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2019版二轮复习英语练酷版练习:阅读理解板块组合练三 word版含解析

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  • 文档编号:87870548
  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:297KB
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    • 1、阅读理解板块组合练三(限时35分钟).阅读理解AThe Path of Life Garden lies in a 14-acre field of paths, wildflowers and open spaces on the banks of the Connecticut River.The garden is a fun place for families.Kids love running through the tree maze (迷宫) and jumping around the large stone sculptures.Grandparents love bringing their grandchildren back year after year to see what is new and what has stayed the same.More than anything else, the Path of Life Garden is a place for reflection and appreciation.The garden is

      2、also a unique place for a family gathering, business outing or birthday party.If you are interested in hosting an event in the garden, please e-mail us or call 802-674-9933.In July of each year, the One Drum Festival is held in the Path of Life Garden!This full day celebration aims to bring together drummers from many different traditions.Visitor information:Admission: $6 each (Age: 13 and over); $3 each (Age: 412); kids aged 3 and under are free; admission is discounted by 10% for groups of 10

      3、or more.Garden hours: Dawn to dusk.Food and drink: Full lunch menu is available at Harpoon, which is close to the garden.Visitors are welcome to have picnics in the fields of the garden!Touching or climbing: We hope you can protect the garden by not being too rough with our sculptures.Animals: Only trained guide and service animals are permitted in the garden.Sorry, but no pets allowed.Safety: Please be aware that there is poison ivy (毒葛) on the edges of the field so you should stay on the path

      4、to avoid these plants!语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了美国一个著名的公园。1What do we know about the Path of Life Garden?AIt is intended for children.BIt provides places for activities.CVisitors cant find picnics in the garden.DThere are musical performances every day.解析:选B推理判断题。根据第二段和第三段的内容可知,这个公园可以为家庭、私人或者社会活动提供场地。2How much should a couple with two kids aged 2 and 5 pay?A3 dollars.B9 dollars.C15 dollars. D18 dollars.解析:选C细节理解题。根据文章Admission部分的内容“$6 each (Age: 13 and over); $3 each (Age: 412); kids aged 3 and under

      5、 are free” 可知,一对夫妇和两个孩子(分别是两岁和五岁)参观公园的价格是260315。3Which of the following may put you at risk according to the text?AThe tree maze.BPoison ivy on the edges.CGuide and service animals.DStone sculptures in the garden.解析:选B细节理解题。根据最后一段“Please be aware that there is poison ivy (毒葛) on the edges of the field so you should stay on the path to avoid these plants!”可知,园区边缘有毒葛,参观者应在公园的道路上行走,以免有危险。BZheng Xuan works in a “Confucius classroom” at the Metro Deaf School in Saint Paul, Minnesota, the United State

      6、s.Named after the ancient Chinese philosopher, Confucius schools and classrooms are generally run as nonprofit public institutions to help foreigners understand China through language and culture classes at overseas universities.Zheng is the first hearing-impaired (听障的) teacher to have been sent abroad as part of the program, which was established in 2004.She has considered as her personal motto the words of Irving King Jordan, the first deaf president of Gallaudet University in Washington DC.,

      7、“Deaf people can do anything hearing people can do, except hear.”Zheng teaches students Chinese Sign Language, basic Mandarin (普通话) and Chinese culture, but communicates with her colleagues using American Sign Language and English.Born in Wuhan, Hubei Province, Zheng lost most of her hearing after a medical accident at age 2.She learned to communicate by lip-reading and entered mainstream education.In 2009, she received a PhD in literature from Shanghais Fudan University.She refused job offers i

      8、n Shanghai and Shenzhen, choosing instead to teach at Chongqing Normal Universitys special education department the only one in West China for students who are hearing-impaired.Her hard work won her recognition at the school and it took her only two years to become an associate professor and a mentor (导师) for postgraduate students.She has adapted quickly to the different teaching environment in Minnesota and accepted the opportunity to learn about special education in the US.“Doctor Zheng is one

      9、 of the most intelligent and thoughtful professors I have met.Her hard work earns my respect,” Kathy Johnson, director of the SCSU Confucius Institute, said.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了中国首位聋人女博士郑璇投身于孔子学院,在海外传播中国传统文化。4It can be known from the passage that .AConfucius schools aim to help foreigners understand ChinaBZheng Xuan is the founder of the Confucius Institute programCZheng Xuan is famous for her personal education mottoDonly hearing-impaired teachers can teach in Confucius schools解析:选A细节理解题。根据第一段“Confucius schools and classrooms are generally run .culture classes at overseas universities”可知,孔子学院是通过语言和文化课程帮助外国人了解中国的非营利机构。5Which of the following is correct about Zheng Xuan?AShe is the first teacher in the Confucius Institute program.BShe was sent abroad to study in Gallaudet University in 2004.CShe is very optimistic about her di

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