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2019版二轮复习英语练酷版练习:专题二 习题讲评 课四 word版含解析

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    • 1、 段中位置题的思考点(二)因果、转折、例证关系 四、根据因果关系解题 典例(2017北京高考片段).One idea is that sleep helps us strengthen new memories. 72 We know that, while awake, fresh memories are recorded by reinforcing (加强) connections between brain cells, but the memory processes that take place while we sleep have been unclear.AWe should also try to sleep well the night before.EThats why students do better in tests if they get a chance to sleep after learning.解析选E此题从行文逻辑上判断属因果关系。空前一句的意思是,有一种观点认为,睡眠有助于增强新的记忆,选项E(那就是为什么学生如果能在学习之后有机会睡

      2、觉的话,他们就会在考试中发挥更好)是上文产生的结果。该项中的That指代的就是前面的观点,因此正确答案为E。增分技巧表示因果关系的词有:so/therefore, thus, consequently(结果), as a result (of), so/such .that ., so that .等。五、 根据转折关系解题 典例(2018全国卷片段).Over the years, there have been a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point. 37 , they can get a little complex. But good news is that therere really only three kinds of decisions you need to make about color in your home: the small ones, the medium ones, and the large ones.AWhile all

      3、 of them are usefulCIf youre experimenting with a color解析选A此题属转折关系,前句讲的是“有几种技巧帮助设计者”,空后句意为“它们会有一点复杂”,显然前后句意有“转折”,故A项符合语境。增分技巧表示转折或对比关系的词有:but, however, yet, while/though, or/otherwise, on the contrary, instead, nevertheless(然而), still, yet, on the contrary, in contrast/comparison 等。六、 根据例证关系解题 典例(2016全国卷片段).There are three main types of cryptography. 37 For example, the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels” spell out the hidden message “Meet me.”.BIn any language, some letters are us

      4、ed more than others.EYou can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.解析选E本题采用的思维方式是演绎(从观点到例子),空格后的句子是例子,即“For example, the first letters of My elephant eats too many eels spell out the hidden message Meet me.”。故选E项。增分技巧例证关系表示前后的某句是为了证明另一句而举的例子。例证的形式具有多样性,思维过程基本是归纳(从例子到观点)和推理(从观点到例子)。常见的表示例证关系的标志词有:for example, for instance, in fact/as a matter of fact, actually, in other words/that is to say等。小结上下文逻辑关系语句是对段落中的细节信息的考查,属于句子与句子间的逻辑顺序的排列。做此类试题要注意文章的语句间的组合,一是要判断语句间的逻辑意义关系

      5、:并列、顺承、递进、因果、转折、例证等关系。二是借助句子之间的连接性词语来把握,因为连接性词语能表明这个语段句与句之间、层与层之间的基本关系。铺阴影的题目为段中逻辑关系题ACan we be really happy and content with our life? Actually, we rarely come across a person who can claim to be perfectly content with what he has. We all wish to have more than what we already have. Soon we would want something more or something different.Why are humans never satisfied? One of the reasons is comparing with others. When comparing ourselves with others, we tend to rarely focus on our own unique t

      6、alents and abilities, or what we already have. 2 Curiosity can also make us not satisfied with our life because it makes us pay more attention to things we dont know about or dont have. 3 Thus, we never feel completely content. 4 We enjoy anything thats unexplored. A good change in our life does keep up happy for some time, but soon the unavoidable boredom jumps in, and once again we wish for some more changes in life, which keeps us dissatisfied with our life.Though humans can never really be c

      7、ompletely content, we can be much more satisfied with ourselves if we try to determine how much is enough to keep ourselves happy, and limit ourselves to the pursuit (追求) of only that much. 5 As a result, we can finally make ourselves more content. In addition, its better to live in the present moment and do things we really want to do.AHuman curiosity is a doubleedged sword.BWe never feel content also because we want to change.CWe do so many things just to improve others opinions about us.DWe a

      8、lways want to find out more about what we arent familiar with.EBut even if all our wishes came true, the satisfaction wouldnt last a very long time.FSo we tend to become unhappy, thinking about what others have but we do not have.GSetting up achievable goals can keep us away from disappointments and regrets.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章分析了人们不满足的原因,并提出了一些如何让我们保持快乐、满足的建议。1选E上一句说“我们都想拥有更多”,本空紧接着说“即使是所有的愿望都实现了,满足感也不会持续很长时间”,前后句之间是句意上的转折关系。2选F“当我们与别人作比较时,就很少注意自己独特的才能”,这样的结果就是“我们变得沮丧,开始想别人拥有我们却没有的东西”。3选D本空进一步阐述“好奇

      9、心会让我们对自己的生活不满意”。4选B从下一句的内容“我们都喜欢未探索过的事情”以及“A good change .”可知,我们不满足还因为我们想要改变。5选G本空是对前面一句的总结:设立一个可以达到的目标,我们就不会有那么多的失望和懊悔。BBeing mindful is the practice of actively paying attention and making the effort to be purposely aware of your surroundings and the people with whom you communicate. Becoming more mindful needs a lot of practice and it isnt something that happens overnight. 6 Slow down. Deadlines are everywhere, and many of us feel like we need to hurry through each thing in order to experience the next. The truth is that moving too fast leaves us open to mistakes, both personally and professionally. 7 Slow down and pay attention to what you are doing. You are likely to be more successful and also find more enjoyment.Be aware. Con

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