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2019版二轮复习英语练酷版练习:第3天 award—bread word版含解析

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  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
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    • 1、第3天/awardbread(训练日期 月 日).单词拼写1Awarded (奖励;奖赏) by the government for his saving the womans life, the man felt very proud.2Our students come from different backgrounds (背景) but have the same desire to learn.3Based (依据) on the schedule, this special match will take place on the afternoon of May 8 on our school playground.4(2018全国卷)The bay was bathed (沐浴着) in sunshine, and there was a group of kayakers around 150m off the shore.5Before making the final decision, youd better balance(权衡) the advantage

      2、s against the disadvantages.6I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real bargain (便宜货)7Staying up to study does harm to your health.Besides (此外), it will affect your study the following day for lack of energy.8Parents shouldnt always blame (责备) their children for the mistakes they have made.9Bored (厌烦) with life in the city, he is determined to live in the quiet countryside.10Im sorry to bother (打扰) you with so many questions on such an occasion.用括号中单词的适当形式填空1The activity has c

      3、ertainly succeeded in raising public awareness (aware) of protecting the environment.2The government provides them with not only food and shelter, but also the basic (base) skills for their living.3I hold the firm belief (believe) that you will develop a great interest in this gentle exercise.4Youd better keep a balanced (balance) diet for the benefit of your health.5I was blessed (bless) with a happy childhood, one that most people would want to have.6Money was raised to beautify our hometown,

      4、and the houses were beautifully decorated. I dare say, you couldnt find a more beautiful place than our hometown. (beauty)7The child behaved so well in class that the teacher praised his good behaviour in front of others.(behave)8Seeing Jack bleeding after the bloody accident, we sent him to hospital immediately. The Otype blood was badly needed then, so some of us offered to help him.(bleed)9I can say it is of great benefit to share your feelings with someone you trust, which is also beneficial

      5、 to your mental health.(benefit)10They dont feel bored at all with some boring information.(bore).根据括号中的汉语提示完成句子1The first thing I became aware of (意识到) was all the vivid colours surrounding me purples, reds, oranges, yellows, blues and greens. 2(2018济南模拟书面表达)On behalf of/Representing (代表) our school, Im glad to tell you something about these activities. 3It is you rather than he that are to blame (应负责任) for the terrible accident.4As we all know, no one knows how the universe came into being (形成

      6、;诞生)5It is wellknown that China is a country belonging to (属于) the third world.6Youve done so much work that you are bound to (一定;必定) pass the College Entrance Examination.写出加黑部分在语境中的词性及含义1back (熟义:n.后面;后部)Many of his friends backed his plan, which made him very surprised. v.支持2badly (熟义:adv.不好地)English teachers are badly needed in our school. adv.迫切地;很3bare (熟义:adj.裸露的)He likes to bare his heart/soul to his close friends. v.(向某人)敞开(心扉)4bear (熟义:n.熊vt.生育;忍受;承担)(2018全国卷)He turned up at the hospit

      7、al bearing gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. vt.携带5behavior (熟义:n.举止;行为)The behavior of this computer is good. n.性能;特点6bicycle (熟义:n.自行车)In the morning, we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees. vi.骑自行车7block (熟义:n.街区)When we saw the road blocked with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home.v.阻碍;堵塞8blue (熟义:adj.蓝色的n.蓝色)His songs always make me feel blue. adj.忧伤的9book (熟义:n.书)I would like to book three seats for tonights concert. v.预订;预购.用括号中动词的适当形式填空1Our team was easily b

      8、eaten (beat) in the first round of the competition.2Environmental pollution is recognized to have become (become) one of the most serious problems that people face.3Faced with such a difficult situation, he begged (beg) me for help.4Cigarette advertising should be banned (ban) because smoking is bad for our health.5The show began (begin ) at 2 oclock last Saturday at the Student Centre.6He bent (bend)down and picked up a book from the floor.7Bitten (bite) by the snake in the bush, Susan was sent

      9、 back to the camp.8The trees blown (blow) down in the storm have been moved off the road.改正下列句子中的唯一错误1In my view, reading books is the better way to kill time on the train.betterbest2Youd better to store the fish in the refrigerator if you dont cook it immediately.去掉to3It is good to keep the close relationship between teachers or students.orand 4Believing it or not, their team lost most of the football matches.BelievingBelieve5(2018武汉市调研)Suddenly they raised their voice and began to talk loudly about how beautifully the shoes were and how low the price was.beautifullybeautiful6The aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow others blind.blindblindly7As is known to us, a harmonious dormitory is important to

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