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    • 1、北理工大学英语(3)在线作业-0004试卷总分:100 得分:0一、 单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1.What a _ smell! Open the window and air the room.A.disgustingB.pleasingC.powerfulD.disturbing正确答案:A2.Mary could not tell Jane the secret with her little brother standing _.A.byB.upC.inD.to正确答案:A3.We tried all sorts of medicine but they were all _.A.useB.usefulC.usedD.useless正确答案:D4.Dont bother running _ the bus. You will never catch it.A.afterB.aboutC.acrossD.over正确答案:A5.Few of the students understand why language is _ to human beings.A.

      2、awareB.uniqueC.absoluteD.continual正确答案:B6.Students have access _ the library during the vacation.A.inB.byC.toD.at正确答案:C7.The teacher praised the girl in class _ her hard work.A.forB.byC.toD.with正确答案:A8.When spring comes in that part of the world, the trees just burst _ life.A.inB.intoC.toD.toward正确答案:B9.Only by combining our efforts _ those of other people can we triumph over the difficulties we are now facing.A.intoB.ontoC.withinD.with正确答案:D10.After a long period of regular exercise, I now _ mu

      3、ch less than I used to.A.weighB.likeC.growD.increase正确答案:A11.He spent two weeks working out a plan. Unfortunately, it did not quite _ in practice.A.come outB.come offC.come aboutD.come to正确答案:B12.Walking on the _ , the young couple talked about those unforgettable days when they were studying at college.A.sidewaysB.sidewalkC.sidwayD.sidewalks正确答案:B13.Thousands of workers lost their _ when the factory closed.A.workB.employmentC.occupationD.jobs正确答案:D14.No matter what you say, Im coming _.A.anyway

      4、B.any wayC.in a wayD.in the way正确答案:A15.Measures had to be taken in face of the housing problem that _ in the city.A.roseB.raisedC.aroseD.produced正确答案:C16.I dozed _ in the middle of the meeting and missed his speech.A.offB.downC.aboutD.over正确答案:A17.Between them serious disagreements immediately _.A.riseB.ariseC.raiseD.arouse正确答案:B18.I longed to have the opportunity of participating _ the activities.A.forB.inC.onD.of正确答案:B19.Our neighbor said that if we made more noise he would _ us to the police

      5、.A.inform ofB.complain aboutC.report toD.care for正确答案:B20.Ill trade you five comic books _ your knife.A.toB.withC.inD.for正确答案:D21.That Sandy wears _ makeup annoys her mother.A.very muchB.veryC.that muchD.so正确答案:C22.This project money is intended _ the Hope Project only. Nobody is allowed to make use of it for other purposes.A.forB.toC.towardD.with正确答案:A23.The children are still _, waiting for their mother to come back.A.wakeB.awakeC.awakenD.waken正确答案:B24.A Greek trading ship is making _ the Pana

      6、ma Canal.A.upB.forC.outD.of正确答案:B25.Because the sports building was full, hundreds of people had to _ from it.A.turned awayB.turned upC.turned inD.turned out正确答案:A26.The doctor ordered the patient to _ all solid food for at least twenty-four hours.A.keep offB.keep downC.keep onD.keep from正确答案:A27.Youll have to be patient _ my mother, because shes going deaf.A.withB.byC.toD.of正确答案:A28.Twenty years ago it was common to see people _ from hunger on the streets in that poor nation, but clearly the si

      7、tuation has improved greatly since then.A.callingB.preventingC.resultingD.collapsing正确答案:D29.On my way home this evening, I happen to notice that an old man was nearly ran _ by a speeding car.A.afterB.aboutC.acrossD.over正确答案:D30.The boss refused to give any _ on the fact that his workers were out of jobs.A.responseB.answerC.commentD.reply正确答案:C31.The employments were quite unsatisfied with the _ explanation given by the managers and decided to go in strike.A.reasonB.reasonableC.reasoningD.unreas

      8、onable正确答案:D32.The method he used turned out to be _ in improving the students English.A.effectiveB.ableC.capableD.explicit正确答案:A33.I got a little _ when I learned that the appointment with the general manager was changed to another time.A.concernedB.distractedC.upsetD.awful正确答案:C34.Do it right _ , or it will be late.A.alongB.wayC.awayD.down正确答案:C35.She is used to having an Oxford English dictionary _ easy reach when she is working.A.inB.withC.withinD.by正确答案:C36.Look through your old clothes and see if you have anything to _.A.give awayB.give inC.give outD.give back正确答案:A37.Some pupils fill their spare time _ computer games. It is really a waste of time.A.withB.byC.toD.into正确答案:A38.We must _ our attention on the question of


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