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2018-2019人教新目标高中英语选修六课件:unit 2 warming up & reading

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    • 1、Unit 2 Poems Warming Up & Reading,. 根据给出的构词规则完成下面空格 1. -y常用于名词之后构成形容词 salt_咸的; 含盐的 wind_有风的 dust_布满灰尘的 rain_下雨的; 多雨的,salty,windy,dusty,rainy,2. -less常用于名词之后构成形容词 end_无穷的 home_ 无家可归的 price_ 无价的 hope_ 无望的 care_ 粗心的,endless,homeless,priceless,hopeless,careless,3. prep. + n. 构成介词短语, 在句中作状语 _ 尤其, 特别 _ 和平地 _ 沉默地,in particular,in peace,in silence,. 根据语境写出黑体部分的词性及词义 1. In order to explain the abstract theory, he gave us a concrete example. ( ) 2. The water tastes salty. Can we get some salt from it? ( )

      2、,adj. 具体的,adj. 咸的,3. Minimum is the opposite word of maximum. ( ) 4. Adam has a house in London and a cottage near the sea. ( ) 5. The word “house” can be considered as a rhyme for “mouse”? ( ),n. 最小数,n. 小木屋,n. 押韵的词,6. The translation of the sentence is rather dull and hard to understand. ( ) 7. The pattern of a family has been changing over recent years. ( ),n. 翻译,n. 模式,8. He kept on working hard and eventually he achieved his dream. ( ) 9. What he said was contradictory to what he did. ( ),adv

      3、. 终于,adj. 引起矛盾的,. 根据语境及首字母提示写出下列单词 1. Among the b_ of the tree, there are many birds singing happily. 2. He likes t_ his friends about they have done to make them unhappy. 3. The prince was t_ into a frog in the fairy tale.,ranches,easing,ransformed,4. At that time, I found it hard to c_ my feelings in words. 5. The government needs a more f_ approach to education to help improve the present situation. 6. To his s_, he failed again in spite of his hard work.,onvey,lexible,orrow,. 根据语境选用方框中适当的短语填

      4、空 make sense, take it easy, on fire, be popular with, be made up of, in particular, of ones own, run out of 1. Weve _sugar, so I must buy some more. 2. The team _five people, including two women.,run out of,is made up of,3. Lightning set several buildings _. 4. Its nice to sit down and _after a days hard work. 5. Is there anything _youd like for dinner? 6. This kind of watch _ladies.,on fire,take it easy,in particular,is popular with,7. He wanted to open a shop _. 8. The sentence doesnt _, no ma

      5、tter how you read it.,of his own,make sense,First Skimming for the main information 1. What is the main idea of the reading passage? A. Its about some kinds of English poems. B. Its about the history of poetry. C. Its about some famous poets. D. Its about how to enjoy a poem.,2. How many kinds of poems does the text mention? What are they? _ _,Five. Theyre nursery rhymes, the cinquain, Haiku,list poems and Tang poems.,Second Scanning for detailed information 1. Which of the following can we find

      6、 in poem A? A. Anger. B. Sorrow. C. Joy. D. Depression.,2. Poem A is about _. A. a father who is going to buy his baby a billy-goat B. a father who is going to buy his baby a mockingbird C. a father who shows his love for his baby D. a father who is going to buy his baby a diamond ring,3. Which of the following is NOT true about nursery rhymes? A. Their language is full of imagination. B. They are easy to learn and recite. C. They have strong rhythm. D. They are meaningful.,4. According to the t

      7、ext, the cinquain _. A. is made up of 17 syllables B. is the simplest poetry form C. has many repeated phrases in lines D. can express a strong picture in a few words,5. What can we learn about Haiku from the text? A. It is a form of English poetry. B. It is made up of five lines. C. It can give a clear picture. D. It is popular with Japanese writers.,Third Intensive reading to finish the passage,imaginative,rhythm,recite,flexible,five,Conveys,17,picture,Creates,translated,【阅读素养提升】 What are the

      8、similarities between the cinquain and haiku? _ _,They are easy to write. Both of them show clear,pictures to readers and convey a special feeling.,【精读难句透析】 1. The language is concrete but imaginative, and they delight small children because they rhyme, have strong rhythm and a lot of repetition. 分析: 本句为连词_连接的并列复合句。第二个分句 中含有一个_引导的原因状语从句。,and,because,译文: 童谣的语言具体但富有想象力, 这使得小孩子们快乐, 因为它们押韵, 节奏感强, 并较多重复。,2. List poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem. 分析: 本句为复合句。其中含有一个_引导的定语 从句。定语从句的先行词为_ _。,which,a flexible line length and,repeated phrases,译文: 清单诗可长可短, 可以重复一些短语, 较为灵活。形成固定句型和节奏。,3. Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain, a poem made up of five lines. 分析: 本句为主从复合句。_引导定语从句, 修饰 Another simple form of poem; 过去分词短语_ _作后置定语, 修饰a poem; a poem作_ _的同位语。,that,made up,of five lines,the,cinquain,译文: 另外一种学生容易写的简体诗是由五行组成的, 叫做五行诗。,4. It is easy to wri

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