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2018-2019人教新目标高中英语选修六课后阅读训练 十四 unit 4 period 2 word版含答案

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    • 1、课后阅读训练 十四Unit 4Period 2. 阅读理解AAs we know, the earths climate has changed over time. The present rate of climate change depends, in large part, on human activities. Today, people all over the world are making everyday choices that help the environment. Small actions matter. In other words, climate change is your business. A woman in Nicaragua buys fluorescent(荧光的)light bulbs that are 80 percent more energy-saving than traditional ones. Many governments are now subsidizing energy-saving lights to

      2、encourage people to turn to them. Consumers are discovering that the new-generation bulbs help them save money in the long run. Agriculture accounts for about 14 percent of global greenhouse gas emission(排放), and transporting the food around adds to the environmental cost. There is a team of young vegetable growers in the United Kingdom who want to encourage kids to start planting their own fruit and vegetables. A young lawyer wearing business clothes rides her bicycle to work in a large U. S. c

      3、ity. Shes been biking to work every day for the past two years and says its a lot easier than many people think. A recent study shows that more Americans bike or walk to work today than before. A university student from southeastern China carries a reusable shopping bag to cut back on disposable(一次性的)plastic bags. Some large shopkeepers have removed paper and plastic bags, and consumers are responding. In Canberra, Australia, summers are hot and winters cold. To save electricity, Adam Wilson in

      4、Canberra uses an energy-saving heating system, and he keeps the temperature lower than he did in years past. He still makes it through the summer without air conditioning. 【语篇概述】气候变暖和我们每个人都息息相关。践行环保, 从现在做起, 从自身做起。1. The passage mainly tells us that_. A. climate change is connected with everyoneB. the global warming is getting worseC. saving energy is of great necessityD. human is to destroy the environment【解析】选A。主旨大意题。由文章第一段最后一句话可知, 气候变化与我们每个人息息相关。2. The underlined word“subsidizing”in Paragraph

      5、2 probably means“_”. A. chargingB. producingC. giving allowance toD. taking advantage of【解析】选C。词义猜测题。为鼓励人们使用节能灯, 许多政府对人们使用节能灯给予补助。因此画线词是“给予补助”的意思。3. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. The governments dont expect consumers to use the new-generation bulbs. B. Agriculture should be responsible for part of the global greenhouse gas emission. C. Many people in Nicaragua go to work on foot or by bike. D. University students from China always carry reusable shopping bags. 【解析】

      6、选B。细节理解题。由第三段第一句话“Agriculture accounts for about 14 percent of global greenhouse gas emission, and transporting the food around adds to the environmental cost. ”可知, B项正确; 由第二段最后一句话可知, 顾客们发现使用节能灯从长远看是合算的, 所以A项错误; 由第二段可知, Nicaragua的人们使用节能灯, 没有提到步行或者骑自行车, 所以C项错误; 由倒数第二段第一句话可知, D项错误, 只是提到一位大学生使用环保袋。4. We can learn from the last paragraph that_. A. the climate in Canberra is mild all the year roundB. an energy-saving heating system will come into useC. Adam Wilson has a good habit of saving energyD.

      7、Adam Wilson is skilled in inventing the energy-saving equipment【解析】选C。推理判断题。由最后一段可知, Adam Wilson有节能的好习惯。BSpring RestaurantTelephone: 3324545Address: East RoadOpen: Mon. to Fri. 7: 30 am2: 30 pm and 5: 00 pm9: 00 pmSat. 7: 30 am2: 00 pm and 5: 00 pm9: 30 pmSun. 11: 00 am2: 00 pm and 5: 00 pm9: 30 pmScience MuseumTelephone: 3351352Address: Green RoadOpen: Mon. to Fri. 9: 00 am5: 00 pm(Tuesday free)Sat. 9: 00 am6: 00 pmSunshine Shopping CenterTelephone: 3374398Address: Peace RoadOpen: Mon. Wed. and

      8、 Fri. 9: 30 am5: 30 pmTues. Thurs. and Sat. 9: 30 am9: 00 pmHuatai HotelTelephone: 3368432Address: West RoadCoffee shop: Mon. to Fri. 6: 00 amSat. and Sun. 7: 00 amMon. to Wed. to 10: 00 pmThurs. to Sat. to 11: 00 pmSun. to 9: 00 pm【语篇概述】该文介绍了春天餐厅、科学博物馆、阳光购物中心和华泰酒店的地址、营业时间以及联系电话等信息。5. You do not have to pay money on Tuesday if you go to_. A. Spring RestaurantB. Science MuseumC. Sunshine Shopping CenterD. Huatai Hotel【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第二格中内容可知, 星期二去科学博物馆是免费的。6. What cant you do at 3 oclock on Saturd

      9、ay afternoon? A. Go to Spring Restaurant. B. Have coffee in Huatai Hotel. C. Visit Science Museum. D. Shop in Sunshine Shopping Center. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第一格中内容可知, 在星期六下午三点不能去春天餐厅。7. If you want to drink coffee early on weekdays, you can go to_. A. Peace RoadB. East RoadC. West RoadD. Green Road【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第四格中Huatai Hotel Address: West Road, Coffee shop: Mon. to Fri. 6: 00 am, Sat. and Sun. 7: 00 am, Mon. to Wed. to 10: 00 pm, Thurs. to Sat. to 11: 00 pm, Sun. to 9: 00 pm. 可知想在工作日早早喝咖啡可以去西路。8. Which place is still open after 10: 00 pm on Thursday? A. Spring Restaurant. B. Science Museum. C. Sunshine Shopping Center. D. Huatai Hotel. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第四格中Huatai Hotel Coffee shop: Thurs. to Sat. to 11: 00 pm可知, 华泰酒店在星期四晚上十点后还开门。. 完形填空The

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