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2019版二轮复习英语练酷版练习:组合练四 word版含解析

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    • 1、组合练四(限时35分钟).完形填空(2018福建省毕业班质量检查)Growing up, I always hid my thumbs (拇指) in my fists because of their unusual shape. 1 they do look more like big toes (脚趾) 2 thumbs. And from an early age, my thumbs 3 another name “toe thumbs”In high school, I served as a cashier in a grocery store.One day, I was 4 the bill of a sweet little old lady and as I 5 her change back to her, she suddenly took my hands and said in a thick Polish 6 , “You are Polish! Look at those 7 Polish thumbs! They match mine!” She r

      2、aised her hands and 8 her thumbs to me that 9 weathered and wrinkled, looked exactly like mine! She 10 my hands again and said, “Be 11 of those thumbs!”Ill never forget that 30second 12 with a stranger that forever 13 my view of a part of me I once was 14 at and now accept.As I was eating dinner with my son, Samuel, that night, he looked down at my hand 15 on the table next to his and said, “Mommy! Our thumbs 16 !” I smiled and answered, “Yes, they do, buddy! Those are strong Polish 17 you have!

      3、 Take pride in them! Maybe someday youll have a little boy or girl who will have the same thumbs!” I 18 my son never hides his thumbs like I did. I hope hell be proud of their “unusualness” and the 19 behind them.He inherits (遗传) a(n) 20 part from me and that for me will always be beautiful!语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一位好心的顾客促使我勇于面对自己异常的大拇指,建立自己“独特”的自尊、自爱和自豪感的故事。1A.FortunatelyBAdmittedlyCNormally DBasically解析:选B不可否认,它们的确看起来更像大脚趾,而不是大拇指。fortunately“幸运地”;admittedly“诚然,不可否认地”;normally“正常地”;basically“基本地,本质上

      4、”。2A.other than Bdue toCinstead of Dalong with解析:选C参见上题解析。instead of“代替,而不是”符合语境。other than“除了以外”;due to“由于,因为”;along with“与一起,与同样地”。3A.earned BclonedCfound Ddeserved解析:选A根据前一句中的“they do look more like big toes(脚趾)”可知,我的大拇指赢得了另外一个名字“toe thumbs”。earn“赚得,挣得,赢得”;clone“克隆”;deserve“应得,应受到”。4A.checking out Bhunting forCtalking with Dwatching over解析:选A一天,我正在核实一位和蔼可亲的、身材娇小的老太太的账单。check out“检查,核实”;watch over“照管,监督”。5A.paid BchargedCdonated Dcounted解析:选D正当我数好零钱给她的时候,她突然抓住我的手。charge“收费,要价”;donate“捐赠,捐献”;co

      5、unt“点数目”。6A.tune BvoiceClanguage Daccent解析:选D她用浓重的波兰口音说:“你是波兰人。” accent“口音”符合语境。tune“曲调,调子”;voice“声音,嗓音”;language“语言”。7A.beautiful BstrangeClong Dclumsy解析:选A根据下文可知,老太太是在赞美这些独特的大拇指,且文章最后一句中的beautiful也是提示,故此处选beautiful。clumsy“笨拙的,不灵活的”。8A.passed BshowedCrecommended Doffered解析:选B她举起她的手,把她的大拇指给我看。show“给看”;recommend“建议,推荐”。9A.till BunlessCalthough Donce解析:选C尽管她的大拇指历经岁月风霜,皱纹斑斑,但是它们看起来和我的完全一样。根据语境,此处应用although引导的让步状语从句,在although与weathered之间省略了“her thumbs were”。10A.raised BinspectedCexamined Dheld解析:选D根

      6、据上文中的“she suddenly took my hands”和空处后面的“my hands again”可知,她又一次抓住我的手,故选held。raise“举起,抬起”;inspect“视察,检查”;examine“检查”。11A.proud BskepticalCafraid Dsure解析:选A根据下文中的“Take pride in them!”和“be proud of”可知,此处应选proud, be proud of“对感到骄傲/自豪”。skeptical“怀疑的”。12A.appointment BbargainCconversation Ddeal解析:选C根据上文可知,我与这位陌生人进行了30秒的交谈。conversation“交谈”符合语境。appointment“约会”;bargain“讨价还价”;deal“交易”。13A.supported BchangedCproved Dhurt解析:选B这次交谈永远改变(changed)了我对自己的身体的一部分(大拇指)的看法,我曾经为这一部分(大拇指)感到尴尬,现在我接受了。support“支持”;prove“证明

      7、”;hurt“伤害”。14A.amazed BterrifiedCdelighted Dembarrassed解析:选D参见上题解析。be embarrassed at“对感到尴尬”。amazed“惊讶的”;terrified“非常害怕的”;delighted“高兴的”。15A.scratching BrestingCknocking Ddrawing解析:选B那天晚上当我和我的儿子塞缪尔一起吃饭的时候,他低头看我的手,我的手靠在桌子上,紧挨着他的手。他说:“妈咪,我们的大拇指一样。” rest“支撑,倚靠”。16A.differ BfitCfight Dmatch解析:选D参见上题解析。且根据第二段中的“They match mine!”可知,此处应选match“相配,相一致”。differ“不同,相异”;fit“适合”;fight“打斗,争吵”。17A.fists BthumbsCtoes Dhands解析:选B根据上下文的内容可知,此处应选thumbs。18A.guarantee BfigureCpray Dinsist解析:选C根据语境,此处表示我祈祷(pray)我的儿子不要像

      8、我一样藏起他的大拇指。guarantee“保证”;figure“认为,以为”;insist“坚决认为”。19A.scene BlessonChistory Dmoment解析:选C我希望他将会为他的大拇指的“独特之处”和其背后的历史(history)感到骄傲。20A.unique BelegantCauthentic Dsensitive解析:选A根据第一段第一句中的“unusual shape”和空前一句中的“unusualness”可知,他遗传了我身体中独特的部分,故选unique“独特的”。elegant“优雅的”;authentic“真实的”;sensitive“敏感的”。.语法填空(2018广州综合检测)More than 700 years ago, a 17yearold Italian youth followed his father and uncle on a journey to the East, dreaming about the mysteries of China.The three set 1 on a path that might have fr

      9、ightened even the most ambitious travellers.The young adventurer was Marco Polo.Having a talent for languages, Marco Polo learned to speak Mongolian language and Chinese.Later under the orders of Kublai Khan, he 2 (travel) far and wide across China.Along the way, he stopped 3 (record) detailed notes about the local customs, geography and values of the people, so as to report back to the Khan.Marco Polo returned to Venice 24 years later.With 4 (count) treasures brought back from the East, he became 5 wealthy man overnight. 6 he witnessed in China aroused much interest amon

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