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2019版二轮复习英语练酷版练习:阅读理解板块组合练六 word版含解析

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  • 文档编号:87870554
  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
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    • 1、阅读理解板块组合练六(限时35分钟).阅读理解ASometimes my friends ask me what books would make great gifts for their young ones.And perhaps they arent alone! Have you ever struggled to pick out a book for a teen family member or friend from the thousands of options at your local bookshop?Look no further! Here are some of my favorite titles to recommend, followed up by more resources you may find helpful in your search for the perfect teen book.Harry Potter fans:Younger teens may enjoy The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann or

      2、 The Iron Trial by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare.Older teens may enjoy Carry On by Rainbow Rowell or The Reader by Traci Chee.Disney fans:Younger teens might enjoy The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale.Spindle Fire by Lexa Hillyer will surely please teen Frozen fans.Older teen Disney fans might like Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh, Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton, or the short story collection Because You Love to Hate Me.SciFi and superhero fans:Fans of Marvel and DC movies and comics (漫画) mig

      3、ht enjoy Icons by Margaret Stohl or Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson.Doctor Who fans might like time traveling tales such as The Girl From Everywhere by Heidi Heilig and Future Shock by Elizabeth Briggs.Finally, dont forget to try our online database Novelist, where you can search for your teens favorite book and look at suggestions for others that are similar! And of course, you can always ask the library staff for more recommendations.语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章根据不同的主题推荐了一些适合当作礼物送给青少年的书。1Which of the foll

      4、owing books can be the best gift for a younger teen Disney fan?AThe Iron Trial.BThe Goose Girl.CFlame in the Mist. DSteelheart.解析:选B细节理解题。根据Disney fans分类下第一条中的“Younger teens might enjoy The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale.”可知答案。2What do we know about the book The Girl From Everywhere?AIt is a work of science fiction.BIt is only suitable for older teens.CIt is attractive to Harry Potter fans.DIt is a comic book about superheroes.解析:选A细节理解题。根据SciFi and superhero fans分类下第二条中的“Doctor Who fans might like

      5、time traveling tales such as The Girl From Everywhere by Heidi Heilig .”可知,神秘博士迷也许会喜欢其他时空穿梭题材的故事,比如无处不在的女孩。由此推知,这本书是科幻小说。3How are the books recommended in the text classified?ABy writers nationalities.BBy readers ages.CBy popularity. DBy themes.解析:选D写作手法题。文章所推荐的三类书籍分别为:哈利波特迷、迪士尼迷以及科幻和超级英雄迷。每类中推荐的书籍都是分别与这些主题相关的书。由此可知,文中所推荐的书籍是按照它们的主题分类的。BSonam Tenzin has a clear understanding of what modern material wealth would mean to him: treatment and medication for his elderly, disabled mother, and his aunt

      6、and uncle and a good education for his two sons.Sonam Tenzin is separated from his wife, so he supports his sons and his three aging relatives alone.Last year, the familys situation got worse when their house was damaged by fire.Although he got help, Sonam had to borrow 60,000 yuan from the bank to repair the building.In the coming five years, according to the policy, the government will provide parttime jobs, such as forest rangers (护林员), for 500,000 people.Sonam Tenzin has been offered a job a

      7、s a forest ranger, which will bring him about 3,000 yuan every year.“However, some people just do nothing and think the government will take care of them, anyway,” Nyima, the official, said.“Stopping the resettlement projects from turning into slums (贫民区) is at the top of our tasks.”The real challenge for the government lies in working out how poor families can be helped to make a living without government assistance.In one resettlement project in an urban area of Nyingchi, the government has se

      8、t an entry condition that requires poor families to have at least one person working in the area before they are allowed to move in.Although Sonam Tenzin had excellent performance in his schoolwork, the need to support his family forced him to drop out before he finished high school.Now, his dearest wish is that his children will receive an education good enough to help them live up to their potential (潜能)“Every time I am invited to a gathering of my middle school classmates, I always refuse.We

      9、were very close, but now we live very different lives,” he said.“I just hope my children will not be in the same position as me in the future.”语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了西藏自治区林芝市的Sonam Tenzin在当地政府的政策帮助下摆脱贫困。4Why does Sonam Tenzin have to support his family by himself?ABecause only he has a job in his family.BBecause his wife doesnt live with him.CBecause only he has the ability to work.DBecause his wife is terribly ill.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段“Sonam Tenzin is separated from his wife, so he supports his sons and his three aging relatives alone.”可知,Sonam Tenzin与妻子分居,因此他只能独自抚养儿子和赡养他三个年迈的亲属。5Whats the biggest problem that the resettlement projects are facing?ASome peoples laziness.BThe poor living conditions.CSome peoples disagreement.DThe shortage of job opportunities.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第四段内容可知,政府官员Nyima说有些人什么事情也不做,觉得不管怎样政府都会照顾他们。如何不让“重新安置工

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