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    • 1、山东省淄博一中高一年级(下)月考英语试卷一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)AThe London Underground is one of the best transport networks in the world with around 24million journeys made each day,so its important that everything runs smoothlyRemember the following to travel like a Londoner Keep right on escalator (自动梯) London Underground asks that you stand on the right when using the escalators and leave the left free for others to walk downIf youre traveling in a big group,or with lots of shopping bags,stand and stay right an

      2、d let others pass you-it will speed up the process and be a more pleasant journey for everyone! Remember therush hour The tube network is very busy during the rush hourYou can expect the trains and stations to be overcrowded between 7:30 and 9:30 in the morning and between 17:00 and 19:00 in the evening Move down the platform to find more space As you enter the station platform,you will often find more room if you walk down to the end of the platformHere,the train carriages are usually the empti

      3、est as well Carry a bottle of water in the warmer months The London Underground is over 150 years old and although the trains have been modernized,many still lack air conditioning and cooling unitsMake sure you take a bottle of water with you,especially in summer,as the long tube journeys can get very hot Keep your personal belongings safe Like any large city be cautious of pickpockets operating in the busy stations and tubesCarry a bag with zips and keep your personal belongings and valuable it

      4、ems in it to avoid becoming the victims of theft Plan your journey on the London Underground in advance with a free tube mapClick here to download1. The text is mainly about _ A. the management of the London UndergroundB. the development of the London UndergroundC. advantages of using the London UndergroundD. suggestions on using the London Underground2. What should we do when taking the London Underground? _ A. Avoid taking water along with the rideB. Stand on the right when using the escalator

      5、sC. Avoid taking a large number of shopping bagsD. Walk to the middle of the platform to find more space3. In order not to be stolen,youre advised to _ A. avoid traveling in a big groupB. avoid traveling during the rush hourC. keep your valuables in a zipped bagD. stay away from busy stations and tubesBWhen I came home to London at the end of my first term at university in December 1968, I was flat broke, and more broke because it was Christmas, so I went to an employment agency for a job Would

      6、you like to work for the Beatles? they asked Dont you have anything better? I asked Fifteen minutes later I got the jobWen I asked why they accepted me when millions would have done the job for free, the answer was Thats just the problem Yes I owed the job to the fact that I was not a crazy fan But of course I was a fan It was difficult not to be I worked over the winter holiday in 1968 and also during Easter 1969 I had to take a taxi in the days to deliver papers sealed in envelopes to the Beat

      7、les house I took the envelopes to the address, handed them over to whoever answered the door and lift Who would entrust(委托)such papers to an unknown student today - the envelopes would be opened and the contents of the papers copied and sold to the Press, I t never occurred to me to do that Much has been lost in 40 years! I am always asked how many autographs(签名) I collected, and the answer is none How uncool would it have been to ask for an autograph? Far better just to hear the Beatles s greet

      8、s-Hi, boy Hows it going? More than 40 years later, this remains the best job I have ever had It met my immediate material need and provides a memory that can be my life treasure For a child of the 60s, this was its peak If some details of the memory are not so fresh, its because they werent important then At 19, you take man you things that happen for granted At 61, they become gold dust If I had known that then, I would have kept a diary4. The author _ when he came home according to the first p

      9、aragraphA. got sickB. was pennilessC. broke his armsD. had to leave school5. From the 5th paragraph, we can learn that the author _ the BeatlesA. dislikedB. respectedC. doubtedD. envied6. The reason why the author didnt collect the autographs of the Beatles was that _ A. he had no chance to do thatB. he had no enough moneyC. he was not allowed to collectD. he preferred to talk with the Beatles7. How does the author find his job as a mail-boy when he was 19? _ A. It was an experience worth treasuringB. It was foolish of him not to make more moneyC. He reached the peak of his life in the universityD. It helped him develop a habit of keeping a diaryCThat Rashema Melson graduated at the top of her class surprised few people at her high school in Washington, DC But that


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