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内蒙古2018-2019学年高二下学期第一次月考英语---精校精品 Word版含答案

  • 卖家[上传人]:刚**
  • 文档编号:87870183
  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
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    • 1、集宁一中高二年级第一学期英语试题试卷分I卷(选择题)和卷(非选择题)俩部分,满分120分。第I 卷第一节阅读理解(每小题2分,满分30分)ADuring my first day at senior high school,I met my new teacher.She looked at me and said,“I am happy to have an international student in my class.” I was very excited.One day,I came to the class about three minutes late,and she told me to write my name on a piece of paper and,beside it,the word “late”.In that way she could know I was late for the first time.At first,I was embarrassed and angry.Then I did not complain because s

      2、he taught me an important lesson:time is very valuable(珍贵的).I learned another important lesson during one of my classesthe day of the first exam.After I finished my exam,I did not review my answers because it was the end of the exam time.One week later,she returned my exam paper.I found that one of my answers was wrong.Even though the only choices were A,B and C,I chose D instead of C.I tried to explain my mistake to her,“I marked D though I knew C was the right answer.” However,she refused my r

      3、equest and told me,“I do believe you,but I am not going to forgive your mistake.This will encourage you to be more careful before you turn your papers in.” I was not expecting that from her,but she was completely right.1The teacher told the writer to write his name to .A.force him to work hardB.test his writing styleC.make him angryD.tell him the importance of time2Why did the writer choose D instead of C?A.Because D was the right answer.B.Because the exam time was short.C.Because he was careles

      4、s.D.Because he didnt know the right answer.3Whats the writers purpose in writing this passage?A.To praise his teacher very highly.B.To show how strict his teacher was.C.To tell us to be careful in exams.D.To tell his experience of studying abroadBIt seems like just yesterday that you had to persuade your daughter to bathe.But then she turned 11 and started spending hours in the bathroom and glancing at her image(映像) in every mirror she passes.She is concerned about her looks.What happened?And is

      5、 it healthy?As they approach the teen years,its common and natural for kids to become more interested in appearancestheir own and others.Their bodies are going through some big changes as they grow and go through puberty(青春期).As teens change physically,they become more aware of how they look.Growth and puberty affect more than a teens appearancebody image is affected,too.Having a healthy body image means that most of the feelings,ideas,and opinions about the body and appearance are positive.It m

      6、eans accepting and appreciating their bodies and feeling mostly satisfied with their appearances.Developing a healthy body image happens over time.It can be influenced by experiences and shaped by the opinions of others and by cultural messages.Preteens and teens often compare their looks with others or with media images of the “right” way to look.And ideal images are so unrealisticits all too common to be dissatisfied with some aspects of appearance.Being criticized(批评) or laughed at about appe

      7、arances can be particularly hurtful at this age.As teens try on different looks,parents can help by being accepting and supportive,providing positive messages,and encouraging other qualities that keep looks properly.Keep in mind that its important for preteens or teens to eat nutritious food,limit junk food,and get plenty of physical activities,but its not advisable for them to diet.Being overly concerned about weight,limiting food,or exercising too much can be signs of an eating disorder.Talk t

      8、o your doctor if you notice any of these signs in your kids.Still,parents can be frustrated(沮丧的) when looks seem to matter so much to kids.Its important to encourage teens to take pride in their appearance but also to focus on the deeper qualities that matter more.4Whats the purpose of the questions in the first paragraph?A.To lead in the topic.B.To offer some tips.C.To show different opinions.D.To introduce the importance of health.5When the kids are around ten,.A.they have to be persuaded to b

      9、atheB.they will pay attention to their looksC.they will be shy of the physical changesD.they would like to stay with their parents6What can we learn from Paragraphs 3 and 4?A.The opinions of others will hardly affect the form of a healthy body image.B.Having a healthy body image means the kids look is accepted by others.C.Usually most kids are satisfied with their appearances.D.Kids are easy to be hurt when their looks are laughed at.7According to Paragraph 5,kids should .A.avoid being worried about their weight too muchB.have a strict physical activity arrangementC.try keeping the shape by limiting foodD.often visit the doctor to see if they are fitCWe offer five kinds of courses.Each course has been designed to help students according to their needs.Course1:GeneralEnglishGeneral English is designed to develop students basic(基础的) co

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