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  • 文档编号:87864063
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    • 1、北理工大学英语(3)在线作业-0001试卷总分:100 得分:0一、 单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1.The book offers some advice about how to make a good _ on job interviews.A.attitudeB.appearanceC.effectD.impression正确答案:D2.What a _ smell! Open the window and air the room.A.disgustingB.pleasingC.powerfulD.disturbing正确答案:A3.The news has just _ that the Queen is going to have a baby next March.A.come outB.come aboutC.come downD.come through正确答案:A4.Ive just come _ a beautiful poem in this book found in a secondhand bookshop.A.aboutB.across

      2、C.downD.out正确答案:B5.They could hardly _ where the road was in the darkness.A.make upB.make forC.make outD.make of正确答案:C6.The teacher praised the girl in class _ her hard work.A.forB.byC.toD.with正确答案:A7.How could she keep you _ believing that she was changing her mind?A.atB.onC.fromD.off正确答案:C8.The frightened man reached _ the telephone and quickly dialed a number.A.forB.toC.atD.on正确答案:A9.Your recent work hasnt _ your earlier standards.A.come toB.come upC.come up toD.come up with正确答案:C10.People wo

      3、rking in the government should not _ business affairs that might change their political judgment.A.engage inB.hope forC.choose betweenD.pick on正确答案:A11.They had to examine the dead tiger before they had a _ answer as to who killed it.A.positiveB.seniorC.virtualD.vital正确答案:A12.The employments were quite unsatisfied with the _ explanation given by the managers and decided to go in strike.A.reasonB.reasonableC.reasoningD.unreasonable正确答案:D13.We tried all sorts of medicine but they were all _.A.useB

      4、.usefulC.usedD.useless正确答案:D14.His work has _ his health. The doctor suggests that he travel to the beach to have a holiday.A.affectedB.effectedC.causedD.brought正确答案:A15.She had to _ several times a night when her baby was ill.A.call outB.get aheadC.wake upD.come to正确答案:C16.On my way home this evening, I happen to notice that an old man was nearly ran _ by a speeding car.A.afterB.aboutC.acrossD.over正确答案:D17.Some pupils fill their spare time _ computer games. It is really a waste of time.A.withB.

      5、byC.toD.into正确答案:A18.She is used to having an Oxford English dictionary _ easy reach when she is working.A.inB.withC.withinD.by正确答案:C19.It rains one minute and shines the next. What _ weather!A.fineB.awfulC.radicalD.tuneless正确答案:C20.The children are still _, waiting for their mother to come back.A.wakeB.awakeC.awakenD.waken正确答案:B21.The police searched the city in an effort to catch the man who _ murder last week.A.limitedB.madeC.didD.committed正确答案:D22.After Billy proved that he could ride a bicy

      6、cle safely, his father _ to him and bought him one.A.give offB.give inC.give outD.give back正确答案:B23.The historical and cultural background to the play has been very carefully and thoroughly _.A.searchedB.researchedC.sourcedD.reserved正确答案:B24.The school has _ some top students.A.turned awayB.turned upC.turned inD.turned out正确答案:D25.The boss refused to give any _ on the fact that his workers were out of jobs.A.responseB.answerC.commentD.reply正确答案:C26.Mother dropped the glass _ she was standing up

      7、from her seat.A.andB.butC.soD.as正确答案:D27.The large wings of that bird _ it to fly very high and fast.A.makeB.enableC.forceD.realize正确答案:B28.He is always running _ money before receiving his monthly pay.A.outB.out ofC.inD.away with正确答案:B29.Our neighbor said that if we made more noise he would _ us to the police.A.inform ofB.complain aboutC.report toD.care for正确答案:B30.Walking on the _ , the young couple talked about those unforgettable days when they were studying at college.A.sidewaysB.sidewalkC.

      8、sidwayD.sidewalks正确答案:B31.We are not immune _ the influences around us. What matters is that we have and use our own will.A.forB.toC.towardD.with正确答案:B32.The old man hasnt heard _ his son for a long time. This makes him really worried.A.byB.forC.inD.from正确答案:D33.The doctor suggested that the patient take some _ exercise, such as walking. It is not good to stay in bed all the time.A.slightB.littleC.lightD.tiny正确答案:C34.By the side of the new teaching hall _ , built in the 1930s.A.there stands a libraryB.stands a libraryC.a library standsD.does a library stand正确答案:B35.He was a good worker who was _ to his family as well as to his work.A.consistentB.committedC.contentD.engaged正确答案:B36.The noise disturbed the entire _.A.neighborB.neighboringC.neighborhoodD


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