) 10. _ 翻过来; 翻阅(书页) 11. _ 发生 12. _ 总共; 总计,set fire to,catch fire,put out,turn over,take place,i

      3、n all,. 经典句式应用 1. They can destroy houses, but _ _(把房内的家具留在原处). (leave+宾语+宾语补足语) 2. On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, _(导致 约80人死亡, 1 500人受伤). (现在分词短语作结果状语),leave the furniture,inside exactly where it was,causing about 80 deaths and 1, 500 injuries,3. _(等到风停时), more than 700 people had been killed and 2, 700 had been injured. (by the time引导时间状语从句) 4. When the lava reached the sea, _ _(有可能引发巨大浪 潮)which could flood half the island. (there is/was the possibility of. . . 有的可能性)

      4、,By the time it ended,there was the,possibility of a huge tidal wave,. 词汇积累 1. -ing名词后缀 warning n. 警告 feeling n. 感情; 感觉 lightning n. 闪电 meaning n. 意思, 含义 spelling n. 拼写, 拼读,2. 词形变换双写“r” occur/occurred/occurred/occurring refer/referred/referred/referring prefer/preferred/preferred/preferring transfer/transferred/transferred/transferring,3. “v. +to(prep. )”短语 refer to 指的是; 谈到; 提到 stick to 坚持 lead to 通向; 导致 contribute to 导致; 促使 object to 反对,. 佳作诵读 假如你是明启中学(Ming Qi Middle School)的李明, 想申请一个扶贫项目, 帮助贫困

      5、地区的儿童。根据以下启事, 写一封申请信(信中不能提到真实姓名和学校)。,Dear Sirs, 自我介绍My name is Li Ming, a student studying at Shanghai Ming Qi Middle School. From the notice in the local newspaper, I learnt that the International Children Fund has launched the program for the purpose of helping children in some underdeveloped areas.,写信目的As an urban student, I am writing to apply for the fund worthy of 2, 000 yuan to help those children in poor mountainous areas.,具体设想The first stage of my program is how we would deal with the s

      6、upporting money. First of all, Id like to spend 1, 000 yuan in purchasing some stationery for the needy students at the schools there. The rest of the fund would be used to purchase good- quality second-hand textbooks for the village school libraries there. Besides, Ill do a lot, such as donating,pocket money, giving clothes to those poor students and so on. Please give me the feedback at your earliest convenience if my qualifications meet your requirements. Im looking forward to your reply! Yours sincerely, Li Ming,

      《【世纪金榜】2018年高考英语(外研版)一轮复习课件:基础自查学案 必修3 module 3 》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【世纪金榜】2018年高考英语(外研版)一轮复习课件:基础自查学案 必修3 module 3 》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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