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2018-2019人教新目标高中英语选修六课时自测·当堂达标 unit 3 warming up & reading word版含答案

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  • 文档编号:87861987
  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:24KB
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    • 1、温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。课时自测当堂达标. 语段填词1. Conditions were rather tough (困难的)here. Jack quickly struck a match to light his cigarette(香烟). He wanted to get rid of the mental(精神的) burden. 2. The price of buildings was abnormal (反常的). So the government banned (禁止) a family from buying over two flats. The policy had a good effect (影响) on the building market. 3. The boy has accustomed(使习惯于) himself to getting up early. Every day he automatically (自动地) wakes at 6 o

      2、clock in the morning. 4. The young man was ashamed(惭愧的) that he was addicted (上了瘾的)to computer games one month ago. Now he has quit(放弃) it. 5. Since he is desperate(拼命的) for success, he was disappointed(失望的)at his failure. . 改错1. He is accustomed coming back late from school. (coming前加to)2. What I did knew was that I was wrong. (knewknow)3. Which you know, a bad beginning makes a bad ending. (WhichAs)4. If you go abroad to study law, so do I. (dowill)5. He felt like to finishing the work at once

      3、. (去掉like后的to). 完成句子或翻译句子1. 他被取消了出席会议的资格。(ban)He was banned from the meeting. 2. 罗丝一月份就要开学了。(due)Rose is due to start school in January. 3. 我的眼睛慢慢适应了黑暗。(accustom)My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark. 4. 这些计划即将付诸实施。(effect)世纪金榜导学号16032035The plans will soon be put into effect. 5. 我们仍然在设法选定一家旅馆。(decide)Were still trying to decide on a hotel. 6. 我们都想庆祝一番。(feel)We all felt like celebrating. 7. 她对自己在聚会上的行为深感羞愧。(ashamed)She was deeply ashamed of her behaviour at the party. 8. 艾丽斯学习确实很认真。(do)Alic

      4、e does study carefully. . 课文语法填空Its easy for you 1. to start(start) smoking, but once you become 2. addicted(addict) to it, you may find 3. it difficult for you to quit. Firstly, you may become 4. physically (physical) addicted to nicotine, one of the hundreds of harmful chemicals that exist in cigarettes. 5. Secondly(second), you may develop the habit of smoking and finally become mentally addicted to it. You may believe that you will only feel good when you smoke and may find all 6. kinds(kind

      5、) of negative emotions in you when you stop smoking. Smoking may have all kinds of harmful effects on the health of both the smokers themselves and non-smokers around them. It not only 7. affects (affect) your physical fitness, but also does harm 8. to your heart and lungs and causes 9. a variety of diseases. Being a smoker, the offensive smell and appearance of you may drive people around you away. So, its important that one should quit 10. smoking(smoke) and live a healthier life.关闭Word文档返回原板块

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