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2019版二轮复习英语练酷版练习:专题四 习题讲评 课四 word版含解析

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    • 1、 无提示词类必考点介词和连词技法一 根据固定搭配选择介词1.(2018全国卷)Im a scientist who studies animals such as apes and monkeys. I was searching these three western lowland gorillas Id been observing.解析:for此处意为“我当时正在搜寻西部低地的这三只大猩猩”。search for 意为“搜寻,寻找”。 2(2017全国卷)It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible crowds on the roads above as they travelled to and work.解析:fromtravel to and from work为固定搭配,意为“上下班”。3(2016全国卷)But my connection with pandas goes back my days on a TV show in the mid1980s.解析:

      2、to此处表示“我”和大熊猫的联系可追溯到20世纪80年代中期。go back to意为“追溯到,回溯到”。4(2016全国卷)Most of us are more focused our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day.解析:on句意:我们大多数人在上午比在一天的晚些时候更能集中精力工作。be focused on意为“集中于”,为固定搭配。5(2018福州四校联考)Thanks classical music concerts, Ill never fail to carry on with the act.解析:tothanks to .“多亏”为固定搭配,故填to。6(2018太原阶段测评)A survey of over 74,000 people found 35 percent reported sleeping less than seven hours daily average.解析:onon average为固定搭配,意为“平均来看,按平均值”。7Do you want to keep up th

      3、e latest research and discoveries in science?解析:with句意:你想跟上科技的最新研究和发现吗?keep up with为固定搭配,意为“跟上,不落在后面”。8Antibiotic resistance is growing and we are fast running out treatment options.解析:of固定搭配run out of意为“用完”,故填介词of。9(2018成都第二次诊断)Bear mind that some broths like the tomato, mushroom or northern style will not be on offer at every restaurant.解析:inbear (sth.) in mind意为“记住(某事)”,为固定搭配,故用介词in。10(2018沈阳质量检测)Besides, the four innovative ways of life are most appealing youths from 20 countries participati

      4、ng in the Belt and Road Initiative.解析:toappeal to表示“对有吸引力”。技法二 掌握介词的基本意义1.(2018浙江高考)If you are not going to suffer this problem, then I suggest that the next time you go to your mums home dinner, get a few cooking tips from her.解析:forgo to some place for dinner“去某个地方吃饭”。介词for在此表示目的。2(2017全国卷)This trend, which was started by the medical community (医学界) a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side effects such as overweight and heart disease the very thing the medical community

      5、 was trying to fight.解析:as此处表示“医学界将其作为一种对抗心脏病的方法”,故填as,意思是“作为”。3(2016全国卷)Chopsticks are not used everywhere in Asia. In India, for example, most people traditionally eat their hands.解析:withwith“用(工具)”,符合句意。4(2015全国卷)Instead, Id headed straight for Yangshuo. For those who fly to Guilin, its only an hour away car and offers all the scenery of the betterknown city.解析:by乘坐交通工具常用by加可数名词的单数形式,by car“开车”。5I was so excited to visit the Palace Museum my family last summer vacation.解析:with根据语境可知,去年暑假和家人一块

      6、儿参观故宫博物院使作者感觉很兴奋。表示“和一起”应用介词with。6(2018武汉市武昌区调研)A boy found a cocoon (茧) of a butterfly and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body that little hole.解析:through根据语境可知,蝴蝶挣扎着迫使它的身体穿过那个小洞,表示“穿过”要用介词through。7For example, people from northern China are in the habit of eating dumplings the day of winter solstice (冬至)解析:on表示在冬至这一具体的一天,用介词on。8(2018陕西检测)There are no such insects about in Britain during the winter, as it is too cold them.解析:for因为对它们来说,英国的冬天太冷了。此处用介词for表示“对

      7、来说”。9(2018广西桂林百色模拟)This painting is important several reasons.First, up till that time, almost all Chinese paintings were landscapes, containing no or only a few images of people.解析:for此处表示这幅画重要的原因。for表示“由于,因为”。10(2018广州调研)Antonie collected a drop of puddle water and put it his microscope.解析:under句意:安东尼收集了一滴水坑的水,并把它放在他的显微镜下。根据常识可知,要把物体放到显微镜下面观察,故应用介词under“在下面”。技法三 分清句子成分,巧辨定语从句中抽象或具体(人与物)(一)寻找先行词,辨别人与物先行词指人时常用who, whom, that;指物时常用that, which。1(2018全国卷)Two of the authors of the review also made a

      8、 study published in 2014 showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes.解析:that/which分析句子结构可知,此处引导定语从句,先行词是a study,且定语从句中缺少主语,故填关系代词that/which。2(2018全国卷)The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005 when the government started a soiltesting program gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers and 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons. 解析:that/which分析句子结构可知,空格处引导定语从句,a soiltesting program是先行词,表示

      9、物,且定语从句中缺少主语,故填that/which。3(2018浙江高考)Many westerners come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap it can be to eat out.解析:who/that根据语境并分析句子结构可知,空格处引导定语从句并在定语从句中作主语,先行词是Many westerners,故填who或that。4(2017全国卷)But Sarah, has taken part in shows along with top models, wants to prove that she has brains as well as beauty.解析:who空格处引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作主语,指人,故用who。5(2017北京高考改编)The little problems we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions.解析:that句意:我们在日常生活中遇到的小问题有可能是伟大发明的灵

      《2019版二轮复习英语练酷版练习:专题四 习题讲评 课四 word版含解析》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019版二轮复习英语练酷版练习:专题四 习题讲评 课四 word版含解析》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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